Why is this bitch everywhere? Why does she use the same fucking voice for every character? Why is she so popular?

Why is this bitch everywhere? Why does she use the same fucking voice for every character? Why is she so popular?

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>Uses the same voice
>Insanely popular

You have done well, my young kouhai...

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look at how long her neck is she must give insane blowjobs

Wasted smol pps

>voices the same autistic character with the same voice 99% of the time

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not that I dislike her voice, but sometimes I feel like she is miscast

I miss her

What was her best role? Shimako or benten?

>Why does she use the same fucking voice for every character?
That is the answer. is the first seiyuu entry level faggots learn to recognize thus they start to like her.
Literally baby's first seiyufu


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But mamiko actually had talent

>voices the same tsundere character with the same voice 99% of the time

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This bitch ruined Super RObot Wars 30 for me, it should have been a Male Captain in his 30's voiced by Midorikawa

She looks like a pizza

She is my favorite Seiyuu with Ayane Sakura

I don't think she voiced any "classic" tsunderes past Aria. She does voiced quite a few shotas and mascot characters with the same voice though.

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Benten is fantastic.

Unironically ruining spyxfamiliy for me

She is still hanging around as supporting characters in various anime though.

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You already know she is going to voice Makima

I don't care about chainshit

because she's one of china's favorite seiyuu

For me its BRS, not that it needs much to ruins itself


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it's not that bad but it's certainly disappointing that they cast her for yor

>Why is this bitch everywhere?
Her voice is cute.
>Why does she use the same fucking voice for every character?
It's a cute voice.
>Why is she so popular?
That voice of hers. It's cute.

Is this the most extreme case of ugly face and beautiful voice?

She won't.

You have it backwards. Newfags like the OP start recognizing her and start lashing out in response. Just like the subhumans who notice a "trope" after watching 10 anime and then make threads about it.

She's a pure virgin and would never do something like that

Oh no, a decent seiyuu, anime ruined.

It's like Kana Hanazawa, she has a breathy voice and not many have one of those

>Most famously exemplified by K*na H*nazawa
God, I fucking hate it. Every single manga with a girl heroine/lead I read, if there's any talks about who should be the va, no matter what character it is, there will be that retard with his "It should be Hanazawa!!!". No, it shouldn't, just go watch literally any fucking anime she does at the moment, it will be the same fucking voice anyway.

What's the name of the bitch who threw up in Denji's mouth? Hayamin should voice her instead.


I think she is a qt

Didn't she voiced Miyuki, from an anti China show?

Unlike Hayami KanaHana has a good range and actual talent.


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If you think Yukino, Shinobu and Yor have the same voice then you’re fucking deaf.

Some do legitimately hate it but I think most of them watch it to laugh at just how anti-China Mahouka is.
Also she never tweeted in a shrine.


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I have no idea what character she's voiced because I do not watch modern animes, unlike you zoomer normie faggots.

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>Unlike Hayami KanaHana has a good range and actual talent.
Kek, she ruined Kemono Jihen and many others show at her attempt to show range, and talking about range Hayamin voiced Yamato from One Piece and Himawari Boruto

they're ugly friends!

She is fine by 3DPD standards.

Her Yukino voice is not breathy and her voice is good in general that is why even her singing voice is good, unlike Kanahana that can only sing with her moe voice because her actual voice won't sound as good

>Hayamin voiced Yamato from One Piece and Himawari Boruto
All her characters sound the exact same.

No, that’s Ami Koshimizu

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Sounding different is not range though, managed to play different type of characters despite with very recognized voice is range. Industry itself have so many seiyuu that sound the same with each others and those seiyuu with recognized voice usually the one getting most works because they are the only one have that voice and people can actually imagine the character with that voice.

Cuter than everyone else posted in this thread

>uhhhh using the same voice for every character is good actually

Aoi Yucky is in everything. More than her even. HanaJuana is as well.

I heard that Aoi Yuki was considered the best

Good mascot voice.

People with major roles in Gintama all had to show an insane range

Aoi yucki is an overrated ugly midget

Not him but what you should complain about are VAs who phone in and use the same acting style for different characters. Like if their delivery of character A, B and C getting angry seems like the same person without any variation. I don't entirely blame VAs for that sometimes as if they're typecast in generic trash most of the time so don't bother making too much effort as long as they get the basic emotion across.

You can't be overrated when you're the best!

The best at being 4'8 maybe.

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4'8" and a half! Don't sell her short!

She was 17 here, it's not like people dont grow into their faces.

You can't argue that she has an amazing vocal range. From Tanya to Tsuyu to Kino and Madoka. She has talent.

unfortunately she never did

She Is probably one of the most overrated va,she only has 2 voice tones

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She's almost always good even when she's in utter shit, if she's in a show I actually am more likely to pick it up due to the fact that I know she will be good and usually for whatever reason her fellow seiyuu also turn in good performances when acting alongside her

Where? I don't hear or remember she is being in anything this year, also Aoi Yuuki latest big stuff like 5 years ago, she isn't really doing any noteworthy work since that

I like M A O more.

She's the loli nazi and mable from ojisan.

I liked her in Tale of the Heike, also she's in Madoka franchise stuff