Has there ever been a better antagonist in shounen? Scratch that, a better arc than CA?

Has there ever been a better antagonist in shounen? Scratch that, a better arc than CA?

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Soul Society

It was good, but no.

>a better arc than CA
Heavens Arena and Greed Island are better.

Not even close.

Yes, CA is not even close to the best arc.

CA has by far the most engaging conflicts and thematic depth out of all arcs



It means boy in japanese

imagine getting so blown the fuck out by a single statement that your only response is nervous laughter

Heavens Arena 1999, yes.

Hey nen autists I have a question. What category is body transformation? Zazan is a manipulator, Biscuit is a transmuter and that old butler lady is a conjurer, correct? was it ever said which category dealt with transforming the body (without the use of tools like Illumi)

a few of the Chimera Ants are capable of transformation so I think it's more a result of their biology rather than the use of nen
This one is weird because she slowly turned herself into a loli just by wishing for it every day for years and even Bisky doesn't know how it works
The best explanation for her ability is that she just conjures the vehicles around her body

Why is this series so overwanked? And why is there multiple threads beating this dead horse every fucking day? I could understand it if there was actually new chapters coming but there isn't. The 2011 anime was a mistake. Just let this shit go already.

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baby's first shounen + insecure fanbase

I slept twice through it. it only got good when they invaded the palace. Netero saying humans were the real monsters all along was cringe as all fuck. I hated Pitou so much i jacked off twice to her death scene, fuck the creator for actually thinking i would feel sorry for that thing.
Yorknew was the only good arc.

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I guess the most likely explanation is conjuration. Even if it's innate for chimera ants, it has to come from somewhere

shit arc

>Netero saying humans were the real monsters all along was cringe as all fuck
He never said this speedwatcher

All one piece arc better than this

>one piece fan can barely speak in coherent sentences


One decently sized anituber is a hardcore Huntard who won't stop fellating the series. He recently made a video where he proclaimed that the 2011 ending is not extremely anticlimactic and is actually one of the best endings in fiction. You thought the story was about Gon becoming a HUNTER and taking on the challenge to TRACK down his father which is implied to be one of the most difficult GOALS in the setting? Too bad. It was always about Gon going on various journeys that all end anticlimactically and then conveniently running into his father.

I've come to the conclusion that the same type of result can be achieved with different categories of nen.not just body manipulation.
so just by seeing it and with no explanation, you can't be sure what nen type is being used for an ability.

>Cell but as a 14 year old

Huh how??

>Cell but better

Any Naruto or DB(not shitper) arc, most OP arcs, most SK arcs, Soul Society, York New.

probably bait, but if not, delusional

>caring about what anitubers think

Yorknew was the best arc, but those are both better than the fucking ants. It's way too long for its ending pay-off.

>XD We don't actually like HxH but we spend 16 hours a day making and interacting with HxH threads for the lols and to epic troll you guys!!!!!! TROLLED!!!!!! TROLLLED!!!!!
Its basically the thug shaker thing. The joke is its annoying. The sad part is HxH ia pretty good and has its high points, but everyone hates it now because these losers have too much into the "joke".

It's just Doctor Manhattan from Watchmen but now with an added snotty blind kid and five buckets of melodrama. And before you get to enjoy that part, you have to sit through hours of inconsequential side characters going through incredibly predictable motions.

The show literally stopped to lecture me about how humans are so evil because they use the atom bomb that killed 6 gorillion people or something. Same shit with the rest of the ants, at the last fucking second they try to redeem these pieces of shit and it's horrible. As if Pitou didn't 2000% deserve the beating she got, as if Pouf wasn't an insufferable faggot, they were just very loyal you see.
Ants are just following nature and nature is just that way, humans on the other hand have malice and are crueler than nature. It's the most basic and empty philosophy statement you can make. HxH is not intelligent in the slightest yet you idiots eat that shit up.

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Yeah that part missed the mark because the ants clearly stopped being purely instinctual animals, and are now accountable for their actions. Just some old Japanese fuck having sour grapes over Hiroshima, as if those bombings weren't well deserved. Japan was fucking evil.

>sour grapes
You don't know what that means

Maybe I used it wrong, not my first language.

the philosophy you failed to grasp and never will about this arc is not just the obvious ecological one, but that of the dialectic of powers.
Nevermind. You're just another cuckolded westerner

It's been a long time since I read HxH but wasn't CA heavily disliked? Or am I thinking of a different arc


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I lost my respect for One Piece a long time ago. I've never watched HxH but my respect for Hxhfags dwindles every day.

>the philosophy you failed to grasp and never will about this arc is not just the obvious ecological one, but that of the dialectic of powers.
Of course the commie likes the ant arc.

Lmao let's go hunterchads

It's pretty good, you should watch it if you like OP. The chimera ant arc however, is super slow and ends in the writer masturbating into your face for a while. Either skip to the cumshot or stop at the previous arc.

The commies were literally the villains of the arc.

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The messages was that mankind was the villains, not the ants.

Also Hegel is a wizard.

So is Pitou a boy or a girl?

>The messages was that mankind was the villains, not the ants.

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Explain your reasoning instead of posting out of context pages.

>blacks in Africa are starving
>humans are bad, destroy the world!
Bravo Togashi

>spoonfeed me senpai
Meruem, at the height of his enlightenment, after remembering everything, tells a CHIMERA ANT that they should live a HUMAN life.
His entire arc is about him becoming more and more human as time goes on.
>This was moment of love towards one human life. And intrusion here would means the loss of all their justification and humanity.
They don't intrude there, therefore they WERE and REMAINED justified.
The CA arc has a very humanist message. If you thought the message was "le humans are bad", you need to read the arc with more attention.

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I'm sick of humanity bad messages in anime.

It all started in the NGL...

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He's literally the villain, retard.

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>I'm sick of humanity bad messages in anime.
Good thing that's not the message in the CA arc.

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I didn't say there wasn't more to it than "le humans bad", but that was definitely part of it. Meruem becoming more human doesn't change that, it just makes it bittersweet.
In reality, some humans living in poverty while others don't is fair, because cultures are not equal and neither are humans, and the atomic bombs on Japan were entirely justified.

If you think about it, the nuke was really just Meruem experiencing the full breadth of humanity. Through Komugi he learns the good aspects of humans and through Netero he learns of the bad, but in the end the good outweighs the bad and he chooses humanity over the ants.

Nice art

>but in the end the good outweighs the bad and he chooses humanity over the ants

>but that was definitely part of it. Meruem becoming more human doesn't change that, it just makes it bittersweet.
You said the humans were the villains of the arc, pic related in with the word of Togashi himself, literally proves you wrong.