>he's wrong because...look he just is, okay!?
He's wrong because...look he just is, okay!?
He's wrong because he talks too much. Autism-tier.
kill yourself.
Who are you quoting?
He's right in the left half of the image, but he's a fucking creep in the right half.
Yes, him being a good provider qualifies him as a partner in the pragmatic aspect. But the right half of the image disqualifies him because he's coming across as an entitled sex weirdo that's being manipulative and coercive to get what he wants. What kind of woman would want to be with a guy that thinks he's entitled to pussy just because he's spent money? That's what he's saying after all, I for one think it's really fucking creepy to go around gaslighting women into sex just because you bought dinner. That's not a "husband material" kind of conversation and is a red flag.
No one cares roastie
entitlement is not right
Fuck off back to crystal cafe
The advice her friend gives her is actually really good.
"People show their true colors when they don't get what they want."
If someone rants to a woman about how they're a gold digging whore the second they aren't getting their balls fondled, it pretty much means the dude is a weirdo creep and you wouldn't want to be with him.
Imagine they're married and she wants to not fuck him one night. Guess what he's going to do again? Berate her into having sex by using guilt purely based on his monetary contribution. That sucks and while it doesn't necessarily make him a rapist, it does make him an entitled jackass who would put his own wife on a path of controlled depression forever.
Switch the gender to have a cake forcing a NEET to take care of her villa.
>I paid money so of course I expect something
Then why didn't he just get a whore? He's full of shit.
Hes not wrong but hes a killjoy; No one with a soul lives their life in such a pragmatic way.
>If someone rants to a woman about how they're a gold digging whore the second they aren't getting their balls fondled
Not an argument, all women are gold digging whores, no exception.
>Imagine they're married and she wants to not fuck him one night. Guess what he's going to do again?
If society were still normal he'd beat the fuck out of her until she stopped giving her worthless "opinions" on the matter. Unfortunately we've "progressed" from that.
But a guy who spends money is entitled to pussy if it's a long lasting relationship with responsibilities.
>I gave you stuff now have sex with me
just pay a hooker retard
>I'm a creepy sex predator too!
Even disregarding subjective things like right and wrong, the fact of the matter is that having a perverse entitled mindset is not attractive.
It's sad to see that Yea Forums's mindset is the same as the main villain of one of the top romcom today
This fucking thread again?
Look assclown, if someone makes you feel like shit, then no amount of money will ever make them worth having in your life. This goes for any relationship, not just romantic ones. Simple as.
He's not wrong but what a lot of guys misunderstand is why exactly the girl feels offended.
>breadwinner, children
When it comes to house related stuff like children arrangement or family income distribution, women want to be in FULL control of the process. And they will be. If a woman wants a kid, she will find a way to conceive it, if a woman wants an abortion, she will find a way to do it. If a woman wa ts you to work, you will work. If a woman wants to work herself, she will work.
Woman are way much more go-getters than most men imagine but for some reason this isn't evident to a lot of guys who are deluded into thinking that male initiative is superior to female. Well in modern society it isn't, we are very much living in a matriarchy today and I think this applies to Japan too since hikikomoris exist, in a truly patriarchiacal society they would all get laid via arranged marriages but it seems that that practice has been abandoned in Japan around the year 2000.
This guy is taking away agency from her in the household sphere, if swallowing the truth about being a material whore is something a girl can reluctantly agree with, then taking insults to her as a potential housewife is completely off limits and this is something that is absolutely not obvious to guys. When it comes to domestic affirs, women always have to have the upper hand, at least in modern society except for countries like Afghanistan.
Sounds like I need to move to Afghanistan
Yeah we incelfinserters all gotta go there.
>Woman are way much more go-getters than most men imagine but for some reason this isn't evident to a lot of guys who are deluded into thinking that male initiative is superior to female
I feel like this has always been the case to some degree, not just in modern society. Even in times when men were known to have the lion's share of power, it wasn't uncommon for women to have control over the household and social affairs. Either by subtly coercing their men to do what they want or by simply being an aggressive rolling pin wielding hysteric who beats him into submission.
The idea that there was ever a time where men were truly in full control is an illusion. A façade. A myth.
He's wrong because she's just not interested. She pays him back and leaves.
OP you have to wait a few days before posting this bait again
I mean, ranting is pretty harmless, you can pretty much ignore his ass and live well, that shit isn't wife beating, if manipulation works on you, you probably shouldn't have right to take decisions about life in the first place.
But only user who read that shit manga instead of talking politics in previous thread said that guy becomes evil stalker, or some shit instead of just moving on to different girl who is into nagging and gets wet from it and that would be his only real fuckup, just find dumber girl.
Damn, that's a powerplay. Mad respect.
This was the noble and correct way of doing it.
I would have been petty the moment someone brought up marriage on the first date and ghosted them with the check.
>an aggressive rolling pin wielding hysteric who beats him into submission.
This was never a viable tactic outside modern western societies where governments make women practically a protected class with effective legal invulnerability against men. In any other society on earth talking back to your man like that would have resulted in your ass being beaten until you learned better.
user, you have to interact with real people in real life to have real experience in society. No, being bullied in school doesn't count.
Who cares? She's barren and will never have children of her own. I think she paid the toll for toying with men.
Something tells me this page is taken heavily out of context
>subtly coercing their men
What subtle coercion?
It's what sets him off into stalker stabber mode
how many times are you going to post this
This is cringe not because he's entitled but because no man should debase himself by willingly becoming a circus monkey for women. Like fucking imagine lowering yourself to that level just to get a whiff of half-hearted pussy. At that point you would do better to just beat off to 2D.
Unfortunately, there's no hope for user. He's convinced himself that "kindness" only exists in the form of impossibly perfect fictional beings drawn on paper, and that anything that deviates from that perceived norm must be wicked. Hopefully one day he'll realize that no amount of changing the world around him will ever bring him happiness, and that even if he were isekai'd to his perfect harem world his core would still be bitter and miserable.
He's wrong, but she's also wrong. Accepting gifts creates an expectation, if you don't want to pay it back, don't accept them in the first place.
Fuck no. Some dudes are just retarded and won't fight back to show that they are nice guy.
>this garbage is somehow on topic but DBS threads aren't
>Accepting gifts creates expectation
While this is true, I feel like it's a little socially unfair since a lot of people are taught at a young age that "if you don't accept someone's gift, you're being rude, so just take it and say thank you even if you don't like it."
A very damned if you do damned if you don't situation. Applies to both men and women.
NTA but he's not looking for kindness, he's looking for someone to care about him.
Unfortunately that's even harder to find than justice and all that because he has to figure out that he has to care for other people first.
>nfortunately that's even harder to find than justice and all that because he has to figure out that he has to care for other people first.
*unless you're a woman, then you only have to pretend to care
You think in a world where the fastest growing religion is the one where parents will gladly and enthusiastically crush their daughter's skulls with large rocks for being indecent or cheating on their husbands in order to preserve the honor of the family is a world where people outside the first world ever gave a shit, or will give a shit about being nice to women?
Togashi is back??
Your beaner garbage doesn't belong on Yea Forums, Pedro.
>I gave you stuff now have sex with me
Yes. That's called marriage, sweaty. In the end, the problem isn't that he's wrong but rather that he's being to straighforward and factual for the average woman's taste. By and large, women want to and will choose a man based on the merits he's listing and will happily mooch of his resources, but also want to be lied to and told it's all about their feelings and that sort of crap. He just needs to learn to play it off better.
user you can keep blaming women for your problems til you're blue in the face, but that doesn't change the fact that society is the way that it is because men of the past decided it so.
It was men who believed that women were weak and thus needed protecting and that men were strong and thus should take abuse without crying. It's men today that tell each other to stop being pussies and to suck it up and take punches that the women in their life aren't expected to.
You're only looking at the symptoms rather than the cause. Even in an absolute patriarchy these expectations would not change. Your fellow men will still hold you to the same standards of conduct that have caused you this pain to begin with.
Depends. In business it's basic Ethics 101 shit, do not offer, do not accept. Social situations are supposed to be different, the fact that he's specifically not treating it that way is supposed to be a big red flag
Why are there suddenly actual females on Yea Forums?
I cannot believe the best post came this laye intl the thread.
I'm guessing tumbrite tourists, I think Yea Forums posts get showcased there for memes.
Also, women have a LOT of pride in their feminity and while there migt be a hint of actual materialistic selling-out going on with the girl, the girl also overwheongly thinks that it's HER giving the favour of gracing the guy with her presence in return for the money/gifts and that that stuff does NOT compare to her female charms that she grants unless the guys gives out like millions of dollars. Because when a girl is beautiful and attractive - that us exactly how she evaluates herself - her femininity is worth millions of dollars.
Girls genuinely like only chads, guys who are attractive physically, either/or charisma + a lot of money but actual millionaire, NOT like in OP's pic where it's a half baked salarmyan flaunting around a couple of bux, that kind of interaction is just the girl "settling" .
Yes girls think they are worth treasure but it's a subconscious feeling you'll never hear them say it out loud.
I have 2 sisters so I see in their lives what kind of logic they use, when you ask them about how or why? They literally cannot give a clear answer, this is something you have to deduce on your own by observation
>Why are there suddenly actual females on Yea Forums?
user doesn't know..........
There are no women on the internet.
"The men of the past" didn't envisage their system being twisted by women into one that's completely self-serving and keeps all the norms and behaviors that benefit women while ejecting everything else as "sexism". But you're right that it is men's fault because the men of the present who've been brainwashed from birth to think women are always right let them get away with it and have created modern simping culture and female worship where the best way to demonstrate your virtue and goodliness isn't to devote yourself to God or Buddha but to debase yourself to women.
Just because you're correct, doesn't mean your right
>I have 2 sisters so I see in their lives what kind of logic they use, when you ask them about how or why? They literally cannot give a clear answer, this is something you have to deduce on your own by observation
They are like venus flytraps but for material resources and chad cum rather than insects.
>twisted by women
It was high status men who threw you under the bus, not women. Women are just lead around by them like cattle.
Fuck your sisters user
Sorry but I don't like OreImo