So since OP has the #1 total manga sales, where do we go from here? How does Oda stay this motivated? Also NEITHER Carrot or Yamato are joining.
One Piece
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Ulti will join
He just has to answer all the questions that have been set up.
here's a quick list of things we have yet to uncover
>large living things in the florian triangle
>will of D
>what created (?) the red line
>the rest of the ancient weapons besides poseidon (what did they look like? What purpose did they serve?)
>who Joyboy was
>the importance of the straw hat
>more on Lunerians and their origin
>Vegapunk and his experiments (also what his relationship with Kuma was)
>Franky's parents (if that actually matters)
>Brook's origin kingdom is still a mystery
>Nami's parents (if that actually matters)
>God Valley
>that big egg thing on Roger's ship
>what Luffy's real goal really is
>Imu's plans for the world
>Shank's origin
>the origin of Devil Fruits
>literally anything about Shanks' crew beyond their names
>Dragon's origin and DF
>Aliens in general
>Akainu's plans now that he has left the WG
>How BB gets 2 DFs (Cerberus theory?)
>Zoro's origin story beyond learning to be a swordsman
>what does imu want with Vivi
>Luffy's mom I guess
>is Robin shaved or unshaved
there's plenty more I have probably missed. These are a lot of holes he has to fill
But who will Carrot fight?
The Florian Triangle is meant to be mysterious. Don't expect explanations for the weird stuff there.
>He just has to answer all the questions that have been set up.
lmao. Oda won't answer a quarter of these in the manga proper.
I'm sure Horikoshi will answer some when he writes Two Piece though
Yamato will fight Akainu, the tenth commander. Ice vs. ice, it's perfect.
Doc Q and Stronger with Choniki of course
Who will Zoro fuck by the end of the series out of these women?
Perona canonically only does anal so no breeding possibilities, has to be Tashigi.
This one
I honestly don't care if he doesn't answer the more frivilous ones that don't offer much for the story.
>won't answer a quarter of these
yes he will, more than a quarter in fact. I don't see him skipping out on major villain introductions or plot threads that tie directly to fighting the WG
Akainu no... Did Aokiji cuck you that bad??
zoro likes gurls, not girls
Don’t forget Binks’ sake’s origin
>no electro
Tashigi looking like Kuina.........whatever happened there?
And he will get to most of these, he incorporated Moda from the cover stories over a decade back back into the canon story for fuck's sake.
>Ooooh... Hey babe!
Kuina never died.
>Luffy will defeat Jack!
>Ace was a beat pirate!
>Killer will get killed in his fight!
>Kanjuro's painting of Oden is Tama's teapot!
>Luffy will get rescued from drowning by the carp in Wano!
>Ushimaru is Zoro's dad and he is also Admiral Green Bull and also Fuga!
>Zunesha is pluton!
>CP0 will not intervene in Luffy's fight with Kaido!
>Carrot is turning out to be super fucking relevant during Onigashima, she is inseparable from the SHs and will most likely join!
>Inu and Neko have huge death flags and they will die! Second tragedy for Carrot before she joins!
>Smoker will join Jesusffy!
>Smoker and Tashigi will be extremely relevant for Wano!
>Jinbe will fucking die he has death flags he is not a Straw Hat!
>Pounds death was the best thing ever!
>It's likely Blackbeard invading WCI!
>Onigashima will drop on the capital on chapter 1037! It means heavenly disaster and Yuderon said so!
>The raid will fail!
Be honest with me bros, will he actually outlive this serialization?
orochi is going to be captured by the world government cause he was talking so much shit for so long.
>Kaido has conveniently never mentioned his OWN fruit awakening when he brought it up
Raidfailbros, our stocks have never looked brighter
When will Wan Piss tards finally learn the difference between sales and circulation?
Shueisha is printing 3 million copies of every new One Piss volume. In reality, this dead corpse of a series can't even sell 2 million copies anymore. They are using the remaining books as literal toilett paper. In about 2 years from now Wan Piss won't even be able to sell 1 million copies anymore.
Absolutely not, I'd almost assume he's dragging this shit our specifically hoping he dies before people realize he's making this all up as he goes along.
I really did think Tashigi would show up in Wano. I'm coping.
>shitposter keeps trying
Here's a pity reply.
Dont spend it all in one place.
I'd like too see Queen awaken his fruit while flying mid air. After all the raid will fails once and ONLY once every single Beast Pirate awakens his fruit and absolutely everyone in the alliance gets crushed. We do not accept ANYTHING less than complete and total defeat for the alliance.
Zoro's mantits here have to be at least a D cup.
Who is Moda
Like THAT'S the arc where I expected Tashigi to finally shine but nope her character conclusion is actually that she is an infinity jobber
This chick, she was in Ace's cover story around 2005. Came back during Reverie. Never underestimate Oda's autism.
OP has been getting traction outside japan now. that is why they did the international popularity poll. the sales, circulation and printing numbers are way beyond the numbers of japan alone
Literally who
But muh Big Mom said she was going after Luffy so he predicted she would go to Wano after the fact. GENIUS.
ZKK btfo
Exactly. Oda reincorporated a literally who, he's not going to miss major/medium plotlines.
Chopper is not a mink, nor can he get electro.
Also thought Fujitora or Ryokugyu was gonna show up. They're probably all being saved for a team battle to parallel the Marineford scene.
>anime-only garbage
anime episode was better than the chapter
cope and seethe
Dumb Yamatroon.
>Mugiwara... I've come back new and proved. How will you deal with my new Job-Job fruit? Prepare to win!
Didn’t happen.
chopper can't go sulong but he is covered in fur. he should be able to create electro with static electricity.
Smoker could show what a Logia awakening looks like
The absolute megacope.
You forgot:
>Yamato will met the crew on the way to the roof
>Yamato will fight king with Zoro
>Yamato will met Robin and brook
>Yamato will make a last stand with the crew against kaido.
Should I join, guys? I'll forget about being Oden, I swear!
Just having fur doesn't let you use electro, only minks can do it just like only Fishman can do that magic water shit.
>Yamato has the byakko fruit to fit the 2-9 pattern
It objectively didn’t happen in canon. Seethe.
It want to caress her hands.
And instead Tama showed up and is facing the Emperors with the crew
Tama will join
>only fishman
Yamato: Byakko
Kaido: Seiryu
We're missing Genbu and Suzaku and Kirin. Who are they?
Not canon.
>Logia awakening
I mean even the most common type of fruit awakening is absolutely devastating. I would love to see what an awakened zoan or an awakened logia looks like.
I feel like a lot of these can be answered really quick in a flashback or two. I have full confidence that Oda will answer most of our questions regarding the history of the world, the WG, the ancient weapons etc.
The real blackpill is that he won't have the time to give all the characters he has introduced their time to shine in a satisfying manner.
Relax, you'll get all the human seed you want you horny bun.
>awakened zoan
Uh... Luffy?
The record was earned thanks to the backlog sales and Marineford hype.
Jack confirmed this, Jack is one of those instances I know I could've done better than Oda.
why do people care about this brainlet
Karate isn't the same as the jiu-jitsu, retard. She can't fire water droplet bullets or use hydrokinesis she can just shockwave punch.
He's already cutting corners. Tashigi got absolutely shafted and will have no satisfying character conclusion.
Smoker probably too
The entire series does count with sales user.
Your replying skills user…
Funny part is that the Pajeet was actually a Byakkofag.
From Redon in PirateKing Forums :
I've always said that the "really dangerous" thing is publishing images of Shueisha's internal material, of those RAWs with Shonen Jump watermark that are the ones that the official companies that work on MangaPlus have. That is the dangerous material and that we will never publish in the forum, to avoid problems like the one that Xeno commented on a few weeks ago and that almost sent the web to hell.
As for why I have published these Spoilers, the answer is very simple. When other reliable people who publish Spoilers (such as EtenBoby) have already confirmed them as true and they are already being published everywhere, it is absurd for us not to do so (unless they were images like the ones I mentioned in the previous paragraph).
If you had not created the topic, any other user could have done it (or they would have published them in the topic of the previous chapter) and we would have no reason to delete their messages because the Spoilers are true. That is why the best thing was to create the topic ourselves by publishing the information that has come out (without changing or adding anything) and that's it.
This time my warning was not because the material was dangerous (although it has been published earlier than recommended so as not to attract attention). My warning was because the text you have posted is very vague and some things are not quite correct. I have put it so that people take it into account when reading them, so that there is no confusion when more complete Spoilers or the chapter come out and they see that certain things are not as they have said. Nothing more.
Holy shit.
Redon is salty
Well realistically they're gonna have some involvement with Vegapunk, but fightwise yea they probably won't get anything satisfying.
what about them? that user is a brainlet, morj didn't say 90% of that list
How did Zoro get so loose?
Perona pegging.
so many words and all I can hear is pic related
>Uh... Luffy?
Ahhhhh Fuck he is apparently a zoan user now.
I think that is absolutely retarded. Zoan users have clear and distinct forms and shit, though i guess the gears count.