Daily Tomodachi to Shite Daisuki/I Love You, as a Friend Chapter Finale

What was your reaction when reading through a manga and suddenly came to an abrupt end? Consumed by rage? Filled with confusion? Drown in disbelief and denial? Perhaps, plagued with uncontrollable laughter at the absurdity.

Nevertheless, come. Relive, share with others, or experience for yourself the first time some of these short lived (maybe justifiably so) creations.
Make valuable lessons be learnt. And never forget, the true ending was the friends we read questionably sourced Japanese cartoon drawings on a handicraft forum with along the way.

"Did Komi better than Komi", said Anonymous. Presenting, one of the not so great deb/a/tes.

>Sanako Hase is infamous within her school—she often seeks sexual relationships with men, causing many of her classmates to call her a slut. While running away from a group of girls who accused her of seducing boys, she encounters the student council president, Yuito Takashi. It's love—and lust—at first sight, and so she asks him out! Yuito promptly rejects her, stating that relationships between boys and girls are strictly prohibited according to the school's rules. Nonetheless, all she wishes is to be his friend, and Yuito reluctantly accepts on one condition: that she follows one thousand rules of friendship. With Yuito's rules as guidance, Sanako slowly comes to learn what it truly means to be a friend, all so that Yuito can love her back... as a friend.

Chapter 16

Previously victimized:
>GalCleaning! desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/daily galcleaning/
>Reki Yomi desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/daily reki yomi/
>Banana no Nana desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/daily banana/
>Cheat Slayer
>Torako, Anmari Kowashicha Dame da yo desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/daily torako/
>Shark na Kanojo no Territory desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/daily shark/

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Other urls found in this thread:


Chapter 17: Hanami

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Don't say it

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What about Shinkansen? Tokyo Towa?

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Oh, damn, Last time she (literally) dodged a death flag, but now...

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So sparkly

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Good God, Honoka
Can't dodge the kokoro

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Must feel really silly now, huh, Yui-kun?

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If there were panels of their old imaginary selves... Yuito saved me from potential embarrassment with autism

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Still wouldn't touch him ;_;

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Does this call for the pipe?

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>the final chapter
W-what?! But I'm not ready

Oh fuck, he's monologuing about the environment

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He got ligma didn't he

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Hair! HAIR!
Also, repeating is cheating, Yuito

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Her smiles are so precious

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And that's all for today as well as Tomodachi to Shite Daisuki or I Love You, as a Friend. Thank you to all of you that have followed and read along. May Sanako's name be cleared in some hearts through this retreading of memory and may Mikumi-sensei gets a chance at pulling on heart strings through pureness once more.
Well, it's time to say goodbye to the doggy and school because we're getting a much deserved break. And what better way to spend it than a fieldtrip! So, join me next time as we go on a light-hearted journey full of wonders and new understanding for a young naive mind with a oddly-colored hair girl and her adopted guardian in Yotsukoto.
With that said, I'll be dumping some arts I dug up on my investigative venture if you're interested in sticking around.
And lastly, good day/night to all of you, my anonymous friends.

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Really incredible, thank you OP. I'll miss Sanako so much, it didn't deserve the axe. The manga did a great job at bringing up gosling feelings

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Bonus art for volume 3 iirc
Forgot to spoiler it Yosukoto,

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Bookstore specific bonus art
Okay, apparently I can't use spoiler mid text like that anymore? Could've sworn it worked before

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Why was it axed?

Thank you OP, the ending was calmer than I thought it would be, and it sucks they didn't really get together in the end but I'll gladly look forward to Yotsukoto

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Probably sales, could be anyone's guess
I wanted to trick it into looking like Yotsubato, alas, my shamefur dispray is out there for all to see

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Drawn by a friend of sensei

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>already announcing next storytime
So is this what people were talking about when they said that storytimers have their own fanbases who follow whatever they dump?

I wouldn't call it a fanbase, I just let anons know what to look out for if they're interested

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Drafts for volume 1 cover

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I don't really see how announcing plans to dump something means everyone who read this has to read that as well

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I'm glad it's over.

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