This nigga is such a gloomy hater

This nigga is such a gloomy hater

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This whole show is corny as fuck. Glad I moved to One Piece

Naruto is much less corny than most anime, I don't hate one piece, but the characters in Naruto are generally a lot more realistic

>Naruto characters
Not really. Actually it's arguable that One Piece characters are better in that aspect too, not visually of course because they look like Looney Tunes shit. But in terms of relationships, being flawed, having their own arc to the point anyone be an MC with their own adventure. One Piece does it better. Zoro checking Usopp like he did was very realistic and what a guy like that would do in real life, I still never seen a main character threaten to stop supporting the mc like that. Usually it takes a villain brainwashing someone and making them to fight but the Strawhats have very realistic quarrels as well as bonding. Naruto has none of that nuance, the artstyle is more realistic than OP but the characters aren't.

I'm not gonna argue about this but Naruto characters and arcs are better than one piece characters and arcs

Naruto had the potential to be one of the best shounen but it kept getting worse at some point

I don't hate one piece, it's hit or miss, it does have some great episodes, it just also has some pretty cringe episodes and parts where it drags like hell

>One piece isn't as corny as Naruto and is more realistic
>Looney tunes
You're joking right

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bro I'm just trying to get people to agree that Kakashi sucks, not trying to shitfling about battle shonen

>One Piece characters are better

But Kakashi doesn't suck. He's one of the best characters in Naruto.

>>one piece does it better
Lmao even

he does suck, he acts like he's better than everyone but he's basically just a jobber and a gary stu at the same time, he's got no respect and he's mostly just a pretty boring character

>basically just a jobber and a gary stu at the same time

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Alright, I'm making a playlist. Bit on the fence on tracks like Wind, Haruka Kanata and Little by Little.
What should I add/remove? In other words, name bangers

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this one's a banger to me

That's pretty good user. Nice.

Rin Nohara cunny

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>he acts like he's better than everyone
No that was Kid Kakashi in Kakashi Gaiden. Adult Kakashi isn't like that.

>he acts like he's better than everyone
Man just wanted to be left alone reading his porn novel, please.

he just acts so dismissive and always patronizes the fuck out of everyone, especially Naruto

Remember when it turned out Kakashi knew Shadow Clone Jutsu so he could have taught Naruto and Sauske at the same time during the Chunin exam but instead he gave him Fodder McNoName?

That would be bad. Shadow clones divide your chakra evenly, and Kakashi has stamina problems in Part 1 because he let his body get rusty (says this while rock climbing).

The real issue here is teaching Sakura nothing of value in the first 15 days Sasuke was in the hospital.

>gary stu

opinion discarded. watch less youtube

You'd be too if you got stuck in a dumb garbage show like that.

kakashi has got nothing to teach her outside of basic ninja strategy and technique.....

Maybe Sakura should've been able to learn a Nature Release even if her chakra was average at the time, but Nature Release is a chunin level of mastery.

I just said it because it's true, he can use practically every jutsu AND has the sharingan

why are you so mad about an anime TV show you haven't even seen?

>he can use practically every jutsu AND has the sharingan

and he has low stamina, suffers from PTSD, and loses every other altercation.

Being a gifted student isn't being a Gary Stu

He could've taught her that one genjutsu he used when he was testing the team.


Tbf, Naruto at 12 was very annoying and obnoxious.

The ones that mock this post gets it, but can’t argue. Guess that’s why people hate the truth

yeahhh, that's true, Kakashi could have taught him to be more mature rather than just treating him like an idiot though

Fucking kek

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JJK is just the worse version of Naruto

He's just a virgin who copes by reading pickup books

GODjo. CHADtoru.

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How so?

Goofy ahh nigga from a goofy ahh manga

Sasuke literally did that and actually changed sides, we don't even need to leave your example.
If you've never seen something as developed as one piece you need to watch more anime.

Everyone should have a Nature Release as a graduation requirement considering how useful it is.
It's like a military has access to guns teaching then to use guns, but they also have access to a 'big fuck off box of fuck you' that shoots homing lasers, cluster missiles, and sawblades and don't teach you how to use said fuck off box. That's the difference between no Nature Release vs a Nature Release.


Yep, anything like lightning, fire, or wind would be useful. Or if she could cast genjutsu by punching people.

JJK is better in every way though

Nigga had stamina problems the ENTIRE series. He was always running out of chakra and pushing himself to the point of needing to be hospitalized or straight up fucking dying from chakra overuse.

Sasuke did it because of Itachi, not because someone in his team was gonna drag them down and even the whole Itachi plot turned out to be a pussy copout by Kishimoto. So no, nothing as realistic as Zoro checking Usopp, a secondary protagonist losing support for the main protag in a realistic way. Naruto characters are not as realistic or as nuanced as the Strawhat. Maybe visually in the artstyle but that's it.

>One Piss
>being better than any half-decent series, much less Naruto
lmao I've noticed that One Piss drinkers are always seething about Naruto, whether it's on this board twitter insta or any platform. RENT FREE. Sorry but Naruto mogs your shonenshit. It is what it is

And come to think of it, why didn't he Kamui Pain out of existence from the get-go, or at least when it looked like he had him on the ropes, instead going for the usual "stab him with Raikiri" plan? Oh, but of course he conveniently remembers he has that tool once he's half-dead. And it's not like it's against his character to use it or whatever - he straight-up tries using it against Obito without warning later on.

This series was so terribly written it's unreal.

You wish. Homos Kissen is literal trash written by a confirmed faggot lol

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It's universally agreed One Piece has better characters, story, worldbuilding and lore than Naruto. But I will admit Naruto has better fight scenes, that's the one thing it has. And for most shonentards like you, fight scenes is the most important so I don't even blame you. Just don't pretend you care about writing or have watched anything beyond Naruto.

>Implying Naruto is even half decent
Not the pisstard but you're delusional lol

It's actually not universally agreed at all. Actually, it's quite the opposite. Naruto is and always has been the more followed and bigger series in the world by Youtube views, Crunchyroll, fanbase, blogs literally everything on social media etc

This is why One Piss faggots always bring up Naruto because they know their favourite series is inferior. Hell go on Tiktok and see that Naruto is the series with the most views under its tag, beating One Piece and literally every other series lol

Universal my ass lmao clearly Naruto is universally seen as better. I've also watched other stuff as well. I don't care for your moefaggotry or pseudointellectual trash

Naruto fans are the funniest. Because deep down they know everything potentially good about their manga was flushed down the shitter.
>Rock Lee
>had 2 good fights, fights being the only good thing about Naruto
>does nothing else
>Naruto's forced "pity me" dramatic scenes of him on a playground and being lonely, all his inner monologues about being weak
>thrown away for the sake of making him an overpowered pseudo-dragonball character whose destined to be powerful, he's basically ninja jesus who's trained by all the high profile ninja and has kyuubi which saves his ass everytime he's about to lose
>Sasuke turning on the group
>interesting at first until he joins again later, itachi was not really a bad guy, everything is typical bland disney shonen everyone has a sob story
>just another Uchiha instead of someone with a more interesting original identity, gets pushed aside for Kaguya
>shitty final arc
>entire cast of potentially cool side characters completely useless and not fleshed out enough

What a waste of a manga. Meanwhile One Piece fans have been getting nothing but greatness from Oda, hell even the animefags were treated to godtier quality kino that puts the entire Naruto anime to shame.

Way to out yourself as someone as retard not worth arguing with.

hah the reason why you won't argue the point is because you know full well that what I stated is logical and not something you can contest.

Keep coping, One Pisser. Your shonenshit is trash lmao

>Naruto more followed
Only in US. One Piece is much much bigger worldwide, and is the single most successful comic series done by one writer. It dethroned Spiderman and only 3rd behind Batman and Superman (arguably the 2 most popular fictional characters ever) So no, even your bullshit reasoning using popularity is false.

>go on Tiktok
How about go on manga sales? One Piece literally has entire podcasts just digging through its lore and discussing its living breathing world because the manga actually has worldbuilding unlike Naruto. How about consistency of sales and relevancy, which is unrivalled for One Piece? Sure the typical FoTM might outsell OP for a while but the king regains his throne immediately when the fad is done. How about episode and manga discussions? There's way more discussion about One Piece chapters than Naruto chapters even back before Naruto was done. OP's popularity in shonen jump and global sales shit on Naruto. Not to mention the writing. It's why most true anime fans, not Tiktokers like you, hold One Piece in high regards and why Naruto is a laughing stock.

Your entire argument boils down to "it's more popular so it's better", as expected from a fag whose favorite series is an entry level shonen.
Don't reply to me again.

lmao the fact that you think One Piss is more followed than Naruto despite Naruto having way more followers on Tiktok,Twitter Insta literally everything on Youtube shows me that you're coping.

Keep coping SEAmonkey (primary fanbase of One Piss btw). MUH SALES means nothing in the overall popularity that I just described cuz even with that Naruto still has more followers globally on TIKTOK

Also the worldbuilding argument is utterly braindead as expected of One Piss babies considering its 1000 chapters long and an ADVENTURE manga it's literally supposed to have worldbuilding lmao Naruto is NOT an adventure manga.

Keep coping for Naruto btw


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Reminder that Naruto would've been axed in the first arc if not for fujos.

Get Kubo's cock out of your mouth before calling other people faggots

>Unironically using Tiktok, twitter and youtube fags as positives
Jesus christ

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It would have been awkward if he shared this.

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