Weekly Shonen Jump 3 one-shots by recently serialized mangaka in 3 upcoming weeks
24 Taishi Tsutsui (We Never Learn) cute comedy about a cat and a manga artist
25 Seiji Hayashi (I'm From Japan) about targeted person living with secret service security
26 Yuki Kawaguchi (The Hunters Guild: Red Hood) about mysterious girl

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Google Translate: Weekly Shonen Jump, 3 duets by the former serialized writers
twenty four
Increasing popularity Cover & No. 2 continuous color witch
Cheering Thanks Center Color Child of the Earth
The second center color smartphone is amazing
Center color night cherry blossoms
One-shot Taishi Tsutsui, a cartoonist's cat, a cat and a cartoonist's cute comedy

twenty five
One-shot Seiji Hayashi The case where I was super-targeted and I picked up the secret service
Living with a secret service
One-shot Yuki Kawaguchi Why Mr. Whatda
Mysterious girl

Jimoto's haste animation still doesn't fall into my mind ...

earthchild will LIVE
4 volumes at least

>25 Seiji Hayashi (I'm From Japan) about targeted person living with secret service security
The manga no one liked because it was shit and ugly but stayed on life support due to government funds?

So that's what they're doing with BC's spot. Hoping some of these are good.

It was never really given a chance just straight to tourism board, here's your anime. From what I remember it felt like a knockoff Masaru-san and most people preferred David (which debuted at the same time) anyway


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The artstyle was straight up generic Showa gag manga but really bad. I wonder if it was some editor's personal favourite or something.

>25 Seiji Hayashi (I'm From Japan) about targeted person living with secret service security
so shugomaru 2.0

>One-shot Taishi Tsutsui, a cartoonist's cat, a cat and a cartoonist's cute comedy
Finally, we discover the real reason they moved Ayakashi Triangle

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>"We never learn" creator Taishi Tsutsui will publish a new pet comedy oneshot titled "Mangaka no neko de aru" about a manga artist & their cat in Weekly Shounen Jump issue 24/202

>"I'm from Japan" creator Hayashi Seiji will publish a new secret service focused oneshot titled "Chou neraware taishitsu no ore ga sute Secret Service o hirotta ken" in Weekly Shounen Jump issue 25/2022
>A guy with a target on his back is taking in discarded secret service agents

>"Red Hood" creator Yuki Kawaguchi is publishing a new oneshot about a mysterious girl titled "Nande Nanda-san" in upcoming Weekly Shounen Jump issue 26/2022

>26 Yuki Kawaguchi (The Hunters Guild: Red Hood) about mysterious girl
Based, finally WSJ will be interesting again. Red Hood was unjustifiably axed

>24 Taishi Tsutsui (We Never Learn) cute comedy about a cat and a manga artist

Based Furusu enjoyer.

I hope he does another serialization and it also fail miserable but people would still call it unfair because"muh potential"

I was only still reading ayashimon and doron because I thought they wouldn't reach the 20 chapter mark but jump seems to want to keep them around so fuck it

>26 Yuki Kawaguchi (The Hunters Guild: Red Hood) about mysterious girl
What in the hell they are bringing him back already. even for a one shot for something that failed so quick this seems soon

God it won't happen but just imagine if this has loli ecchi, he's a big enough name viz would have to translate it surerly

Neru mangaka got one-shot in Jump before Kawaguchi

Yabuki was a bigger name and they just refused to do 2 chapters

Was that one ever translated? The art looked great.

From what I've seen, only retarded Westeners talk about muh potential etc. while Nips have moved on the day the axe swung

Japanese already used to this shit. Westerners only recently exposed to axebait due to Mangaplus so they still think Jump is axing too many series

>Yabuki was a bigger name
maybe half a decade ago, I don't think kids reading jump today know or care about to-love ru

>Yuki Kawaguchi (The Hunters Guild: Red Hood) about mysterious girl
He's back already?

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all his musclegirl bandwagon will abandon him

considering the rankings and sales it had, that's like what, 5 people? who cares

Between this and the recent gagoff between Shimabakuro and Numa Shun, i guess the current direction is to have direct oneshot competitions and see what works


Grimm was also a loli 50% of the time

Not like his muscle fetish drawings attracted any new readers

>Cat keeps trying to sabotage owner's ecchi manga that it sees as shameless.
I'd read it.

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I'm surprised Kawaguchi came back so soon. Normally you would be depressed as hell if your passion project got axed.

Might actually attract an audience this time

Why should I give a fuck about more fodder one-shots that will never get fully serialized? I'm still waiting for Bad Tripper

why should we give a fuck about what you give a fuck about, if you don't care then fuck off

>the last chapter of AT got only two ecchi pages
I guess some cat terrorizes Yabuki, so he can't do proper ecchi manga even in Jump+.

Because if you have two functional braincells you would come to a similar conclusion

and if you had more than two you would be acting less like a dipshit

Why won't Jump just axe Doron and Shugomaru already?

still no spoiler?

for a passion project it was really soulless

Doron is gonna live. I hope they bring Ginchiyo back, there should have been more tangible ecchibait between her and Dora, not romantic but more like "angry sexual tension", on Yea Forums I think they call it "haetfuck vibes".

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I only see this one image and i think it is aharen-san ripoff

Ayashimon bootlicker

I don't really care. Axe that shit too.

>26 Yuki Kawaguchi (The Hunters Guild: Red Hood) about mysterious girl
doesn't look like my type of manga. also the name sucks

>Taishi Tsutsui (We Never Learn) cute comedy about a cat and a manga artist
22i is back!

Mangaka fumino?

Shugomaru will prevail over Doron and Earthchild, and the magazine ,I hope will have no choice but to keep it.

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I hated the concept of We Never Learn's ending despite not reading that far into the series. But Tsutsui's girl is too cute.

As long as she stays as blackmino and not blumino she will be cute

Jump Giga stuff normally get's serialized right away depending on what it is.

Who the fuck is making Ayakashi Triangle's wikipedia page?
It has fucking analysis section about LGBT shit.
Please don't tell me it's popular among troons.

Imagine seething this hard kek

What happened to Mashle?
Last time I checked TOC threads about a year ago it was in a comfortable high - mid position.

>Who the fuck is making Ayakashi Triangle's wikipedia page?

He should just write a yuri Harem with sawako, although I'm sure he knows more about being a mangaka


Ayashimon needs to be axed soon so that Kaku can go back to J+ and team up with Lin again for true kino

Me too, Furusuanon, but Meloli’s sass is winning me over, plus her reaction-faces are gold.

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Jon Arbuckle sure changed alot.

There are LGBT stuffs in Ayashimon?

jump giga?

dont know, its still selling 100k

Not guranteed that it won't flop since Lin had couple of failures before

Is Witch Watch good? The first few chapters felt like a cheesy shoujo. Also what happened to Mashle?

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It still has much better odds than sticking with a dead horse. Whoever greenlighted Maruo as the main character for Ayashimon needs to be fired.

>Is Witch Watch good?
It's Great Value Sket Dance

Witch Watch gave up romance almost immediatly and is now about goofy comedy concepts. So it's basically SKET Dance 2.0 which is what it probably should've been from day one though not quite as strong yet

Sister Magazine to WSJ. They post one-shots and other shit in there. Like they advertise stickers, short stories. Sometimes last chapters of series that get axed. I do remember Sakamoto Days was a one-shot was published on there before it went to. WSJ and a few others to, can't remember off the top of my head. A few of those one-shots that was posted in this thread, we'll see a few pop up either in Jump+ or WSJ.