One Piece

Happy Birthday, Luffy.

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>wants to die
-doesn't go fight any top tiers
-doesn't jump into water
-doesn't eat a 2nd devil fruit
-instead jumps off from high up and acts as if he's too strong

>wants a great fight
-doesn't go fight any top tier
-scared of Big Mom coming to Wano
-hides in Wano from Marines
-hides from Oden for 5 years
-doesn't free Oden and let him fight again

>acts "honorably"
-sucker punched Oden with hags help
-doesn't let Oden free to fight again
-kills Oden while he's in shackles, in boiling oil for 1 hour

Explain this shit character to me

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wow a lot of characters have birthdays today

It's Children's Day in Japan

>Top 5 Sexiest:
1. Yamato
2. Yamato
3. Yamato
4. Yamato
5. Yamato
>Top 5 Cutest:
1. Yamato
2. Yamato
3. Yamato
4. Yamato
5. Yamato
>Top 5 Prettiest:
1. Yamato
2. Yamato
3. Yamato
4. Yamato
5. Yamato
>Top 5 Funniest:
1. Yamato
2. Yamato
3. Yamato
4. Yamato
5. Yamato
>Top 5 Personalities:
1. Yamato
2. Yamato
3. Yamato
4. Yamato
5. Yamato

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At this point I want Wano to break 200 chapters just to see the eternal seethe


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I love the Straw Hats and Vivi and Carrot.

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>i love the strawhats and these two specific strawhats
Weird sentence.

you gotta be asked by M D L to join before you can call them that

Oda is a hack and his characters generally have the depth of a cardboard cut out

Shitrot and Shitvi will never be strawhats

happy birthday luffy, hope you win a battle 1v1 some time in the next decade without help


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YamaShit will never be strawhat


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All of this is just a result of his alcoholism. If he went to rehab, he'd be a much more consistent character.

can't wait for EoS to see their children

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This is the end, Laughy

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Bonney will be a strawhat

>wants to die *gloriously
FTFY. There is nothing glorious about walking into Marine Headquarters and getting swamped by 100,000 faggots, drowning yourself or self-imploding

Suicide as a hobby is to test his limitations, he didn't actually expect to die from that jump

He's not suicidal, it's just a hobby.
He thinks death is what gives a life meaning. A lame death like eating two DF means nothing. Dying in the biggest war ever which you almost single-handedly created by making an army full of animal monsters is better, and it'll force every strong fucker to get off their ass and fight him specifically.
He's pragmatic enough to not lose sight of his goal so he won't actively spar opponents that could threaten him.

>born just 3 days apart from luffy
>born same day as Mikoto from To aru and Connie from AOT

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I mean it kinda is, that's how WB died

I honestly feel like Oda doesn't know what the fuck he's doing with characterization in Wano

his birthday got rectonned like his fruit

>There is nothing glorious about walking into Marine Headquarters and getting swamped by 100,000 faggots
what, he can't bring his own 100k faggots?

Why did he shit his pants when Big Mom and few of her children came to Wano?

>Suicide as a hobby is to test his limitations, he didn't actually expect to die from that jump
lmao what a shit headcanon excuse

Somebody tell him...

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>Why did he shit his pants when Big Mom and few of her children came to Wano?
Because his factories aren't as invincible as he is, a war with Big Mom could undo twenty years of preparation even if they won

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WB died protecting his crew and in a war with virtually all the Marines all-star involved against him, and it was broadcast all over the world and marked the end of an era.

If Kaido tried to pull the same thing they'd just evacuate Marineford and then a couple admirals will show up to throw pebble at him until he leaves or trip. No audience, no blaze of glory, no effect on the world even if he somehow died.

>what, he can't bring his own 100k faggots?
That's sorta what he's been working on, Kizaru.

Kaido clearly rates Whitebeard and Roger's deaths 10/10

How would he rate Ace's?

>Because his factories aren't as invincible as he is
He never once mentioned any factories for a reason to avoid them.

You do realize that factories are far away in the desert, right? There's no way they would get affected. Look at Onigashima where the war is happening, the whole island is looking fine and it's massively smaller than Wano.

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>I did not care for Yamato

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Neither does he mention fear for his own life like you are implying he is

The fact that he's ranting about 'all out war' in his country would imply to anyone with a drop of common sense he's concerned of them fucking up his operations than anything else

>Kaido and Big Mom fights
>Kaido lost a good chunk of his army
>Now his dream of engulfing the whole world in the biggest war ever is shattered

Not that complicated

Literally everybody in the entire series (including Momo) thinks that it will be Luffy who will bring the "Dawn" EXCEPT Shitmato.

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0/10, but the 0 is shaped like the hole in Ace's chest

Akainufag is feeling awfully defensive today
I am guessing because Kaido just casually melted part of Onigashima way faster than Akainu's magma's demonstrated in the past?

>Neither does he mention fear for his own life like you are implying he is
of course it does, because there's no other reason for him to avoid a war that he dreaming about all this time.
The only time Kaido gets brave, is when Big Mom is surrounded by his 3 commanders and she is without her crew and homies.

Kaido worrying about some factories doesn't make sense because factories are nowhere close to them, not would a fight would be that big of scale. It would literally be what onigashima war is right now but smaller.

Yamato won't join because she knows Luffy's dream, you can't have a character that know his dream interacting regularly with the crew when we don't even know it yet.

Unless Luffy's dream is revealed in Wano during the big p
feast or whatever, it's probably something like "I wanna have a party with the entire world at once", or "I wanna push everyone to follow their dreams", which is corny but close to what Roger achieved.

Yeah but yamato chads won the arc, the story, and the last Nakama spot

>because there's no other reason for him to avoid a war that he dreaming about all this time.
Holy shit are you retarded? He wants a war that'll engulf the entire world, not just one country. He's building up to that in Wano and Big Mom threatens to blow its load way before its ready, you don't think that's a reason for him to avoid her stepping foot there with her full crew?

Be patient with her, she's retarded.

if he loses an army this fast to couple of officers that BIg mom brought with her, how could he ever engulf whole world in the biggest war?

He would not even engulf East Blue with such a weak crew.

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happy birthday to the best mc in the best manga

He's working on it, not his fault his main scientist embezzled half the funds and his supplier got punked on by a rookie.

>That human sized revolver

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>He wants a war that'll engulf the entire world, not just one country
clearly his plan was failed from the get-go if few BM officers would ruin that plan

>He's building up to that in Wano and Big Mom threatens to blow its load way before its ready
no she doesn't. You headcanon that the war would ever engulf entire wano.
The scale of the war would be lesser than what current war on Onigashima. Do you see any factories currently in the manga where the war is happening?

>you don't think that's a reason for him to avoid her stepping foot there with her full crew?
No, he literally himself said he would kill her if she came to Wano, then he did 180 and started to cry

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>Akainufag is feeling awfully defensive today
Akainu will never top Koido's fire susanoo. Even he knows that.

What are denialfags’ thoughts on this?

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Yamato will join because she knows Luffy's dream

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Join Ace and Sabo in death you mean.

Leave it to these unlikable shitheads to make a Luffy Birthday thread all about them.


noone cares about "le stupid MC" clone#2523 birthday

Fuck off, then. You don't read, anyway.