One Piece

kaido Will kill himself for luffy. Honoru death

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One Piece - Digital Colored Version download links
>Volume 96:

>Volume 97:

>Volume 98:

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Why do people don't get stuff like Zoro and Sanji rivalry is in good sprits?
Is the whole fandom comprised of turbo autist that speedread the whole manga or what?

Attached: Zoro and Sanji care about each other this much already at this point.jpg (762x1200, 210.82K)

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Here all three volumes without blurry upscaling

In hindsight
Does Drake serve any purpose in this arc aside from being a dinosaur?
It's not like CP-0's interference was thanks to his espionage

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>Is the whole fandom comprised of turbo autist that speedread the whole manga
Mostly, yes

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>kaido Will kill himself for luffy. Honoru death
Kino is back on the menu.
Also notice how nobody even cares about topic of a thread. These threads and ppl mindlessly screaming at eachother and nobody listening to another.

If the WG would interfere and Greenbull is on one of the ships. We might just get kaido sacrifice yes. But i do not think he will

who else loves Kaido here?

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>Zoro and Sanji rivalry is in good sprits?
Is that why Zoro suggested they just abandon Sanji in and emperor's territory?

taking everything literally is a sign of autism

Can you guys edit in Kiku’s bulge?

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Modern Oda really knows how to draw out things for so long that you do not give a shit about them anymore.
I could not care less about any plot point in this arc.
I just want it to be over.

Literal proven his point, well done bro

Kill yourself faggot

Jump Villains Promotional Page in Jump GIGA 2022 SPRING.

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So which one of these forms is supposed to be the strongest?
He just keeps changing between them but I never understand for what purpose.

>hybrid form is LITERALLY just Kaido's fursona
Lazy as fuck. Truly a shame

Whatever form gives him the fattest haki power

Those who insult the hybrid get the rope

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The hulked up version of his hybrid form is the strongest so far.


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nah. I would do female Apoo though.

Nothing would change if law was female

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So what did Zoro really mean when he said to abandon Sanji then?

There is no "real" mean it was just a joke to be funny to the reader you retard, its like Nami saying she will kill luffy if he wastes money.

Are you unironically autistic or something?

Rather then shitting out stupid movies like stemppeded, why not spend the money on remaking arcs? kinda like what they did to vivi alabasta movie?

>Is the whole fandom comprised of turbo autist that speedread the whole manga or what?

The mono-teeth does it for me

Like there's no tomorrow? yes

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Is female doflamingo that short?

I didn't laugh, it looked like Zoro was pretty serious to me when he dropped that whole serious spiel. It wasn't just a quick one panel gag where everyone makes some goofy face for him daring to suggest that, they treated it like a real issue.

That fucking face

Any actual spoiler summary or pics yet?
The few lines we got aren't even proper spoilers, it's from some guy guessing from hints.

>Yamato hasn't interacted with the crew yet!
>Yamato doesn't have a role yet!
>Yamato spent most of her time with Momo!
>Yamato came out of nowhere!
>Yamato knows Luffy's dream!
>Yamato is too strong and has Conquerors Haki!
>Yamato has a mythical zoan, which cheapens Luffy!
All true, but she's still going to be your Final Nakama for at LEAST 5 long years until the manga ends.

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My brain would never in a million years consider posting something like this because it's weird and fucked up. What's wrong with you, user? Why are you fucking weird.

I want to LOOK like him.


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uhhhhm You would kill a man for Jewelry Bonney if she asked?

only if she would be my girlfriend

Hybrid. He uses beast for size and human for stamina conservation.

She will join because ever since the time skip one piece has been going rapidly downhill and her joining would be the worst possible thing that could happen so it will just be contuning the trend

Sex with Tama

Anyone have the meme page with Kaidou yelling "Stop! You'll destroy the whole place!"

No but I have this

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Now that the dust has been settled, are you okay with Jinbe joining the crew?

Have we lost edge piece bro's?

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Jinbe is great and I've been eagerly awaiting the day he would officially join since Fishman Island

Why the fuck are they hogging the summary and raws from us

The spics will save us?


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Didn't He tried suicide few times and failed?


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once smoker awakens his fruit he will be prime garp level and next time we see coby he will be equal to luffy

He will be the reason that Chopper gets a big bounty for surviving a 1vs1 against Queen and matching his genius.

God YouTube thumbnails are the best

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hypekage is such a cringe lord

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These thumbnails make me sick.

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why are south americans like this?

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nothing happens cocksuckers

They love making things edgy cringe

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I need to see what he's like in the downtime portions, as he is now I really don't see him as anything more than an ally like Kin.

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This is straight up offensive.

He looks like a baby crawling on his dad's stomach.

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Mexicans are weird.

Fuck you user I can't breathe.

Unironically SOUL

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This is straight up Kino!

The views these get make it even more funny

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this one is canon

Luffy x Imu chads where are we at?