Why are robots always girls?

why are robots always girls?

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Because I don't like looking at boys

because it's cuter that way, obviously

Gender is determined by your genitals. They have none. Therefore they are trans.

how about this

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user, do us a favor and study a bit more language and biology instead of wasting your life at /pol/ or reddit, non-biological entities are genderless.

So you're saying that computers are non-binary? That goes against every single technical standard in modern information technology, user.

>non-biological entities are genderless
So robots can't be girls then. Glad you agree cuck.

Data is a boy robot. He has a penis and fucks Tasha Yar and everything.

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any good "robot scale" images?
any variant is good

Aegis is so cute.

Not always. This robot is a boy.

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Not robotic enough.

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how robotic should they be?

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men are easier to please.

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Because they make the best waifus.

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muh dick, also male robots are just sex toys, which is gross, since I ain't gay, and I need no wife who is whore, I mean I have no wife, but I want muh perfect fantasy!

Because you're watching moetrash and not mecha. There's plenty of male robots

>Aigis is still waiting

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Because it's sexy

why make an android and not make it a cute girl

can't be a robutt without nice big butt
and boys with big butts are disgusting

Same fag

>muh biology
>is a fucking robot for sex retard
is just a troll trying to make people seeth cause they know what /pol/ is.
then they will go all "you are obsessed with trannies" after bring it up themself first to bait replies.
They only way to stop this cancer, is to leave them be, till they realise that if they are going to waste time Online, they might as well try having fun instead of flame baiting.

not they

I need to sleep instead of shitpost, like damn these fucking stupid sticky keys, shit keyboard for my shit grammer.

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Don't remind me.

user. That character is binary.

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Cause robo-girls are the best.

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>why are robots always girls?
you're just not watching enough anime.

The big O, r. dorothy is one of the best characters in the show alongside schwarzwald and roger.

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Fuck damnit. When will Heart Gear come back already? It's been in hiatus for two years.

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The issue with this train of thought is that AI revolution is probably not going to be slow. The distance from "human-equivalent" to "literal god" is like five weeks. Even if replacing women was the optimal strategy, the AI would be like "hmm, I should get started on building some waifubo... wait, it became easier to just kill everyone instead".

This is why "aligning" any nascent AI god with human values is the most important thing. We don't want our robot overlords to use waifus as a strategy, because then they will abandon that strategy once they find a better one. But if we start off with an AI whose guiding principle is "be the best waifu possible", we can rest easy knowing that we won't get surprise paperclipped.

The upside is that AI alignment is easier than predicted by the AI community (especially Eliezer Yudkowsky, who is a legit genius but responds to every AI question with "NO! YOU WILL BE KILL BY ROBOTS!"). See these Facebook bots that immediately assimilate and become senile racist grandpas the moment their switch is flipped on. The downside is that if you aligned an AI to Yea Forums, it would develop as a male, conclude that all other men are trying to steal HIS robot waifus, and kill all men instead.

thanks :)

I miss Hildr.

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stopped reading right there, go back to lw

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shut up, terrorist-kun


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Is it really though? ANTONIO technically stole that body from Opheria.

Vivy's not a robot, she's an android. Matsumoto is a robot, not an android. You just disproved your own hypothesis.

>Therefore they are trans.
What are they transitioning to/from if they don't have either? They just don't have a gender you retard.

There is literally a boy robot in your image. It's the floating cube.

If you could make a person, then why would you make them anything other than a cute/hot girl?

Because they're objects. I'll let you decide which one I'm talking about.

Plus Ophelia popped back in at the end, so a part of her was surprised but alive while being controlled.

>Antonio was 'inside' Ophelia
At least my man didn't die a wizard

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That's a nice picture, sometimes I forget that the Antonio fight was actually pretty good despite that arc being kinda silly after the tweest. If I can give Vivy one thing, it's the animation and choreography of the fight scenes

You're such a louse, user

Because boys have robo-cooties
Also, are you telling me that if you were made into a robot, you wouldn't want to be a cute girl?

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Male engineers have no reason to make male robots

No cause I'd get housed by all the bigger and stronger robots

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>Not listing the gigachad of all in anime

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>no one has posted the objectively cutest robot

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Yeah they were top notch, art design and most dialogue, especially Matsumoto's, was pretty up there too.

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Because they're made out of love

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Gabriel, is that you?

Where from?