Pathetic simp

>Pathetic simp
>Canonically submissive towards women
>Goal is to have sex, however, rejects every opportunity to do it because he is a retard
>Literally barks because a woman called him her dog
Why do people like this beta cuck again?

Attached: Retard.png (430x568, 486.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He's just like me.

He just like me fr

Chainsaw Man is the MOST artificially hyped series of all time. Absolutely zero discussion anywhere despite how much praise the manga had gotten. No hype for the anime only weeks after the trailer. All crickets. No one gives a shit anymore. And the MC being a cuck will just make everyone hate it when it comes out.

Never skimmed a page of Chainsawman in my life but his patheticness sounds entertaining in a watching a car back up on a small animal kind of way

it had lots of threads when the manga was coming out

Denji is unironically the ideal boyfriend. He's based on male leads from Older woman younger man romances wrtitten by women, depicted from the pov of a guy.

most men are pathetic especially males in anime/manga sphere

He's ALRIGHT... Certainly better than many other protags

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You just described the average male.

He is the fucking epitome of this ruined, disgraced, fucked up youths under the system. That is why this manga is famous in the first place.

The thing is he thinks he just wants to have sex but the more the series progresses the more he realices he wants emotional bonds, James Bonds.

He’s the current year self-insert

What drives people like you to just come in here and spread obvious lies?
It was heavily discussed during it's run and months after, which you can even check the archives for.

>Simple minded young man in an age wich most people won't achieve much in their life
>dealt a bad deal from a young age
>struggled with debt
>gave his blood to a devil, only asked for help with work
>could only dream of a better life

He is me, (you), and everyanon here

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Always funny to see incels that can't even talk with women without shitting their pants act so high and mighty towards a completely broken shell of a boy in puberty.
Not to mention every single girl that had him by the nose was more mature and powerful than him at first. But I guess our fine /r9k/ specimen in this thread slayed mature women by the droves when they were 16ish
I also don't remember Denji getting cucked ever, he killed his big love and fucking cooked and ate her pound for pound, what a shitty troll thread.

he is literally me, i can self insert as him since i look just like him and i am just like him as well

>Chainsaw Man is the MOST artificially hyped series of all time. Absolutely zero discussion anywhere despite how much praise the manga had gotten. No hype for the anime only weeks after the trailer. All crickets. No one gives a shit anymore. And the MC being a cuck will just make everyone hate it when it comes out.

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The climax of his character arc is him screaming about how he just wants to have lots of sex. This is AFTER makima kills everyone in his life including power. THAT is his main concern.

retard moe

Finally a character that truly represent this board. Can we replace Yotsuba as mascot for him to go even higher?

>The thing is he thinks he just wants to have sex but the more the series progresses the more he realices he wants emotional bonds

This is literally Denji 4 chapters before the series ends. He never grew up and stayed a manchild until the very end.

Attached: Chapter 93.png (1222x1145, 1.53M)

Hold up, Denji was Takeshi all along??

He’s edgy and nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor
Just like me

>This girl threw my bike for no reason
>Yeeh but she didn't like me at all of course
Fujimoto himself knows jackshit about women outside movies and anime. The only reason he'll even get laid is because he's rich, but I wouldn't be surprised if the dude takes a rope one day when he realizes the truth about women and life, and that problems aren't solved by "true love." bullshit

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This dude is my spirit animal.

Wow he is literally me fr fr

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>He never grew up and stayed a manchild until the very end.
Wrong. Him deciding he wants multiple girlfriends and steaks for breakfast is proof that he grew up since he set up for himself complex goals(even if they are stupid) and he has enough resolve to fight and kill Makima(while still loving her) so he can achieve them.
By the end of the series he can actually take care and protect multiple pets and a child

>I like women who are mentally superior
Same and that's a pretty loong shot.

Self-insert for guys that want to get pegged.

wrong, I just wanna fuck Power

Not having sex with that disgusting slut himeno was probably a good call.

He should have had sex with power though. They are literally made for each other.

>Pathetic simp
You mean gigachad

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>Not having sex with that disgusting slut himeno was probably a good call.
It was 100% the right choice. Shitmeno was a drunk loose whore that didn't even like denji that way.

Power is a corpse that literally smells like shit because she never wipes

>chapter 93
It the chapter where Denji realizes he lost everything. Power died in front of him, realize he killed his own father, he still has Aki’s death on his mind, and the woman his dumb ass lusted after and seek comfort in, Makima is trying to kill him and never gave a shit about him. Little fucker just broke at this point. All he can do is survive and realize he doesn’t want to live like dog anymore. He knows that he’s can’t have a normal life and embraces his owns goals.

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also don't forget he forgived a fucking mass murderer and still loves her

>You're not allowed to like flawed characters!
>They're not cool and badass enough!
Grow up.

There's a thread between mangaka/scriptwrters who are really into high-octane action, foreign (to Japan) films, and getting turned on by dominant, superior women. There's Rei Hiroe, Kouta Hirano, Butch Gen and Fujimoto.

yeah, I started reading this and immediately was like what the fuck is this
didn't like it at all

At least read until chapter 12, it picks up a lot in that chapter. Chapter 21+ is where CSM turns into a battle shonen masterpiece.

He changes by the end of the Manga when he...tops his femdom.

Sometimes I have to step back and remember that there are people here who are either completely disconnected from reality or just enjoying pointlessly lying.

He was so close to making me drop this series (wish I did that)

Why is Yea Forums the only place that dislikes Chainsaw Man?

Is Yea Forums the only place that does not overly praise Chainsaw Man?

wow so ur telling me clicking a button to show i follow current trend makes it not artificially hyped.... retards aplenty today fr

I really hate this progressive faggot

I don't really like him as a person. I am entertained by his drive to achieve his goals, even if the goals are kind of shallow. He was poorly raised and survived off those drives, so it makes sense those are his goals. He has minor development in that he starts to realize he likes girls more than for their body, but he is mostly around women that manipulate him using their bodies so it doesn't really help his case.

That's just typical shonenshit moralfag bad writing

New buzzword?

We have daily fagimoto dicksucking threads though

>wow, he is literally me!

Yea Forums contrarianism. Expect Yea Forums to pretend it was never popular here once the anime blows up.

Forced meme

>Expect Yea Forums to pretend it was never popular here once the anime blows up.

Yea Forums can't rewrite history because it's all documented. Some threads reached 800+ replies and that's even pre-anime.

Now imagine part 2 + anime boost later this year.

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normies are NPC
Yea Forums posters are free-thinkers

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Contrarians aren't free thinkers because they're forced to hate on anything that passes a certain popularity threshold even if they originally didn't care about it, or worse, used to like it before it was popular.

Contrarians are the real NPC's.

When you're not 14 you can appreciate characters that aren't just a edgelord or le gigachad.

>>progressive faggot
>Calls Togata (FtM) "a insane woman" plenty of times in interviews
>Jerks off at loli porn
>The only reason why lesbians even exist in csm is because they make his dick hard. Literally, the first time we see the dykes they are having an orgy.
He's is just a degenerate sub male