Make thread

>make thread
>get scared and close tab

Attached: 1647488107444.gif (320x249, 680.93K)

Other urls found in this thread: >make thread >get scared and close tab/ >make thread >get scared and close tab/

You did it!

this except with a reply

Why do some threads 404 so fast?
Like in less than an hour?

Do you not understand the mechanics of it, or is your question more philosophical?

You're not going to read this, right?

>Make thread
>See it gets a text reply
>Too scared to check it

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I hate it when I make thread and get replies but then realize I don't care about the subject

Why did you make it, then?

>post reply
>there is a typo
>spam delete option until it works
>don’t remake reply

Because I think I care then realize that I don't

>make thread
>fake out a discussion under several IPs until I get real people on the thread
I can't be the only one who does this.

Attached: 1626474958110.jpg (853x480, 118.88K)

Half of Yea Forums around this hour is five or six spammers bumping their own bait threads, so as long as your thread isn't bait, you're already improving the board.

Are you at least amicable to yourself?

Is Yea Forums really so fast?

It usually takes about an hour for stuff to get to page ten. Not as fast as it used to be, but it's no /c/.

>spend 30+ minutes writing up a post
>get scared I'll get a lot of (You)'s making fun of me
>delete it, close post box, leave thread

>spend 30+ minutes writing up a post
>thread 404s

thats just because you're a frogposter

This used to happen to me until I just made my posts shorter. Shorter ones usually get more replies anyway, and you can usually figure out the rest of what you wanted to say as the discussion unfolds.

>>get scared I'll get a lot of (You)'s making fun of me
(You)s making fun of me are just as valuable as regular ones imo

Yea Forums has a lot of sensitive souls.

Try making less shitty posts.


>posts the same thread on Yea Forums

Well, that explains how frogboy straggled in.

>post reply
>thread archives

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You got it on the record.

Attached: 1645202207796.jpg (500x500, 143.22K)

i posted it on Yea Forums too
replies like this are why im scared to make threads...

I like your glass-half-full attitude, user.

Good you need to lurk more

couldn't you just tell me what I did wrong

What you did wrong is not lurking for longer I came here in 2005 and did not post a thread until 2008

I got page 10 in 15 minutes without a shitstorm going on recently

I think I've made a grand total of like three threads the ten years I've been here.

>Make new thread linking dead thread with no reply

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that isn't a satisfying answer, i don't want you to tell me how long i should lurk i want to know what i would learn by lurking that i'm doing wrong now

You need to lurk more user holy shit.

imagine if you asked your maths teacher why you got an answer wrong and they just said "you need to study more" it would be frustrating

I'm not your teacher user, I'm user I have no obligation to help you.

Do your mandatory usually 2 but 4 for you years, faggot. Then you'll know

If your thread can be posted indistinctly in any board without it making a difference it's probably not worth posting on Yea Forums which is a board for anime discussion not giving advice to user.
In fact, you should be ashamed of talking about other boards at all.
Respect board culture but you also don't need to care about your image or doing something 'wrong'. You are a massive faggot, and probably underage too, but I won't know it the next time we talk so don't try to hide it by becoming a drone that does the 'right' thing.
If your thread is valuable discussion it'll get good replies, if not people will tell you to fuck off, simple as.

everyone was having fun and enjoying the thread until someone bought up that i posted it on other boards, why does it matter?

>make a random thread
>user says me "go to /j/"
>I type it
>requires a password
>the fields are instantly filled
>press ok
>unspoken things are presented to me
>/j/ never works again for me

Attached: file.png (513x650, 356.99K)

>Make controversial opinion knowing that I'm wrong
>Close tab so user wastes his time arguing back to me

Holy shit what a faggot >make thread >get scared and close tab/ >make thread >get scared and close tab/

>make a post with image attached
>it ends up being wrong/cringe
>can never post that image again

i didn't post

Literally me

>never make thread
>just list all my favorite keywords in catalog filters and check incessantly to see if someone else made the thread

Attached: tomoko.png (1200x1200, 282.48K)

Then you are even more of a faggot for copying his thread

dickheads like this are why I always change my filenames before posting

Attached: go ahead, search this filename in the archive to look for my other posts, see what good it does you when this duplicate I made just for this thread is going straight into my Recycle Bin after this.jpg (498x438, 56.35K)

>make thread
>no replies

Attached: 1643643444536.png (680x976, 331.19K)

>what is md5

But which of those are other anons? 99% of reaction images are recycled.

>making duplicates with different filenames
>not just editing the filename in 4chanX

Gotcha! You are definitely one of these anons! And I am definitely not you!

Attached: screencap.png (854x777, 375.51K)

I'm only letting you a pass because you post Sakura Quest and even use the same pic (maybe even file) I used before to make the threads.

small world

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