
New short in 2 hours, come livewatch!

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Girls should not get fat.

I'm ready for more oni and more pan.

Livestream link:

Episode summary:
Episode 4: "Club Activity Oni"
The onikko are living a quiet life, having even grown used to school now. However, they've grown so used to this life they've completely forgotten their mission to improve the image of oni! After they come to their senses and realize things can't continue like this, the trio decide to follow Momo's suggestion of partaking in club activities!
As they check out the rather strange club activities at Oha Suta Middle School, they run into the mech club, which is about to be shut down. The trio decides to join the drone race the club's existence hinges on...!


>The next episode will be about club activities! What kind of club activities did you guys do? I was in the tea ceremony club for one year. They had lots of the kind of sweet treats Tsuyukusa-chan loves so much. Have a nice day! -Cocona

These comments are cute.

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>new short
I thought its about underwear?

And this one too:


>This is Mika Negishi from Onipan's. The Onipan anime finally started airing April 11th! Have you been watching? The reording session for episode 1 was the first time I ever tried voice acting and I was really nervous during it, so it was a bit embarrassing to watch the episode, but the three onikko are so cute they make me feel happy. By the way, my favorite scene was the cool action scene. Which scene did you like? Make sure to watch next week as well! Bye bye!

(I think this was meant to get posted after episode 1, not 3)

Art from the official twitter

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All by Satoshi Kadowaki

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SUPER flat Red

>Which scene did you like?
The onipan dressup one. Of course.

Dig the mascot guy in the top left.

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The one with Yellow in it, any one

Blue's ass.
Fuck off and die, avatarfag.

I want to marry Red.

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This scene sure ended up being a fan favorite.

Blue is pure sex.

instagram fatty is my favorite

It's Ohasutagram

15 minutes yo.

you mean 25. unless you mean for the variety show crap unrelated to the anime.

Go away.

I'm ready.

Here we go!

Nice, it's Yuuyuu. She's my favorite.

That Doraemon marble toy looks pretty fun

>original Dragon ball theme song

They've showed it off in an earlier episode.

Oh I get it, May is Dragonball month because May 9th is Goku Day

They couldn't sound less like Goku if they tried.

That Dragonball Heroes thing just looks like a bad fan manga. Surely they could've found a better artist?

Iwai trying to hit the pirate symbol cracks me up.

...what does any of that alien stuff have to do with childrens' card games?


THAT was the most screenhottable episode yet. Bring it on.

>Literally dragging Blue to school

40+ screenshots of the same minute?

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That's not anime, what the fuck?

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Blue really stole the show this episode.

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Literally me.

Kuma's going to a bar, isn't he/she?

As expected of best girl

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Varying states of Red.

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Red truly is a best.

Eww they're drooling.
