Karaage gets translated as fried chicken

>karaage gets translated as fried chicken

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But that's literally what it is. It's just fried chicken nuggies.

would you call shrimp tempura fried shrimp?


>onigiri gets translated as rice ball
>takoyaki gets translated as octopus dumpling
>gyuudon gets translated as beef bowl
>miso shiru gets translated as miso soup
>ringo gets translated as apple
The nerve of these jingoist hacks!

is this a new meme?
>*word* is translated as *perfectly accurate translation*
i swear i've seen a ton of these threads lately


What is a chicken bender?

>Konnichiwa gets translated as hello

Murder all "translators"

This is the perfect literal translation.

>sensei gets translated to teacher
Localizers need to fucking kill themselves.

Then what would you call えびフライ to distinguish it?

Do Japanese people call the food served at KFC "karaage"? If the answer is yes, that means that the Japanese acknowledge that karaage is indeed fried chicken.

>OP gets translated as faggot

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It. Can't. Be. Helped.

isn't karaage just a style of fried chicken? so that's technically correct?

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>character says 'itadakimasu'
>subs say 'Rub-a-dub-dub, Thanks for the Grub!"
I hate when it happens

perhaps the only certainty in this shithole


I love japanese fried chicken!

Kek based

Yes because that's what it is. It's not even a special batter. It's the same egg and flour you use to make chicken fried steak but with some water to make it lighter.
If you really wanted to be pedantic then you wouldn't even call it "tempura" because there's no hard M sound like that in Japanese. It's pronounced "tenpura". But you're just a surface level weeb that doesn't actually know anything and just lies to pretend to be mad at baka gaijin for not be anime pros.

OP getting ass blasted because subtitlers aren't putting asterisk explanations. karaage has a direct counterpart in western foods as fried chicken. You want them to call "french fries" "furai potato?"

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is that the real reason she did it?

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That's literally what it fucking is idiot.

You could put in "Japanese" fried chicken to make it more accurate. But thats too long and since they are basically the same thing with different batters and spice. Its one of those things that doesnt matter at all in grand sceme of things. Like calling Ramen just Noodles. No matter how you spin it Karaage is still fried chicken at its core.

>character says 'sayonara'
>subs say 'mata ashita'

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Nuggets or bust.

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let's just skip to the part where we post the Daiz tweet and talk about how he's killing anime for the 18052731238th time

Karaage is super basic. Also the funniest thing considering the retards in this threasd is that it's actually a chinese technique.
>The "kara" in karaage refers to the Tang Dynasty and was historically used to describe things of Chinese or foreign origin

>hamburg steak gets translated as hamburger

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I would definitely keep takoyaki untranslated, it just feels right. I think it's because there's many different varieties of dumpling out there around the world which have big differences.

also karaage is not only chicken, you can have an octopus karaage.

>shuki decchu gets translated as I wuv u

>series gets translated by comikey

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Do you also eat sour rice instead of sushi and drink fermented rice instead of sake?

I came here to tell you that you are all wrong. I watch a lot of Japanese cooking shows and surprise: "karaage" has nothing to do with chicken. The Japanese use this word for deep-fried food with batter. Any food. Deep fried fried fish is "karaage", deep fried octopus is "karaage", deep fried pork is "karaage".

translate karaage and tatsuta-age differently in English I dare you

I would argue the batter's result is sufficiently different enough to keep the name in this case. It's recognized by most people as a primarily Japanese version of frying. Japanese people also have a breaded frying style which is closer to western preparation which I would call the generic fried shrimp/vegetable/whatever instead.

That being said, I agree that Japanese-style fried chicken is not special enough to call it uniquely Japanese and I wouldn't die on the hill of calling it karaage. And it's similar to the Korean and Chinese offerings too, anyway.

>Fried chicken instead of a wedding cake

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>sour rice

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>there's no hard M sound like that in Japanese
Say omyage out loud.

>character says yes, subtitles say no

its healthier

>cake on christmas
>kfc for dinner

Go eat some jelly donuts

>character says (name)-tan
>subtitles says (name)-chan

what's with the blue hair getting cut off on the edge

lately I've seen lovey-dovey translated into something else even though it's an english phrase, why

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>no hard m sound in Japanese
I hope you're joking.

What makes sushi "sushi" isn't the raw fish, but the vinegared rice.

everyone in Japan is a hard M

I've never heard that. They say raburabu sometimes but I've never heard rabi-dabi-

Is there anyone who can beat Nadara Uchiha?

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Double fried chicken would be the acurate translation

>'crisps' gets translated as 'chips'

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I've swear I've heard it several times these past 2 seasons. Sure it's sounds more like lubby-dubby because japanese but it was there and translated like "they're flirting" or some shit

In Japanese every M has a verb sound after it. Mu, mi, ma, myu, like that. There's no m+consonant. No tempura, no hamburger, no hum, gym, etc.

>fries gets translated as chips

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>keto birthday cake.jpg

You fucked it up.

>draw an unagi don
>shitty translators call it an eel bowl

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Isn't hamburg steak literally just a kotlet? I really don't see what the big deal with them is.

>jelly donuts

It isn't om-ya-ge but rather o-mya-ge

Hamburg steak is hamburg steak, silly


>koohii gets translated as coffee
vgh.. when will these western dregs understand they're not the same

Translator calls Oyakodon a threesome with a mother and daughter

you forgot your meme arrow and now it just reads like a news headline

>character references a threesome with a mother and daughter
>translators translate it as egg and rice bowl

I always make fun of my wife when she tries to make this. The Italian in me also gets upset when she puts ketchup in pasta sauce

Oopsie woopsie I made a fucky wucky UwU

>because there's no hard M sound like that in Japanese.

>In Japanese every M has a verb sound after it.

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That's more of an issue with differences between bongistani and burger English than anything else.

pretty much everything japan eats that's actually good is from china or europe. ramen is chinese, yakisoba is chinese, tempura is portuguese. even their curry was copied from bong sailors.