The most important character has finally arrived
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This little shit needs to stop stealing Subaru's iconic lines when talking to Rem.
>Drowns in 2 feet of water
I've checked out for the past month or so, what the fuck has happened?
Where'd you leave off? Tappei seems to have had issues writing the recent chapters so he didn't actually do much this last month.
you can't get fucking gayer then this.pic related is less gay than this
what the fuck is in the water over in japan
The strongest character arrived
your main answer is fujos, for some reason they like re:zero
I fucking know that, I'm talking about how fucking flamboyantly gay that outfit is. It's TOO gay for it to just be fujos. It's worse then some drag queen shit.
>too gay for fujos
no such thing
hello sirs I randomly got around to starting this anime, it's pretty good, nice cast and setting
They just draw them having sex, they don't draw Subaru being the biggest most flamboyant homo trying to win a drag competition
go back
what, why?
go back to doing whatever you were doing before you starting watching re:zero and stay doing that
season 2 sucks, if you like the series at all you HAVE to read the LN/WN (WN preferred). especially since no one really talks about the anime here anymore, threads are pretty much dedicated novel discussion, because all anime discussion here boils down to someone just explaining what happened in the novel to someone who hasn't read the novel.
depending on how far you are in right now you could just hop straight to the LN.
the whole point of Re:Zero is based on the direct POV of Subaru which the anime lacks, he thinks, he has thoughts, feelings, you need to see these to really get what Re:Zero is about. it's about the journey, unlike other looping series Re;Zero shows you everything - no timeskips where the MC goes "after 200 loops I know everything now".
nice, try to not get too angry at subaru during the first season, he gets much better later on
i wonder the gender of the person who made this
It just doesn't look good at all
I like how the wings fold in and out based on how much of a faggot he's being.
>Rem (1409).jpg
But there's no Rem in this image
Rigel (1/2 Rem) + Spica (1/2 Rem) = 1 Rem
Both Rigel and Spica are half Rem, thus adding up to one Rem.
This bait would have worked if you didn't use an image you always post.
I'm right past White Whale
>it's about the journey, unlike other looping series Re;Zero shows you everything
I thought it did pretty good in this respect as it is, with how he fucked up and went crazy, but I don't watch much isekai or loop anime so I dont know how typical this is
>"go back" in Re:Zero thread
damn . . .
but I liked him, he's literally me
Check the archives, that SPECIFIC image has only been posted twice before. The one the spammer uses is slightly different
What if I told you right at after the whale battle Subaru confesses to Rem?
I'm sorry I think u made a mistake sir
yeah I think I posted it once in a non-Re:Zero thread
Well whaddya know, you're right, though I think its safe to say that post still isn't genuine .
I'm feeling kind of disinterested with ReZero after Tappei spoiled the ending.
Why would he give out that kind of info anyways?
Nothing has been spoiled.
Admitting to your shitposting seems like a weird choice.
If you actually READ what he said, it can only be taken as a red herring at most. He specifically avoided answering the question.
Yes there has.
Tappei said there was going to be a happy ending. Now he didnt need to spell it out but I think we know what that means
No, nothing really hasn't, people have been doing all sorts of nonsense with the answers from the Q&A, first of all Tappei has only said "rest assured the ending will have a happy ending" he hasn't said "Subaru will rape Emilia and have 100 children" and speaking of those potential children we don't know if that's going to be in an IF or not, if you still think the ending's been spoiled then that's on you for not understand what Tappei actually said.
He never said Subaru and Emilia would get together. He specifically avoided answering that and then said something that should be concerning “rest assured Re:Zero will have happy ending”. Subaru and Emilia don’t have to get together for there to be a happy ending.
Fucking kill yourself spec. Literally every theory of yours has been proven wrong.
well, first off, I'd say don't spoil cunt and second off, I'd remind you that this had already happened by that point my friend
>He never said Subaru and Emilia would get together.
I never said that.
>Literally every theory of yours has been proven wrong.
I havent made any theories yet.
You’ve lost the fucking plot Spec. Are you out of your fucking mind? What is the bullshit you have spammed the threads with for months then? Predictions? Which “don’t count as theories”?
Find a assisted suicide program, you’re too stupid to do it alone.
Why do you stupid faggots always fall for the same bait?
Who knows user? But you know what? Let's start here, let's rebuild these threads, from zero.
Why do you keep saying I've been doing stuff for months? Who do you think I am?
I think you've lost your marbles user. How many people have you mistook for spec?
Dumbass almost drowns in the bathtub.
I'd like to but these discord using waifufag retards are net negatives and refuse to leave
hello wheres the tl pastebin user
Thinking about it. Subaru almost drowned in a bathtub too.
Goddamn it Tappei.
Okay, then start leaving. We dont need no waifufag in our thread anymore!
It's not his fault! It's Priscilla's super power that needed Rem to do what she wanted by endangering Schult. The world has it out for him to please hime-sama.
Here, What did you need?
got deleted, wheres the new link?
i dont normally lurk here since its always a spoilerfest
also you should consider something like if pozzedbin keeps deleting your shit
Nah, he deleted it himself because he said he always would if WCT got caught up/close
then i need to know what was the last chapter released (and translated) before the last hiatus
I dunno, it would be easier to just say what the last thing you read was
the last chapter peter did was 54
wct has chapters 55-59
also there was another hiatus because tappei had writers block, so we barely got any chapters this last month
The difference is that Subaru almost drowned in a bathtub filled with mayonnaise, Schult was filling the bathtub himself with water but fell on it.
if i knew i wouldnt be here asking
>the last chapter peter did was 54
this is what i needed to know, thanks user
suddenly releasing lots of chapters and then going into hiatus again made me lose track and momentum reading this and when i want to catch up i just dont know what thread to enter since most of the time they are discussing the current one
Stop with your fanfiction already. Subaru loves Emilia and there's nothing you can do about it.
Is there any TL of this chapter? Link?
Are you trying to convince us or yourself?
Yeah Peter is gone, I am posting WCT's WIPs for everyone to read here:
We are working on 54B right now same with the last 2 parts of 60.
Subaru is a complete sexual deviant. He's kinky as fuck, even the Rem IF has him gobbling down Rem's horn as if it would spout mayo.