
Why was this masterpiece so underappreciated by Yea Forums?

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I liked it, but the second half is hard to defend honestly

the second half is what separates the teenagers from the adults

Second half being pretty underrated is the main thing, I'd say. Like yes, Sawa is a significant detractor of it in various ways, but I still liked the second half a lot even with his presence. Overall, I'd say I like Aquatope more than Shirobako (which is somewhat overrated I feel like), and at least as much as Sakura Quest.

I was just waiting for it to finish airing so I can binge it, and then I completely forgot about it, thanks for reminding me user, I'll watch it.

I'd place it about equal to Shirobako but not as good as Sakura Quest.
All the scenes with the weird gremlin and the visions and such screwed with things. It felt like they were just kinda there, and they didn't get integrated enough into the story for me too look past their weirdness.

Kukuru really didn't appreciate the career that was handed to her on a silver platter. Her grandpa set her up for success with no college necessary like the other workers and she bitched about it for most of the 2nd cour.

The Haunted Aquarium was destroyed for the greater good of the the island people

I watched the first couple episodes thinking that it was an anime about aquascaping/aquarism with cute girls.

No onscreen yuri babies

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>All the scenes with the weird gremlin and the visions and such screwed with things. It felt like they were just kinda there, and they didn't get integrated enough into the story for me too look past their weirdness.
user, the "gremlin" is a kijimuna, it's an okinawan thing.

he's not meant to be a character, but a symbol or motif of good luck/bad luck/the will of the island.

stop being a baka gaijin waito piggu

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>Her grandpa set her up for success with no college necessary like the other workers and she bitched about it for most of the 2nd cour.
user, did you watch the second cour? That was the whole point of her being assigned to marketing, so would be forced to learn outside her comfort zone

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Shit show, and for the record no one liked this.

This show is a tourism advertisement. If it is incapable of making "an Okinawan thing" an interesting and engaging part of the show, not only for Okinawans but also for outsiders, then it has failed in its job.

i don't think many gaijins are going to visit okinawa compared to mainland japanese

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Not with this kind of marketing they aren't!

Have you ever had a fucking job? She would of been fired early on if she didnt have an in from Grandpa.

She wouldn't be in marketing if she didn't have the recommendation from grandpa, she would be an attendant, but stay stuck in her comfort zone

Typical PA works and i love it, not all people could enjoy it

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It's a tourism advertisement for the rest of Japan, not for us baka gaijin.

As someone who lived in Okinawa for 2 years, there's no reason for a gaijin to visit unless you like beaches and ice cream

this is a more effective advertisement than the show

I just thought the writing wasn't very good, so I kinda just watched it for the comfy atmosphere and when that ended in the second half, I just dropped the show.

There should have been an episode about Fuuka and the tomboy doing autistic fish things in Hawaii

The yuribait filtered out a lot of people. Aquatope was good. It was pretty much an amalgamation of past PA Works' standout shows with its own identity; a love letter to the studio itself. They went all out with the production values and the whole thing was an eye/eargasm. The first cour was really well done. While the second cour wasn't as strong as the first story wise, I don't think it soured the whole experience like it seems to be the case around here.

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Because schizos hate yuri.

You'll understand better if you touch.

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the manga looks so much gayer than the anime holy shit

There's a manga? Does it cover the whole story?

The manga is an adaptation of the anime. It's covering the first arc currently. They got an actual yuri author to do the manga by the way.

People will remember the hospital episode and little else. That's one more episode than most other series, at least.

It's an adaptation of an anime. The last translated chapter about Fuuka's mother's visit to Okinawa. This adaptation is still verbatim, I don't think it will add anything new to the story, but who forbids me to keep a faint hope of a kiss in the final chapters?

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The grandpa must have some serious dirt on the owner of Tingarla considering he got the entirety of Gama Gama's staff instantly hired including the old man with a bad back and the tourism association employee who had never worked in an aquarium before.

It was a new, huge aquarium, so it's not hard to believe they needed a lot of people, fast. And having some aquarium experience probably puts you near the top of the list already.

Well, he was none other than the legendary aquarist himself. Plus as said, experience is crucial and saves a lot of time.

Can you recommend anime or manga that depict a very deep friendship between women, on the verge of a romantic relationship, but without crossing that line? For example: Aquatope, Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru, Watashi wa Kimi wo Nakasetai, Haru to Midori, Yoru to Umi.

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I miss Kukuru's pits


check out some asexual girl core

no sex

>no doujin where Fuuka and Kukuru get married in the White Sand hall
Literally writes itself.

Planctonic yuri!

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>This show is a tourism advertisement. If it is incapable of making "an Okinawan thing" an interesting and engaging part of the show, not only for Okinawans but also for outsiders, then it has failed in its job.
Well it did fail. Hell, SK8 did a better job showcasing Okinawa than Aquatope ever did.

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Their aquarium wedding will happen after Ryukyu gains independence and gay marriage is legalized

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>ends of the string conveniently form a heart
Man, I know promo art is always baity but this crosses into being kind of annoying. After Nettaigyo and this, I'm still left waiting for my coveted actual lesbian aquarium date series.

What is this attack called?

No Fuuka…

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First half was a charming magical show about a girl coming to grips with loss and finding hope and strength to move forward thanks to help of a friend. The second half was just absolutely pointless. Added nothing to the world or characters. And only just barely filled air time.

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> Added nothing to the characters
Rewatch and compare the scenes of the girls breaking up and seeing each other after separation in episodes 12, 13 with similar scenes in the final episode and think about whether you've written nonsense.

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The first half was there to teach Kukuru that good intentions can only go so far and Fuuka that failure to achieve your dream isn't the end, the second taught Kukuru what she was lacking in order to succeed at keeping an aquarium running and Fuuka about her real calling. Without the latter you're left with a story that ends on a hopeful note due to the bond between the two, but no certainty that either will actually make it or even that they'll be together again afterwards.

Thunder cross split attack!

More like Aquacope.

The only ones coping were Kaifags though?

I couldn’t stand the pity party for dumb people making dumb decisions and then being surprised when their business failed.

Kukuru is the only one refusing to accept reality. The closing date for the aquarium is circled on the calendar since episode 1 and everyone but her has already made peace with its inevitability. They just play along with her ideas so she'll come to accept it as well.

What happened to Kai at the end?

He was either rejected off-screen or gave up, he never made a move on Kukuru in the two years Fuuka was away studying and doesn't even interact with her in the post-timeskip epilogue.

He died alone.

First half is about teenage dreams and naiveity
Second half is about growing up in the adult working world.

If you don't understand the second half you're either underage or NEET, such is the power of aquatope

He was promoted from cleaning shit after fish to cleaning shit after penguins, he also learned a lot of interesting facts about penguins. Not a bad ending for him, he could have gotten nothing at all.