Translations up, dumping.
Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! 73
You've done it now Jahy-sama...
>The 5 Stages of Grief beginning with...
>The owner is the owner
>want to tell the truth
>tells the truth
>haha so funny your jokes are great
every fucking time i've just about fucking had it with the Japanese misunderstanding meme
>The truth will set you free, etc..
Look at it this way Jahy-sama, even if Druj abandons you, there's still always the Aho Shoujo right?
Oh no.
Oh shit. Friendship ended with Drujj????
The Super-Cool Owner appears.
Now that boob-Jahy fucked. When will it be jahy-Jahy's turn?
Yes she will use her Ultra-SUCC powers to console Ultra-M Druj.
>I told it kokoro
Druj's impressions of Jahy were such an integral component of her self-conception that I'm worried she's suffering Ego Death right now and might try to vanish entirely (which also wouldn't be her first attempt). It's the hole that Jahy dug, so I'm expecting some Lv. 99 Talk no Jutsu next chapter.
>..Thanks for the meal.
B-But she didn't eat anything.
While She was already suicidal once, I don't think she'll kill herself over this after how closed they've become. Druj has to come to terms with the fact that jahy changed and she isn't the old one she loved. This chapter also proved that druj would have ditched jahy if she hadn't lied to her in the beginning. Also this is ending soon right? Feels like all plot points are being resolved now
Is this drawn by the Uzaki author? Something about the face tells me that, plus Druj is not that stacked.
Mommy Druj.
Your answer is right there in the picture.
It's called denial, retard.
Jahy has taken a big risk in coming clean with Druj. I mean look at all the free sweets and rides that are now in danger!
>It didn't end in a wacky misunderstanding
>the plot is actually moving forward
What the fuck, I expected the whole chapter to be a joke about jahy not being able to tell the truth, this is exciting
When will Jahy-sama reveals that she is a lesbo?
I thought the anime ended the story?
The leads in boob jahy's manga fucked but boob jahy herself hasn't done it yet. Her deal is being a voyeur so she'll probably end up watching the leads do it and want to do it herself soon
It will in the next chapter, trust me
Druj has to have an ample backside for Jahy to properly use her as a chair.
>When will Jahy-sama reveals that she is a lesbo?
She's not, the ignore the times she spent sleeping with Ryou-chan and Chisa-chan.
Didn't she had something with the disciplinary committee girl who's afraid of breasts?
Beri short chapter. Like smol Jahy.
It did, but it continues some more.
its over
Yeah she spends about half her screentime surreptitiously watching the leads and cheering on their romance and the other half flirting with the uptight repressed disciplinary committee member who's her love interest
Where did she learn that?
It is a mystery.png
Stop enjoying this. This isn't what we read Jahy for.
If Druj and Jahy bond more after this, then this is why I'm reading Jahy for.
Jahy-sama still needs to perform a "quality inspect" of the high-class restaurant who's responsibility that she bequeathed to Druj.
Jahy threads were a good time when it aired, shame interest dropped off so hard.
They're gonna make up and have sex, right?
They have to.
yup it dropped hard, but at least it still being tl
Jahy-sama won't be discouraged! She'll try hard and get a second 2-cour season you'll see! This is is the era of Cute Brown Demons!
Last manga thread actually hit bump limit at least
This is why I love Druj.
Druj needs ample milkers to support the army of little brown magic babies they'll make.
But two girls can't make babies.
I hate these stupid drama.
This has been building for years. Jahy-sama had to square things away with Druj eventually. The alternative was her seeing Tenchou paying her after work or seeing her forking over renbts to Landlady in her ruin-I mean apartment.
The real conflict will happen if/when she finds out about Kokoro-chan. What then?