Post some kani

Post some kani.

Attached: kani.jpg (1280x720, 180.85K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Attached: 1420110189931.webm (960x540, 2.89M)

I want to eat kani and all its fluids and enjoy its taste!

Life has reverted to kani at least four times, and we're on the cusp of a fifth

Attached: 63773040_p0.jpg (1717x1291, 1.01M)

Attached: no kuni.png (1279x720, 545.6K)

The kani is out of the bottle, my friend, and it's not going back in

Attached: 1608423708262.png (1033x1530, 729.76K)

Attached: 0c63b4153e7f92f456e56d91939e4101.png (700x990, 588.79K)

Well this thread turned out exactly as I expected

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Attached: 1598623035098.jpg (2880x1620, 209.02K)

I don't think young girls should hold their kanis in such a position so that everyone can see them, even if, like in this case, they seem to be enjoying it.

Big kani.

Attached: 1632058396911.gif (540x304, 674.1K)

Attached: 15823482934.gif (500x281, 1.15M)

C'mon user. They clearly holding it properly, you should get your eyes checked. Their kani are bit too red for my taste though.

You prefer raw?

Attached: grabbed by the kani.png (1920x1080, 2.23M)

And covered with creamy condiments. Those are delicious.

My mom like kani very much.
Except she always buy them alive and she boils them alive. You can actually hear them crawling profusely inside the pot.

Attached: Delicious underage kani.webm (640x584, 2.93M)

Isn't that the right way to cook kani? I always did mine like that.

Is it eating its own young? What the fuck

Attached: 1598108891057.jpg (712x999, 90.73K)

Can you at least kill them first?

Non mammals in the water are messed up, user.

This is what they do to their offspring: They deserve to be boiled alive.

Attached: 1614394448802.png (450x400, 150.66K)

kani are immoral creatures that should be destroyed

Attached: 1637768706313.png (471x328, 156.29K)

Why are there so many images associating lolis with kani?
...Do the japs know?

Attached: 1598108157903.jpg (1441x2048, 536.12K)

they probably know

Attached: [].jpg (922x799, 307.72K)

I don't want to get food poisoning.
Here you go user

Wonder how many people gave this show a shot because of this clip.


Attached: 1533405554467.jpg (1300x1020, 232.17K)

Crabs and some sea food release toxins when dead. That's why cooks boil them alive.

Is this a euphemism for what she does with Saikawa?

Attached: miyucrab.jpg (512x512, 23.67K)

Attached: f5a.gif (353x201, 3.65M)

Why are they singing about kani?

Attached: カニ カニ カニ。.webm (1280x720, 2.71M)

they already suffer enough

Attached: pipelined.gif (258x157, 1022.53K)

Kill 'em all

Attached: Stroggification.webm (720x404, 2.54M)

Attached: file.png (1042x556, 634.83K)

no, she still has her pouch full of eggs, those are probably the babies of another crab who already laid her eggs on previous days and it's already on her way back to the forest or most likely already died of fatigue, was eaten or crushed by a car

Attached: 4556.jpg (1600x900, 419.34K)

Attached: 1634629816860.gif (500x374, 227.49K)

How do you eat crabs?

Attached: 1633840210515.jpg (750x750, 180.81K)

Attached: Kanini Kanino.jpg (1075x761, 367.11K)

for you

Attached: 1630007399269.webm (1920x1080, 1001.34K)

The most pottery image ever

Attached: bcf[1].jpg (1280x1517, 223.57K)

are we talking about crabs or cunny

Attached: opm.jpg (1359x767, 95.26K)

You literally break their arms and legs so you can eat it's innards, when you think about it eating a crab is fucking metal.

Attached: [Serenae] Healin' Good♥Precure - 09v2 (1080p).mkv_snapshot_21.21.566.jpg (1920x1080, 213.44K)


was looking for this

I don't remember if those used to be different things anymore

We're talking about kani.

Does it really matter?
I find this thread is much more peaceful than many threads in this board.

Attached: Arisu_SS_SR3.png (1280x824, 1000.49K)

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She should learn how to pinch a kani.

Attached: shiireikokoguma1201.jpg (640x360, 93.54K)