What do you miss most about old anime?
What do you miss most about old anime?
Nothing. They haven't gone anywhere.
I miss Mauritania being a French colony
the relative lack of moeshit
they felt like being made by competent adults.
The soul
Kircheis is what I miss.
It was always there.
Cunny was more common, moe was much more present everywhere. That's it, everything else got better.
>keyword : relative
>moe was much more present
Quick someone post those charts
Panty shots
Actually interesting women instead of vapid fanservice.
Painting the scene lighting into the backgrounds and characters instead of putting a gradient filter over some neutral color shots.
Don't respond to election tourists, just report them for the trolling that they are doing.
I miss when we have a fun LOGH thread before it turns into a scapegoat
This. Overlay kills color info. Especially unnatural if it's an outdoor scene and all the trees are shifted towards blue or purple.
They've gotten way better at it lately. I absolutely hated the 'paint dark scenes the same as light scenes but put a radial gradient black overlay to make the corners dark to imply that it's actually night time'
pic related
Yeah it always looks like shit, but most animation projects are cheap and badly organized. Just look at something high-budget like UBW and compare it to some "average" shows from the same year.
They still do that, you should watch better anime.
UBW while competently animated heavily overused shader effects and overlays which made a lot of it look washed out and overdone
color pallet/rendering. actual drawn/painted backgrounds. no obvious 3d garbage that hasnt looked good outside of like fucking ghost in the shell movie or some shit from 30 years ago.
theres a lot of bad shit from back then as well that is overlooked (i love lodoss war, but they constantly have stillframes they pan over or a couple locks of hair move in air of still frame for like 2 minutes straight type shit), but they just plain look better to me. comparing something like gundam wing to newer ones and new shit look so soulless and generic. even really old original gundam stuff looks better despite a lot of reused scenes. everything looks the same now with the same bland coloring and styles. its mostly copying the blender/clip paint studio traced 3d models used to mass produce the manga, but still sucks to see.
Most of them were generic damsels in distress. Now we have generic fanservice instead, which is arguably worse because unlike damsels it doesn't add anything to the story.
The Gundam ones were great. Haman in particular was based on a real person.
I miss the kinda "fuck it do whatever" adaptations/stories you'd get with 80s anime. Yeah, there's that red meat manly action adventure shit with stuff like Golgo or City Hunter, but you have cute girls doing stuff, goofy comedy shit, giant robot stuff. It was less boilerplate than the seasonal charts.
Yeah, maybe it was an unsustainable market, but shit, Icarus flew high as hell before hubris kicked in.
I miss how it was more ok for even female characters to look ugly while expressing emotions. Ugly smiles, teeth etc. Now emotions are more codified and standardized, there's less creativity it appears. They don't want to sacrifice perfection/attractiveness for feeling or quirkiness.
real people aren't that great
Angelfire websites dedicated to them.
The time when pretentious underage zoomers didn't latch onto them
this but unironically
I only really like the old art styles and music. That's really it. Couldn't give a shit about the rest of it then or now.
Floof hair.
>everyonr who says things I don't like must be trolling
Either that or ignorant.
fuck off moeshitter
The hairstyles.
Based Birdy poser
memorable characters.
these too.
You are retarded and pretentious. Moe wasn't called moe back then but it's always been present (Creamy Mami, Minky Momo, bunch of other shit used to advertise toys/music, etc.). You were probably banned for being a retarded troll
The backgrounds. The technical skills regarding animation has improved a lot and the character art is often on point in modern anime, but the backgrounds can and will never be as good as they were back in the day.
Does the new thesis have the right to dissapoint me in such degree?
Kys moeshitter. Those are children cartoons. If you are gonna go for Minky Momo might as well go for Candy Candy and Sally the witch, hell even Spirited Away is moeshit by your metric
more violence
more unironic psuedointellectualism
We reach peak pseudointellectualism in the 2000s and it was glorious
Having fun watching it.
>Haman in particular was based on a real person
That's not true.
I don't even watch moe you're just angry and have no argument. Stay mad retard
>no argument.
The argument is clear you want to pretend shows for children are moeshit when that's not the case, no one in their right mind think Spirited Away is moeshit.
Everything. Even the low resolution makes it more soulful.
I didn't say that, you said that. You're arguing by yourself at this point
The colors
You said Creamy Mami and MinkyMomo are moeshit when they are closer in spirit to Ghibli work than they are to what is usually labeled moeshit, if you are gonna say moeshit always existed at least point to something you can make a valid case for being moeshit like Uresai Yatsura.
The time when people in this thread weren't even born
Slow-paced story.
Silent moments, no dialogue, just environment sounds.
Voice actors good acting, giving soul to their character.
Immersion to make a fan-service scene where the character gets dirty and tired because something happened and then gets naked to take a bath instead of throwing boobs and butts in front of me in the middle of a random discussion.
Generation'z bad taste killed anime.
They literally aren't like Spirited Away. Cute girl does cute things and maybe beats a monster of the week with some insert songs. There's no real point to it other than cute stuff and ads
Cel animation? More like incel animation.
Tsundere who were actually tsundere and not just vapid violent psychos