Chapter 5: Yugami-kun doesn't feel disheartened
Daily Yugami-kun ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai
There’s almost always a reason behind Yugami’s actions.
what year was this serialized in?
damn just 3 years earlier and he wouldve been an oughts auts.
And that's all for volume 1. No time for baseball when there's a new rakugo album.
Do you like to share your hobbies with others?
the beginning of her love.
note how he acknowledges his little sister was right by not talking back.
Best girl appears
Thanks, anonsito.
Yeah, it's bit embarassing but fun, I probably feel embarassed while doing it because i'm too shy but it's pretty fun, thanks for the dump
is this from akane the rakugoka in training?
true idgaf rivals
>Do you like to share your hobbies with others?
Only if someone shows a interest. Other than that I tend to hide my powerlevel.
But best girl Rio doesn't appear until the next chapter!
No hitter game or not, he's definitely a good player
Yeah I love talking about playing guitar with people
Thanks as always OP!
I had forgotten it was a girl.
I share some of them. It's often not as embarrassing as it seems.
Thanks OP. Rakugo saves the day.
>Do you like to share your hobbies with others?
I've noticed that I'm much open to share my hobbies online than in real life.
cultural revolution 2: glasses must go
thanks OP.
>Do you like to share your hobbies with others?
i absolutely love to, but i can tell people quickly get tired of listening to me. i still keep talking until they're forced to come up with an excuse to leave because i rarely get the opportunity to talk about my interests.
Lowkey the start of their rakugo dates.
Use spoilers. There are a lot of first timers.
1745, can't you tell based off the english used?
>Japs just knowing where each other live
This always bothers me. Was I the only one who hated telling people where I lived?
Delete this, retard
>Do you like to share your hobbies with others?
No. I really hate telling people about the things I enjoy, it makes me self conscious
Never mind, wrong Yuuko.
Has there ever been a bad Yuuko?
No. But I have one female cousin I can "manexplain" something and she will actually listen.