How can his show be fixed?

How can his show be fixed?

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There are times when it's cheaper to just clear the site and start anew.

I don't even know what show this is.
What is it, some literal who seasonal shit?
Why the fuck should I care?
Delete your thread and come back with a real fucking show.

Give him a SwordShield

When we get past the Doomsday Turtle arc thing should pick back up properly. The Author herself even said she regrets making this arc because it was so bad.

Never really liked shield hero.
The biggest hook was the revenge part in the first bit. Other than that is was pretty middling. Shield powers weren't that great either despite having a lot of flexibility with what you could do with it. I'm still reading the manga though, still not great.

some stupid event makes MC loose most of his powers and kills half of his harem making him depressed and hated by the world again

More turtle lady

Allow him to do rape correction on Malty

>torrented the first 2 episodes
>haven't even watched them yet because of how some people say it's boring

Imagine letting Yea Forumsnons influence you

By adding more girls

other heroes being less retarded, naofumi actually being wrong or losing once, better action scenes and fights

if the entire show is just gonna be harem then just fill it with a shit ton of fan service rather than a bunch of "cute" dumb bitches

He should have kept Myne around as one of his slaves.

Get rid of the old woman kung fu master.

less women and more bros trying to figth their way throught the world and while uncovering the solving the mysteries of the world

Too bad she's here to stay.

You're expecting way too much from a retarded japanese writer, apparently only the top 1% are capable of writing that

By canceling it right now.

Are people really surprised that another run-of-the-mill isekai's sole selling point was the initial premise that became irrelevant later?

why bother?

retards keep eating it up

make the Redo of Healer guy the MC instead

>more bros

why not watch yuri of you hate seeing men so much in the first place
I swear some of the isekai/haremfags are so averse to male camaraderie that you might be mistaken for feminists

i watched three before getting bored

Shokei Shoujo is more popular for a reason

>Imagine making the arc two times and both times went bad.
Hack author.

You either needed to morph his revenge plot into a creatively different enough permutation with higher stakes, or you could replace it with something different that has the same vein. You could switch characters to do this, and return back A/B style, you could also do a time skip and reset. The reality is there are lots of right ways to do it.

Bad writing can get a fun adaptation, but the longer it goes on, the clearer it's true value really is

>Either give a poignant reason for Myne to be evil and fuck over everyone or just have the church/otherworlders be the actual villains.
>Don't make the other heroes so painstakingly worthless and aggravating. They can have faults and cause conflict for Naofumi but don't paint them as the three stooges and make Naofumi be in the right for the self-insert incels.
>Either drop the level-up age gimmick for the Demi-humans or have yearly timeslips.
>Don't make the King an absolute idiot. He can have his bitter resentment but don't act like he's a bumbling fool when he's supposed to be the Gandolf of the series in terms of skills and importance.
>Drop the notion that the shield is worthless and can't be offensive. Just make it the weakest of the four but still a valid option. Also, have him support people like does with his crew without having them to make them, slaves, due to his trauma.
>Big Bird should have more urgency and don't feel like a walking plothole.

Lol seethe

Season 1 was only good because he was failing at life.
To make it good you have to make him screw it all over again

the novels for this part was still shit but then straight after the spirit tortoise it gets good

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>the other heroes have to be beyond retard for naofumi to look decent
can't be fixed

Just don't make another season.
Everything that's coming in the LN is terrible boring as fuck.

I just finished reading the arc after the turtle in the LN. Things do really get good. Just wait for the season to be completed then binge it or at least wait until ep 7 (which should be the beginning of the next arc)

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People are fucking dumb, I bet they'll be surprised why they're so bored with Goblin Slayer S2

Megumi Hab vocalizes in her erotic vocal fry voice for 20 minutes. Repeat for however many episodes there are.

Its beyond repair buddy.
This show only exists because theres only 2-3 competent characters in the entire show

It can't. The entire concept is shit.


Turning him back into the ultimate misogynist he was in the light novels.

Fire the sound director

Too far down the slope
Rebooting the series would be easier than trying to fix it now

By selling off coongirl to be a slave again, ultimate twist/betrayal

Rishia alone is almost making me drop this shit. I do recall the turtle arc was probably one of the weakest arcs in the series.
This too. The fucking power range romcom has better sound direction than this shit now.

needs more rape time

We've already passed the hook of the series with the false rape accusation and him getting revenge on Bitch. Now it's just shitty isekai adventures.

I have more respect for moetards and DBSpics than I do isekai watchers

The peak was the end of the dual with Motoyasu.

Is the anime even reaching that point? is the only character I want to see if they ruin her too.

So if Im getting this straight...
The hook of this entire series was the rape accusatiion.
The show loses its hook, then immediately dives into one of the worst arcs in the series?

What is the point of reading this serues again?

futa cock can fix this show

The series doesnt has a point anymore.
What made season 1 entertaining was Naofumi being a pariah and having to deal with shit without support; Now hes just a grumpy dude who is actually respected by pretty much anyone who isnt the other asshole heroes.
Arifureta aged better than this.


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Right now, this is what Im thinking.
But these faggots insists on it getting better after season 2. Im not sure if I should believe them

This series doesn't have a reason to exist after the revenge/false accusation arc was over. Now it just a generic and boring isekai.

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generic and uninteresting kun, is that you?

It's impossible. Season 1 was already at the bottom of the barrel in terms of worldbuilding, character writing, dialogue, and pretty much every fundamental aspect of a good story. There's literally no reason to watch anymore because the only reason people watched the first season are plot points that have already been resolved. Not to mention how much worse Season 2 is in comparison. It's no wonder it's flopping this badly

Putting sugar and strawberries on a turd doesn't make it a cake.

Could barely stay awake watching that recent episode, just bored out of my imagination

If only it was 2 cour instead of 1