Fix Yea Forums
Fix Yea Forums
ban op
ban template "listing" threads like MAL
Easy, more mecha, less moeshit.
There, fixed.
Remove shounenshit generals
move /dbs/ to trash
split anime and manga. Yea Forums is enough viable to happen
Give /dbs/ its own board
Watch Yea Forums die (that's a good thing)
Remove this guy in particular.
stay on your containment board
Rangeban mauritania
idk Yea Forums seems aight to me
Forget Yea Forums, make a retro anime & manga board.
not happening because no one wants to moderate spoilers on anime board.
I think the biggest current problem of Yea Forums is that it have become too conceited, is like anyone posts something remotely spicy and you have people screaming "MOOOOOODS" already and I'm not even talking about /pol/ shit and similars, I have seen people simply sharing their opinion on anime and people freaking out because not everyone likes their show, is pathetic how conceited this place have gotten.
>merge Yea Forums with /m/
>ban all tokusatsu
>keep all the shounenchads
IP rangeban for /pol/shitters
Ban moeshit
You'd need a massive upheaval of the users at this point. It's far, far to late to fix Yea Forums.
IP rangeban anti-/pol/fags. they;re almost always tourists from reddit/twitter/discord
permaban all frogshitters and wojack posters
Yea Forums is the best board on Yea Forums tied with /jp/
Rangeban reddit boogeyman shitposters like this guy
Merge Yea Forums with /jp/ and /vt/.
>He likes neo-neo-/jp/
Word filters.
retard = niichan
tranny = neechan
seethe = dattebayo
redditfags should go first
Undelete /qa/
Range ban anti-anti /pol/ fags that think everything outside their off topic bullshit it reddit. Make the captcha a random blurry page of yotsuba that you must successfully translate
Kana captcha
The only change I would like on Yea Forums is allowing nudity
>enabling trannies
kys tranny
Add a sticky with all the board rules.
Get rid of generals.
Rangeban manhwa posters
generals are killing Yea Forums
Rangeban Americans
You guys are so easy to lure out. Just mention /pol/ somewhere and a bunch of you come scurrying.
>tranny = neechan
stop censoring threads discussing about censorship in anime you fucktards, fucking pathetic.
Ban all VPN regardless of Yea Forums pass or not and then ban all Russoids
fucking die frogposters fucking die frogposters
ninibros = sugoi
Make frogs and wojaks lifetime bans on all boards.
that image doesn't apply anymore
make /Korean/ or webtoon thread
Make a board only for manga
I am retarded desu senpai
What's the filter for incel?
>muh /pol/
ok, "apolitical" dude
Kanji captcha
Make /pol/ its own domain. Just cut off the tumour
Unfortunately, that doesn't mean a god damn thing. And even while other boards cannot possibly get any worse, Yea Forums continues its sad decline. Eventually it will be indistinguishable from the rest of the board, and from my perspective it's already almost there.
Yeah and watch your website crumble into obscurity.
Other boards have a more dire need of fixing.
>IP rangeban anti-/pol/fags.
/pol/ belongs in /pol/
80% of /pol/ is reddit immigrants from when r/thedonald got deleted
OP asked us to fix Yea Forums, not Yea Forums(nel).
segregate the shounenniggers to their own containment board
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
there is no real way of fixing it
this is just how it is now
reddit finally took over
Yea Forums is not bad enough compared to the rest of Yea Forums to need anything
manga gets Yea Forums, animongs go to Yea Forums
Do random Yea Forums pass giveaways to uminekofags, they're usually nice people.
this would probably work
that's /pol/ not Yea Forums
most reddit immigrants complain about /pol/ on every board
Keep Thunderbolt Fantasy threads on Yea Forums
I bet the same retard that made the Yea Forums equivalent of this thread made the Yea Forums one as well.
>everyone who complains about /pol/shit everywhere is from reddit
lurk moar, double nigger
Randomly ban 10% of posters every day for 10 days each.
Calling something reddit is now the same as reporting. If the post doesn't prove to be reddit report worthy, the poster will be banned until 15 successful posts with replies are made on Gaia online forums.
Go back.
There's no way people would agree on a definition for what a shounen is. There are still many people who argue that Avatar The Last Airbender is an anime.
Ban ecchi moe threads. There, fixed
>no answer
If you like Yea Forums so much for back there faggot
stop shilling Yea Forums on other boards
stop posting ANIME on other boards
I'm tired of Yea Forums and Yea Forums immigrants
not when the unelected moderation team is from reddit
>There's no way people would agree on a definition for what a shounen is.
You're one of the retards that neeeds to be segregated since you believe this.
>GO still exists
>it's been almost 20 (twenty) years
I demand the following:
Battle shounen threads are heavily regulated more than usual. Dragon Ball, HunterxHunter, BnHA, and Naruto series are banned.
Use of "-oomer words, moeshit, normies, animes, degenerate, lol, lmao, heckin, NOOOOOO, OH NO NO NO," gets a 30 day ban.
Bring back sadpanda, djt, and sakurafish. All posters must demonstrate they can access panda or be met with a ban until they can. Nhentai links are banned.
Implementation of kana captcha.
Nostalgiafag threads are banned. If you want to talk about old anime talk about old anime, not about how so much better than they are than new shit you don't even watch ad nauseam.
ESL tier posts are warned, later banned if repeat behavior.
Anybody who regularly posts on /pol/ should be banned.
Anybody who regularly posts on /u/ should be banned.
Social media shit about literal whos is an automatic perma ban. No appeals.
only redditfags have problem with /pol/ rest of the people just ignore and report it
redditfags need to mention their dissatisfaction with /pol/ everywhere they go, since what they post is against redditors shitty worldview
you're deliberately triggered just to cause an outcry like a retarded child instead of ignoring it
literally this
anyone who makes a post on /pol/ should be locked from posting on any other board for 3 days
I find the tumblr immigrants / twitter tourists much more annoying. They have such a warped view of this site, and feel the need to bitch about /pol/ 24/7 in completely unrelated boards and threads.
I'll never get the appeal.
All long running shounen generals are moved to /trash/ until they get the hint.
>Anybody who regularly posts on /u/ should be banned.
Seething hetcuck
As if this has worked for the last decade. You have people arguing about /pol/ in this very thread, you think the people here browse Yea Forums exclusively?
Yea Forums is fine, especially compared to most boards.
I think an /ag/ board for anime generals would be nice, so we can quarantine spics and normies who only watch what's trending on Reddit/MAL.
Yea Forums is nothing without shonen
filter tranny to trumpoid
Kill yourself.
Every OP post with over 75% greentext on Yea Forums is pretty much shit and could get deleted automatically. That way you deal with those
>is... le X
>nooooo you can't
>because... it is ok
>proving his point
Yea Forums immigrant here
We're sick of Yea Forums rejects coming to the board every time they get banned from here
We like anime but we don't like some shonen fan boy always coming over to talk about sales numbers
We get it, manga and anime is popular and outselling our medium, we don't need to be reminded of it for the millionth time this year
If you're gonna ban them from Yea Forums, ban them from Yea Forums as well so that they have no where else to go
if you want so many rules and regulations why not go to reddit then?
Are you sure we're browsing the same board? People here are extremely retarded and thirsty for retarded arguments.
>Yea Forums would have no more shitposting south americans and underage kids without shounen
fixed it for you
Please just delete shounen generals, especially stuff like SNK where there’s nothing new to talk about for months
If you don't like it on Yea Forums, why not go to Reddit then?
Remove image dump T&A threads. There is zero anime series discussion going on in those threads.
make a manga board
create an anime general containment board for faggot fandoms that spam shit
go to Yea Forums if you hate rules
Not at all, if anything he's further proof that hetcucks are just insecure incels that need a self insert to enjoy romance
memes are le bad
go back to r*ddit
Anyone who has even entered /pol/ is barred from posting in Yea Forums for a month since their last time.
>ESL tier posts are warned, later banned if repeat behavior.
Only allow discussion of anime I like
>continues to prove his point
Not really. But we can target it to specifically weekly shounen jump manga and anime adapted from their manga and board quality will jump instantly.
Merge Yea Forums with /u/.
>memes are... le bad! because... they just are, okay!
>half the thread is whining about /pol/
I precisely like posting and arguing on Yea Forums because I won't get banned for slightest rule violation
shitddit is completely opposite of that
>stop posting ANIME on other boards
anime website
because I want to post images on the thread easily without linking imgur or whatever shit they use, I want the replies in order instead of upvotes, I want the anonymity.
Anything else?
Yea Forums is mostly tourists
Honestly this, /snk/ is a prime example of this
>tumblr file name
go back
Remove moeshit and also remove all the retards that do le epic redirects to other Yea Forums board. Everyone has multiple interests even if you cry about it
Every /pol/ poster gets a yellow star icon next to their posts on other boards just for shits and giggles
Remove ecchi image dump threads, they're just as bad as shounen threads
Make /ag/
You are so funny.
Clover automatically reuses filenames. Stay mad.
go make your own webite then I doubt that an imageboard like this one is hard to maintain
Right? I get not liking /pol/ but that's not even half this board's problems which just makes the mentioning of them out of nowhere even worst.
>anime and manga I don't like shouldn't be discussed
You probably have shit taste and are upset your threads die with less than 10 posts.