When they said Primagi was going to have romance I wasn't expecting this.
Pretty series and Aikatsu
>hibiki and alicia LITERALLY got married in aifure
*cricket noise*
no they didnt and no one cares
What? Distant and stunted like a lot of anime these days?
We now need another Kintaro/Jin.
Achihiko is pretty much Primaji's Jin except he's actually interesting.
But Achihiko is the good guy.
t. chuppi
I can understand wanting to free the Primagi from Manamana influence but Achihiko is way to focused on numbers.
maika is the prettiest idol.
I thought that was Laura from the thumbnail.
>tropical snooze
>disappointing pantry
hands down worst sexy type
Mahiru was worse.
no she wan't. it's irrefutably maika
Real leaf hours.
They really love the bros.
Of course they do, the little girls that watched AD grew up and now are into that kind of stuff, you know, real bros.
I love you.
so that's how they look after watching touma and hughie.
you can almost hear the sales rising
What a great time to be alive
Aikatsu is on suicide watch now.
I hadn't even considered the bondage elements to these anime costumes while comparing it to other franchises.
Inoru is the idolmaster.
Imagine if they get a performance in the next irl live.
Hishida's dream of a >boys only Pretty concert might come true.
I want to eat that.
me too
I wouldn't mind another season of a KoP-like show if we get characters as good as Hiro.
I will hug chubby honk
I will beat Honk to death.
>homo in Pretty
>yuri in Kamen Rider
what a weird timeline
debi debi debi debi
That's hot.
You know the artist did that on purpose.
Shut the fuck up.
I would normally tell you to take meds but there's an user around here who deliberately resizes pictures to 666 in dimension so aromaposters are definitely nutters
>that is literally her canon number in the actual anime
>"S-Shut the fuck up."
>unironic mega faggots
>Matsuri acts super clingy with Myamu in ep 27
>Touma gets all touchy feely with Hughie the following episode
What did they even mean by this
Wait until you see the metadata
matsuri so cute
I was never told Idol series had so much gay.
You never warned me about the gay!
It's like pottery, they rhyme. Touma even has the same hair highlights as Matsuri.
I still can't believe Prichan had a fucking Devilman reference.