The spring season is upon us. What are my fellow fujoshi watching?

>What are my fellow fujoshi watching?
Probably nothing, fujoanime are dead

Still too busy with the males of some recent anime I watched to have much time for anything else but I agree with . Quints of truth.
I watch it and like it. But no it has no BL pandering. I enjoy it for the plot, look and characters nonetheless though. I also enjoy Dance Dance so far. Besides these not much of a fan of the current season. The actual homo pandering shows are nothing for me again.

Praying they pick good VAs for them. Akira Ishida for Qifrey would make my penis explode

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I hope they get far enough to show the mind rape.

The only homo there is a lesbian.

Good evening sirs, any good manga we're reading at the moment?

I miss Robihachi

Looking forward to this love the manga and these two dudes are so good.

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not robohachi. there was an emotionless girl with blonde-ish hair if that helps.

Looking forward to actual JP art since the western one is awful 50% of the time