Spy x Family

Anya must have seen some shit if this didn't phase her at all.

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Kill yourself, r3dditor.

How the fuck can she think "a silenced pistol" if she is close enough to hear how loud the "PEW" is?

sex with Anya!

Attached: CunnyAnya_73.jpg (1438x1797, 743.51K)

Because she can literally see the silencer?

This guy is Yea Forums personified

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A younger brother with a 7 year age gap between his oneesan who basically raised him being a siscon is one of the more realistic parts of this.
t. knower

if the "reveal arc"™ starts, it will be:
1)second or third to last arc in the show
2)most likely because someone (anya or yor) slip up about their real persona. i hughly doubt that the operation strix will end without anyone knowing the truth about everyone else.

hot dogging your weewee with her puffy vulva instant cum

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>designated loser that is used to advance the romance plot
Look at this cute loser.

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>works in a secret organisation
>doesnt like that their beloved one is in a relationship with someone else
>average looking
>is a loser
she is basically a female version of yuri.

"Silencers" don't make guns silenced.. They just make them quiet enough to not blow out your ear drums without protection.

I want teen Anya

>They just make them quiet enough to not blow out your ear drums without protection.
can't burst your ear drums if you already burst it.

Yet the hack is trying to force some shitty pairing with the ugly manlet instead of making them team up

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Yes, user, that's my point.
She is a 6 year old. How the fuck can she be impressed with seeing a silenced pistol when the sound is so goddamn loud?

true, also silencers make it harder to identify, where the sound is coming from. really usefull for snipers and such

>straight out of a NTR doujin
what the fuck

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>a vietfag somehow lives in not german

He's the one who wanted her to find someone, why is he like this

there were viets in east germany

Because she has seen thosemany times in her spy cartoons and she likes them?
Seeing a real one is enough.

There are many Vietnamese people living in eastern Germany.

Didn't this guy say he wanted Yor to find a good husband

I want a scene like that but with Loid being the one cucked. To wake him up.

Why isn't she thinking "WHY DOESN'T THE SILENCER WORK?"


Because she's literally being kidnapped.
She recognized and that's it.
This is a very weird nitpicking case that you're making.

>i hughly doubt that the operation strix will end without anyone knowing the truth about everyone else.
According to TL user in , Anya's ability being discovered is vital for future plot points
>Endo says that Loid/Yor learning about Anya's mind reading is critical for future development

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>Because she's literally being kidnapped.
I don't see how that is an argument.

>She recognized and that's it.
No, her facial expression is one of being impressed with the silenced gun.

>This is a very weird nitpicking case that you're making.
That is true. I am creating a problem out of nothing because the author has probably never heard a silenced gun. In the reality of this manga, silenced guns are quiet.
It was supposed to be a joke one liner. But you somehow missed my point, multiple times, forcing me to explain.

Anya is going to have a long exercise session with Yor

Probably because Anya's not the only one who can read minds.

>She is a 6 year old. How the fuck can she be impressed with seeing a silenced pistol when the sound is so goddamn loud?
She deliberately manipulated a spy and assassin into becoming her adoptive parents. I don't think we can consider her normal by any stretch, ignoring the telepathy.

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A friendly reminder that Lin forcing Axeman to take his meds is a fact.

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Could that guy be one of my people?

People whose names are weirdly spelled?

I am going on a date with my wife.

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Do you want blacks and muzzies instead?

Have fun, Loid. For world peace.

Its a joke user
T. Nguyen

Do Yor and Loid have weekly dates or is that someone's headcanon?

Pho is a shit

Depend if you consider the light novel canon or not, but pic does seem to support it.

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You eat it before? In which country?

I am just joking.
It's good.
Not as good as balut though

Does the author hate gays or lesbians or just trying to push his shounen more mainstream?

not that user but I had it in Amsterdam and it was good

God, I want to have sex with Yor so bad.
I want her to step on me while she kills me with her blade while kissing me.
Best girl this season no doubt.

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>socially awkward
sex would be very bad

What do you guys think of the Viets in your country? They don’t behave like other rapugees right?
Yeah, wonder why westerners don’t like it that much.

>I don't see how that is an argument.
Because you're an autist who's never been in a dangerous situation involving firearms, nor can you visualize the thought process of someone who has. Also keep in mind that she can read all of his nasty thoughts, which makes HIM her primary point of interest, not his weapon.

Yor is never having sex

We're the same so it cancels itself out.

t. Yuri

Well done, goofy.

>Do Yor and Loid have weekly dates or is that someone's headcanon?
>Depend if you consider the light novel canon or not, but pic does seem to support it.
The Sunday dates are canon, probably.

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Going to an unexplored region to get some cocoa for Anya for world peace.

>wonder why westerners don’t like it that much.
Probably because there is a baby duck looking at them.

>I don't see how that is an argument.
She's being kidnapped, so she's scared.
>No, her facial expression is one of being impressed with the silenced gun.
Again, she's being kidnapped, so she's scared.
>I am creating a problem out of nothing because the author has probably never heard a silenced gun
I mean, probably he didn't yeah, but hearing it or not hearing it makes no difference at all in that, context, is what I'm saying.
>It was supposed to be a joke one liner.
Well, not a very clear one, considering nobody saw anything that could resemble a joke in there. Also you kept arguing in favour of your reasoning instead of "clarifying" your joke, which makes this scenario unlikely. So my impression at this point is that you were initially either trying to "flex" some very basic /k/-knowledges, or that you're just in the mood to troll.
Either way, I'm bored with this conversation, I won't reply any longer.

I'm not from Amsterdam but Asian immigrants are barely noticeable since they never do anything.

Oh, thanks fren.