Brittanian Empire

They were the good guys of Code Geass

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>[antagonist] is actually right
is there a more generic hot take?

But in this case it's correct. The only thing the protagonist of Code Geass did was plunder the world into chaos and anarchy.

were they now

They had Cornelia, so they were definitely in the right.

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>implying a wretched Brit could ever be worth more than the dust on my shoes

>Can't even hold Britain

Reluctanly gace independence to most of the Areas, and got attacked by a country of mercs, who were mad that Zero Requiem left them jobless.

More like old gayass, ledouche of the reunion!!1

The real fantasy is Britain being a part of the EU even in this world but the Scottish backstabbing everyone to secure Napoleon victory at Trafalgar is very believable.

This. I never understood the protagonist.

They got confused and took Brittany.

Britannia is really America though

Why is it an aristocratic and highly absolutist state when the brits were one of the first to tell the king and the aristocracy to BTFO?
Also why is it "holy" if the Church doesn't seem to play any relevant role whatsoever?

I liked the first speech Charles gave, the second one was too edgy, though.
But is it me or didn't he imply that the Chinese Federation was Socialist State, during his first speech? That's why it suprised me when they turned out to have the same political system as the Ming dinasty, for some reason.
Men, Code Geass world building is a fucking mess.

>But is it me or didn't he imply that the Chinese Federation was Socialist State, during his first speech? That's why it suprised me when they turned out to have the same political system as the Ming dinasty, for some reason.
No, he was talking about the Middle Eastern Federation

Based. Give war a chance.

Constitutionalism isn’t any more English than social Darwinism/classism both of which were just as present in America, and Charles gives justification to the ideology of Britannia’s elites in the same way as the modern British monarchy.
Also the church didn’t have much to do with HRE either past a point, but the idea mattered.

Also Brittianians are apparently Welsh, not English.

Where does the, surely, independent nation state of Cornwall fit into all of this? Or is the plight of the Cornish under Anglo rule a bit too niche for esoteric Japanese worldbuilding?

>Also Brittianians are apparently Welsh, not English.
Actually, Britannians are from multiple different European countries, not just the British isles.

Then why aren't they called europeanians?

To Japanese, Charles vi Britannia is evil. To Americans, he is the president.

They were so hilariously incompetent and evil it honestly strains the suspension of disbelief that they conquered half the planet or lasted as long as they did. They're so evil that literally everyone wants them dead but they're so buffoonish they couldn't possibly make up for that in victories. Sure they tried to make Schneizel "the competent one" but how long has he even been around to clean up the empires messes?

>fascism is good

Go back to /pol/ jhk0y

Who would stop them? The EU that was bogged down in petty democratic squabbles, or the Chinese Federation that promoted dullards and talent in equal measure due to forced equality?

>All men ... are NOT created equal! Some are born swifter afoot, some with greater beauty, some are born into poverty and others born sick and feeble. Both in birth and upbringing, in sheer scope of ability every human is inherently different; Yes that is why people discriminate against one another, which is why there is struggle, competition and the unfaltering march of progress. Inequality is not wrong, equality is. What of the E.U. which made equality a right? Rabble politics by a popularity contest. The Chinese Federation with its equal distribution of wealth? A nation of lazy dullards. But not our beloved Britannia, we fight, we compete, evolution is continuous. Britannia alone moves forward, advancing steadily into the future.

What political system is Britannia? A monarchy can't claim to be a meritocracy.

He wants to find his mother's killer and get revenge on his father for essentially exiling him and Nunnally to Japan

Because it was founded by the Duke of Britannia after the Queen died

>A monarchy can't claim to be a meritocracy
Who says?

There's no continuous performance checks against the monarch built into the system since he rules for life.

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When you create a class that is superior to others not for its merit but for its blood, you are directly contradicting the meritocratic system.
Also, Briatannia's racism contradicts meritocracy as well.

Is this, dare I say, the worst world map in the history of japanese fiction?


>The Chinese Federation with its equal distribution of wealth? A nation of lazy dullards
See?I was right.

Is it stated when the Code Geass world diverges from ours? Because the Pacific War happened in their world too, although without nukes.

ANd there are checks and balances built into Democracy, and yet the US is hardly a meritocracy

>When you create a class that is superior to others not for its merit but for its blood, you are directly contradicting the meritocratic system.
And yet people can earn their way into that class through merit like Lelouch's mother or Villetta

>Also, Briatannia's racism contradicts meritocracy as well.
Didn't stop Suzaku

>racism contradicts meritocracy as well
Racism is pretty meritocratic

They believe that precisely Because the monarch’s bloodline has proven itself superior, that he has a right to rule. The check functionally would be the prospective heir having to survive constant infighting and assassinations of the Britannian court.

Checks and balances of a democratic system are not the same as performance checks which are quantitative and objective in nature. Whether you can manipulate idiots into voting for you requires qualitative actions

No, because it judges the individual for something other than their own merit.

>didn't stop Suzaku
No, but his rise was very polemic and generaly frowned upon, which wouldn't happen if Britannia's society was indeed meritocratic, because they wouldn't judge him as an Eleven, but as the great soldier he was.

>And yet people can earn their way into that class through merit like Lelouch's mother or Villetta
Yes, but there will also be many others who belong to that privileged class without doing anything to deserve it.

If that were true then why is it that qualified people constantly get passed over because of things like affirmative action?

What did Sunrise mean by this?

Because affirmative action is also racist, but in the opposite direction.

Britain won the American war of independence and so didn't need a new place to send its criminals. Don't ask me why new zealand happens to be under britannian rule

They always colony drop australia, you'd think we collectively diddled their aunt

Have you considered the possibility that other non-Britannians who fo through their system just aren't good enough to make it far?


they were never a good guys, that is why they are so based

Any single empire in any medium of literature is set up to be wrong and morally bad. Empires are intrinsically bad.

Except for the Empire of Man. Deus Vult!

>Absolute Monarchy is now fascism
LMAO, Monarchy is the most successful kind of government that humanity used because its the most natural one, fascism is the downgrade version of it, since its based on pure materialism and doesn't believe on any metaphysical assumptions that the Monarchs have

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>ANd there are checks and balances built into Democracy
You don't live in reality, the endgame of democracy is oligarchy or corporatism
Its always promoted to the masses since it gives false sense of fairness to the many while the few who have actual power uses them as tools to win and they don't care about you whatsoever

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Monarchy is the most successful kind of government until when the heir is an inbred schizo

They got defeated by the French Grand Armee of Napoleon I. Thankfully they had Canada to fall back to.

doesn't negate it, people want hundreds of inbred schizo instead of 1, Modern man is utterly retarded

>Greenland bigger then SA

Strong monarchies have no problem surviving shitty heirs. Monarchy does not automatically mean absolutism.