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I'm more pissed about this.

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Blame that car accident or whatever it was that cockblocked him

>I'll give you my virginity if you let me race your friend
>Starts gushing on and on about her crush in front of him
Dodged a bullet. Besides you can just watch extra stage 2 which gives some closure

why didn't he just call her? He had her number and good excuse (car accident)

His car...didnt have a phone.

He only got into that traffic jam because he had no intention of going until the last minute. If it had been me I WOULD BE 3 HOURS EARLY.

i mean when he got home

Mogi has nothing on Kazumi's ugly ass.


Itsuki dodged a bullet. Only an unhinged woman would be dating a boring salaryman

Does the Inital D mangaka hate women, or is it just reflecting his real life experiences with the girls hanging around street racers?


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I think all mangaka hate women

Takumi has his tennis gf and Keisuke had that girl who had a crush on him in stage 4


Then in the OVA, he got a second chance to meet her, almost missed the meet up time but decided to call from a nearby phone. Mako hints hard that she wants him to help her pursue her chance to go pro and he says good luck to her and then time goes by. he's 40+ and balding at the gas station. Alone.
But Keisuke rejected her because he can't stop losing to Takumi. Or did he actually get with her in the end?

>But Keisuke rejected her because he can't stop losing to Takumi. Or did he actually get with her in the end?
I'm just saying he did portray some women quite well

>Then in the OVA, he got a second chance to meet her, almost missed the meet up time but decided to call from a nearby phone. Mako hints hard that she wants him to help her pursue her chance to go pro and he says good luck to her and then time goes by. he's 40+ and balding at the gas station. Alone.
Itsuki is married and Iketani is alone. Fucking hell. I honestly think the mangaka hates Takumi and Iketani

Fill up my race car

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>NIGGERS could be here

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Stage 1 was so great. Why did he have to go with the lame Project D route

why do people say the art is bad?

>whole series is about reckless racing in dangerous roads with retarded 3000 mph corner drifuto
>no one ever dies horribly crashing

Who cares

Bro look at those lips Jesus christ

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They're not that bad


this isn't even a question

why does she look like rayman?

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first stage best stage

Teenage autism.

He was in his early 20s though

I liked Second Stage

who /lonelydriver/ here


Comfiest show in anime.

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I don't have a fun car to feel like one. Just a regular autotragic econobox
Did we ever learn if he's rich or just makes really good money? He has that Skyline and it wasn't his first time to pay those huge repair bills

everyone makes mistakes

they didnt have cell phones in the 90s

>buy an expensive state of the art GT car
>still lose cause you can't drive for shit
Was this just shigeno ribbing on GTR owners?

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She was out of his league in the first place.

He was introduced as Ryosuke tier


>they didnt have cell phones in the 90s
they have Gas station boss call Bunta from a race
He's obsessed with muh underdog and underpowered cars

Why wasn't he recruited for Project D

Because Project D didn't start until Takumi beat Ryosuke and it was only Takumi and Keisuke. If Ryosuke didn't lose it would only be Ryosuke and Keisuke.

Is anything happening in MF ghost. No seriously.

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Last I checked Takumi's racing career ending with him crippling himself.

>dude GTRs are a toy compared lan-evos
I think he just hates GTRs

why do mangaka always retroactively ruin their previous works?

He's not wrong, skylines are overrated as fuck and only jerked off cause of their racing heritage. Stock their slow as shit and yes an EVO will run circles around it.

maybe but calling it a toy is a bit much

That's literally what it was, a lot of skylines used for street racing back then were being driven by teenagers who's parents bought the car for. A lot of the times they got wrecked in mountain passes. It wasn't till later a lot of those cars got sold off to older car enthusiasts who were part of the midnight club used them for highway racing instead.

Why this nigga got a double chin?

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they were used professionally as well. Sounds like you just hate it for being popular

Just use your satelite?

is the AE86 really that outdated? I know jack shit about cars

everything up to the movie is pretty good. Project D is gay as hell and shit gets boring real fast

Yes, most cars around that era where using turbos, AWD, vvti/vtec and all that shit. The 86 is just an n/a RWD shitbox people bought cause it was dirt cheap and easy to work on.

author is a subuwu buttboy and hates evos

>it was dirt cheap and easy to work on
sounds great desu. Also is what they say about downhill vs uphill true. You never know with anime

If you want to see me

Initial D is retared, half of the shit seen doesn't actually work except for gutter run technique and a few other things. The 86 going faster downhill than the GTR is bullshit cause both cars would be affected by inertia meaning they would both get the speed boost and not just the 86.