Yuri is cringe. Watch yaoi instead

Yuri is cringe. Watch yaoi instead.

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OP is an actual fag.

Hands too big
Head too small


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Both are cringe for subhumans.
Watch normal anime instead.

I read het, yuri and yaoi alike. The characters just have to be cute together.

>"praise me already!"

Both are shit. Romance is boring regardless of sexuality.
I don't have any issues with yuri, yaoi or het in other shows not about romance.

Like Beastars?

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What's normal anime?


Those who aren't for trannies.

so no anime?


Off yourself discord troon

Even has cuter girls.

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wow yaoi thread? so cool good luck bros

>mentions discord when there was no prior discussion about the website

Kill yourself, redditor.

get aids and die

yaoi is so weird
everything is always a big problem or a giant misunderstanding or just actually fucked up shit
it’s all over the place I have no idea what I’m getting if I pick random stuff



read devilman.
you will have read the best yaoi ever written and you can consider yourself done with the genre

Lmao you're so delusional tranny

>yaoi thread
yuribros... we're screwed...

nobody was talking about or thinking about trannies until you mentioned them.


who is your leader, cult of the nini?
take me to him.

Is it different with yuri? Yuri wise I only read a few vanilla stuff.

>tourist having a mental episode on the wrong board
how embarrassing

>everything is always a big problem or a giant misunderstanding or just actually fucked up shit

That's the romance genre in general. It's read for the tropes and fetishes. That's why a developed relationship in a non-romance story is better.
Hell it doesn't even have to be well develop just have two persons interact and the shippers bite. See any battle shounen and their insane shippers.

Don't bother they won't talk to you unless your a member.

I like the idea of yaoi but romance anime in general tend to suck ass and yaoi is no different

okay, recommend some, then
I've already watched yuri on ice and liked it if that helps

Doukyuusei is probably one of the best bl adaptions out there though most suck. Its a short movie too.


You are a faggot and get the rop.e

>Watch yaoi
Not your shitty boyas tho. Only if they are gar ojisans.

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I don’t know
with yuri it’s always romance with some taboo stuff thrown here and there but yaoi can have very weird storylines that almost feels like a completely different genre than romance but it’s just published under the yaoi tag
definitely a lot more variety I under why yuri can’t be the same

oh no yurisisies BTFOd

>t. Yea Forums in the past
All these newfags and tourists changed it all. Yea Forums used to accept yaoi and shame those fat greasy fingers who liked yuri

clean it up jannies

Clean up an anime topic?

You must be the Yea Forums hero user! Post yaoi everyday!

She didn’t lose

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Yea Forums doesn't accept mentally ill fag shippers. Kill yourself.

Any recs? Already watched the classics.

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>asking for recs

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based yaoichads crushed yurifaggots

There's some supernatural yuri and that isekai, but the shift from the "yuri" moments into the plot tend to feel forced compared to bl.

Yep this is a raid.

This shit is harada weakest

Only yaoi I ever read.

I like it wholesome

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OHNONONONO we got too cocky /u/keks

They were already banned.

You're not fooling anyone, newfag tourist scum.

American hours.