"I'm still here working on Berserk. And I want to maintain my health as I somehow make it to the conclusion. As ever, here's to the future!".
-Kentaro Miura, 2016
"I'm still here working on Berserk. And I want to maintain my health as I somehow make it to the conclusion. As ever...
>Togashi doesn't give a shit, says nothing and lives on
>Inoue doesn't give a shit, says he doesn't really care anymore and lives on
>Miura says he might be slow as fuck but he cares and occasionally releases a chapter, dies.
Life isn't fair.
>people have been saying for years that he would die before ever finishing Berserk
>actually dies
>not only that but he didn't even leave any notes
Kek, the arrogance. Not a big loss though since Berserk had already turned to shit.
the absolute state of nu Yea Forums ...
>not only that but he didn't even leave any notes
at some point caring about your own health will be more important than to please your own fans on the expense of your own failing health.
>chapters took 6 months to come out
>retard complains that he didn't take even longer by drawing unique faces everytime a character speaks
yup, I'm browsing Yea Forums alright
What makes you think Togashi and Inoue don't care or don't work on things?
Or that working on something means caring? Hell, look at Oda, he works on One Piece all the time.
A chapter takes 6 months to come out because he's a lazy retard who plays Idolmaster all day.
NTA but I've also heard that he had some rough ideas for the ending, but went chapter by chapter in general, drawing storyboards first and then trying to figure things out from there.
>didn't take even longer by drawing unique faces everytime a character speaks
All the more reason it shouldn't have taken 6 months per chapter
*killed by chingchong virus
Inoue went on to do other things and at least said he's not interested in continuing Vagabond and made a series of paintings that can be considered an ending. Togashi not saying a word about HxH for years is pretty dickish though.
You should see this as a reminder to take care of yourself. Hagiwara understood this and he is still alive and kicking.
GRRM next?
Fuck you. I hope your first child is a harlequin baby.
Unlike Miura he went out at the right time
I think with the fatfuck even his cocksuckers finally realized he's not gonna write anything anymore
Yeah is almost like he was a sick or something you virgin loser
This shit unjust world must end.
Not a big loss that you won’t have children thankfully
Togashit is the worst part and Huntertards just troll and act like mocking Miura is somehow justified even with the context the faggot ended YYH badly, starting with Yusuke being revived and asspulled as a demon, precisely because of SJ's demands and constraints on storytelling , got exactly what he wanted with HxH being given complete creative freedom and now doesn't even have the decency to state if it'll ever continue.
There is no such thing as justice in this shit world.
You might wanna get examined for unironic autism
I’m just glad he won’t have kids to spread his autism we don’t need more trannies
He is an amazing artist but man, Berserk really sucked
So wait were zoomers because you need adhd action and edgyness every 5 seconds in a series where 90 percent of it gives you the left panel? Are you retarded?
I bet it was the apostle machine that made you stop reading pussy
At least Casca finally got her memories back. I think it was a pretty good point to end the manga.
it was after guts and zood joined forces to beat that moustache cloud. that manga became bad after they introduced the mage loli
Yeah true
If you want to read gore torture porn there’s always other sites then
No, you're a zoomer because of the way you talk. Don't think for a second that you actually fit in, moerat.
Daily reminder that his death could've been avoided if he married Chihaya IRL .
>Togashi not saying a word about HxH for years is pretty dickish though.
I don't think he's publicly said a work about ANYTHING for years, user. He's probably a pretty private person, like his wife.
He's too busy raping children probably. Guy's the biggest closet homopedo I've ever fucking seen.
Because the way I talk? Nigger you used the word arrogance wrong because you’re so fucking dumb. Holy shit maybe go outside once in a while.
>I don’t understand how people get weak with old age and get sick
>what a pussy he should have worked more than 17 hours a day and should have ended the manga at the eclipse instead of making his fans happy
But I’m the zoomer? Fucking kill yourself you won’t be missed nigger
Where’s your manga or ground breaking story? Oh wait you’re too talentless and autistic to do anything meaningful
>Because the way I talk?
Yes. You continue to prove me right by the way, and you don't even realize why because you're too fucking new.
The reason the manga isn't finished is because he was a lazy fucking hack who played Idolmaster all day instead of working on his manga. That's why he died before it got finished. You can't refute this.
>failed amateur artist seethe
Go back to twitter.
I don't think Dragon Quest lets you rape NPCs, user.
>Yes. You continue to prove me right by the way, and you don't even realize why because you're too fucking new.
That’s not an answer retard you’re so fucking lazy you can’t even produce an example.
>The reason the manga isn't finished is because he was a lazy fucking hack who played Idolmaster all day instead of working on his manga. That's why he died before it got finished. You can't refute this.
Wait a minute you want the guy who makes his series to work harder have no hobbies when having health issues so you can get your dopamine and have rushed ending? But you won’t even provide an example on this thread while pointing out laziness. You really do have autism keep drinking your Mountain Dew and play Elden ring. Yeah I can’t dispute that but so what he gave us a better story than most and you won’t even do half of what he did.
>failed amateur artist seethe
How can you be a failed amateur artist when he sold millions of copies and people would kill to bring him back to life just to make more berserk. Also twitter hates berserk you fucking idiotic new fag.
Do the world a favor
1. Grab a belt most men have this
2. Grab a nail and pin the belt to the wall ( I know you’re too fat and lazy to buy a rope or learn how to tie it)
3. Hook the belt around and put neck in it
4. Make sure the belt isn’t too low to the ground
5. Let gravity take over as you fall with the belt in your head (it’s quick and painless too)
The only crime is we wont have more Schierke ass shots.
*over your head
I just finished this 5 minutes ago. What a ride. At least we got casca coming back mentally would've liked to see her and guts embrace each other but whatever. I wonder how miura was going to make griffith being the baby make sense.
>reddit spacing
You just can't help yourself, can you? There's your example. And no, I won't spoonfeed you more just so you can try to disguise your newfaggotry better, you pathetic zoomer. You will never fit in.
>Wait a minute you want the guy who makes his series to work harder have no hobbies when having health issues so you can get your dopamine and have rushed ending?
I don't even care if nuBerserk continued or not because Idolmaster fried Miura's brain and he became unable to draw anything but moeshit. I simply said that people have been predicting this outcome for years based on his absolute laziness and that he was an arrogant retard who either genuinely didn't give a shit about his story anymore or thought he was immortal.
>How can you be a failed amateur artist
Learn to fucking read you low IQ hobgoblin. God you're embarrassing. Probably underage too.
>writing an essay over how mad you are
It's not my fault you like the objectively bad moeshit nuBerserk.
NPC take
He literally was borne anew from the fetus, why wouldn't it make sense?
>oh im sick and i might not make it and finish my life's work
>better not write any notes
i love miura and have the same birthday as him, but damn are nips fucking greedy and lazy.
Unfriendly reminder that in 5 days it will have been a full year.
I'm confused on why Griffith just suddenly became a baby and why he is the fetus in the first place. I'm guessing it has to do with the ritual.
His seed corrupted the fetus already in Casca so he can be reborn through Guts' baby, as ordained by keikaku
>sacrifice all your friends to become a god
>regret the decision
>get reborn as your best friends baby
>cant finish a simple revenge story in 40 FORTY forty four zero YEARS
Yeah no. Not because I liked Berserk means I can give this lazy ass a freepass. Good riddance, at least its now over.
He wasn't sick. He took care of himself. The reason for his ddeath was acute aortic dissecction. Can happen to anyone, but the stressful life he had lived probably favored it.
Never read Berserk and now I never will.
>here come the shitposters
No, Griffith id not foresee the child being fused into his new vessel. Why would he deliberately introduce a vulnerability like this into his physical form?
The egg appostle swallowed the kid out of pity and so it got fuse with Griffith's physical body. On full moon nights the kid takes control and visits his parents.
I don't even know if God Hands can even read the causality, it's just that Griffith unintentionally fucked himself over, but that's just how it is now
There is this niche series about a (fictional) shut in manga artist of One Piece fame who dies and his hack editor and assistant hide is death to keep making the manga.
Would you like Berserk to be kept alive like that? Its not like the plot wasnt a mess already
>I don't even know if God Hands can even read the causality
Slan said they can't foresee the future.
>it's just that Griffith unintentionally fucked himself over
As he always does. Hadn't he raped Casca, SK wouldn't have had arrived in time to save Guts and Casca before they were killed. Essentially, with the rape he ensured the kid would be born and eventually fuse into his new vessel.
>Would you like Berserk to be kept alive like that?
I would like either the team of Studio Gaga to continue with a sequel so it's seeperate from Miura's work and can be disregarded in case it's utter shit, or they don't touch it at all and leave it be. RTegardless, I hope they honor whatever Miura's wish is.
>Its not like the plot wasnt a mess already
For you.