Cocktail Knights

Its more sloppy since he's not getting paid for it anymore.

It's not as clean, a lot more rough, i don't mind as long as the asses remain plump

Even though the artist works in an NTR manga as the lead artist
He's a good guy
He's also a fellow Min Minfag

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This series gonna end up longer canceled than it was serialized.

I love how he draws min min

His undying love for ARMS in general is really nice to see, hoping Min Min gets more stuff not just for him but also being a ramenfag myself

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I'm ashamed to say Smash got me into ARMS, and I really like it even if I'm shit at it and the game's dead as fuck. I'm currently trying REALLY fucking hard to get her amiibo but here in my third world shithole it's impossible

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Seeing as he's literally doing this in his spare time and we all know how much of it Japs get it's actually impressive for it to be this decent.

I don't recall min min having tits that big

It's the law of internet fanart. The size of the cup size of the character increases at least 2 sizes on average and 4 on average if the artist is japanese.