Why is Berserk so childish?
Why is Berserk so childish?
It's not
Then what is the point of all the rape, violence, and edginess other than to appeal to teenage boys and man children?
Author was obsessed with horror, rape, and violence during his edgy phase. As he got older, he lose his edge and turned the Berserk into a archetypical shounen direction with friendship, forgiveness, and shit.
Based on the themes explored in Miura's other works, it's very obvious that Berserk's ending is going involve Griffith redeeming himself and Guts forgiving him.
>Guts forgiving him
I can't imagine this
>As he got older he became a pedophile* fify
horse should had
The closest I could see happening would be guts giving up on revenge but never truly forgiving what Griffith did, which seemed to be the way it was headed.
Its symbolic of the authors abuse as a child imo.
In Miura's other work, Gigantomakhia, the MC was adamant in not killing anyone and even forbade his friends from killing their enemies for vengeance. It's very easy to imagine Berserk going in a similar direction.
baloney, Guts was always shonen soft inside even in the first chapter, the gimmick was always that he was clearly forcing himself to act like an edgelord
I'm curious why nearly all mangaka are so fixated on old man rape and the like. And I wonder how common it is for an author to mellow out like Miura did.
because rape and violence are part of the real world, manchild
esp in a medieval world
In miura case he's just that hack that couldn't thing of other cheap storytelling shock value tactics other than rape so he drew it 100 times until it stopped hitting
>because rape and violence are part of the real world
Are you implying that Berserk is attempting to be realistic?
its a fantasy story, but apart from those fantasy elements probably
i haven't read it in a while
>100 times
That's still only 1 in 3 chapters. Much better ratio than rape Namek.
Edgyness is important for the message and the world miura wanted to draw. Its the reality that the world is cruel but you need to fight. Like a good snk
Rape is pretty common in Japanese culture. Look at all of their adult content. 90% of them is rape.
Plus non-consensual sex isn't even a crime there
Well if edginess is important for building the world then the world is conceptually childish
Baby's first edgy shonen
Ouch. Beacause it sells.
I though that he shoud have toned down in the rape and ultraviolence in some parts.
The black swordsman arc is just some shitty shock value.
Also that retarded Wyald shit that totally spoils the Eclipse for no reason.
not him but
Nah, i think you are childish
rape and violence are things that exist in real life, esp in a medieval setting
>Grifth "sacrificed everything" to be a God
>couldn't bring himself to kill Guts and Casca allowing them to live, feeling confused by his own reaction
So the ritual was bullshit? or did Femto fucked up?
In a somewhat philosophical angle? Yes, since it's interested in exploring the human nature. The Idea of Evil was born from a vortex of negative human emotions iirc, somewhere along these lines. That is to say, the ultimate antagonists in Berserk are not some alien entities who are just evil or alien just because, but they're the direct consequences of human suffering made manifest. They're "gods" born from human desire.
Why do we humans suffer? Why do some of us have to go through war, famine, plagues, torture, rape? Violence was omnipresent in the middle ages and it's important for the setting of the story to portray that. It also gives an extra dimension of hopelessness to Guts' journey because what he's fighting against is not just some overpowered demonic half-gods he can eventually kill with a magical sword and win. He wages battle against the dark recesses of humanity itself, which is by definition not something you can ever destroy. Berserk's violence is rarely ever gratuitous, it does serve a narrative purpose.
what would have happened if the horse had its way with the girl?
I would cum.
it's bait because the author wanted to fuck children, the manga made this pretty obvious several times
berserkeks are embarrassing
This and also rape is just another form of sacrificing somone for one's own gain (pleasure). It ties in with the overarching themes.
You should let go of disregarding things due to a perceived childishness on your part because of a misguided desire to be adult.
It's the same as with Rosine and the Count. Even after having sacrificed loved ones, there's still sometimes people a human turned demon cares about.
The same is implied to apply to Griffith. Somewhere deep down he still cares about Guts, but the eclipse didn't stop his autism and he's as always unaware of his own feelings. But, experiencing the MLC's emotions when it's in control is probably making him sentimental for his own.
I like to think of Berserk as a more shonen than seinen, people try and think big brain with Berserk when most of it is just well illustrated gore
I'd even argue a series like One Piece has more thought put into it's construction, noting that Oda has to keep tabs on hundreds of characters
It's even more obvious in one of his other manga.
>upskirt nosebleed scenes involving loli
>implied oral sex between older man and loli for "healing"
Raws never
But Wan piss is terrible and literally does zero plot integration and long-term pay offs
What is Marine Fort arc?
>I'd even argue a series like One Piece has more thought put into it's construction
lol no, one piece is shit
One Piece of shit, say it correctly
Guts hasn't forgiven Griffith at all he's just decided that Casca is more important than revenge.
Because they're tragic and a thing that happens in the world we live in.
I've read fanfic that did the same and is heavily inspired by Berserk (there is one huge reference to the scene with Griffith and Guts discussing the existence of something other than humanity) where the protagonist rapes a nun.
it's one of the worst things he's ever done to himself weirdly enough
This is facts
>noting that Oda has to keep tabs on hundreds of characters
This isn't a good thing
So evil in Berserk is the same as curses in fujutsu gaysen. 10/10 very deep
>caska getting raped,orgasming ang getting a creampie is childlish.
did you hit your head or you were born withoit brain user.
Yes it's childish
Who said anything about depth? And Berserk is not considered to be particularly deep, but it executes its concepts very well. Humanity's struggle against "fate" is not a particularly original concept but you can either make something trite or something memorable out of it.
>what is the point
Appealing to edgy teenagers.
I see, shitting on Berserk is apparently popular with the zoomers nowadays.
To appeal to adults who just like violence. Unless you're one of those faggots that automatically equate gore to "immaturity" or some shit.
(((berserk))) i wonder why
It's a fetish clearly. Even Miura admitted it.
No, Femto was literally stopped by Fate from killing Guts. Otherwise, there's no reason for him to look at his own hand. Femto was obviously confused as to why he couldn't use his power.
You havent seen shock until you saw all the shit frieza did during off camera and up until the actual frieza saga
This narrative. This fucking narrative
Moralism is fucking cancer to art. Berserk is a dreadful world of depravity and demons, and the author's ability to depict horrifying content brings it to life.
How the fuck do you tell a story of depravity and demons without depicting the innate ugliness? How did people convince themselves sugar coating was maturity? What kills is this retarded narrative only applies to works aimed toward men.
>people say Euphoria should be moralistic
>What the fuck is wrong with you!? it's essential to depict harsh realities!
>Someone says Berserk or Goblin Slayer should be moralistic
>IKR, it's so childish to depict harsh realities!
Bite a dick, you self-righteous cunt.
>people say Euphoria should be moralistic
>What the fuck is wrong with you!? it's essential to depict harsh realities!
>Someone says Berserk or Goblin Slayer should be moralistic
>IKR, it's so childish to depict harsh realities!
I'm not saying that at all. I just don't think it has much to do with reality, just fetishism.
I fucking hate you intellectually dishonest faggots that barge into every conversation about a fictional medium and make this same retarded fucking point.
>Hurrrr why does [fantasy setting] need racism/sexism/rape/anything that hurts my feelings? You can believe in a world that has dragons and magic in it but not racism?
You are such a fucking disingenuous piece of shit and even though you obviously know the difference between historical realism and setting verisimilitude you'll continue to make these same retarded points.
Why doesn't Guts go out and buy the new iphone? Or a machine gun?
I fucking despise you WORTHLESS slime
No Wylad made the 97 anime better
Yeah, I'm tired of sexual violence. It's so fucking boring and no one knows how to use it.
Miura did a good job using it for the most part but he just used it too much. I think post whore princesses of the uterine sea he stops using it all together.
I'm reading monster right now and it's showing me how far you can make an absolutely evil and horrible antagonist go without then even hurting anyone themselves.
I think just throwing rape and murder in is an easy way to make someone evil without much effort so people use it.
> rape and violence are for children
What education did you receive?
>I'm not saying that at all. I just don't think it has much to do with reality, just fetishism.
Ukrainian war and all the rape says hi dumbass.
user, doujins are not an accurate depiction of Japanese society.
People have a hard time admitting that they just enjoy rape and violence.
>I'm not saying that at all. I just don't think it has much to do with reality, just fetishism.
What does this even mean? Demons aren't real, is it just satanism? You're condemning the work based on moralistic nonsense instead of merit. Just because you portray something doesn't make it part of your ideals.
why are roasties so triggered?