Single Volume Storytime: The Law of Ueki Volume 1 (fan translation), Artist Acro Chapter 1

It's Arbor Day, and that means only one thing.
Trees. My god, trees.
I'm running the only fan translations that exist because they're interestingly different from the Viz translation. Afterwards, we'll see a bit of Artist Acro and a minor bonus for old time's sake.
Thread Theme:
Previous Fukuchi storytimes (and a few others):
How to save time (and appreciate two-page story rhythms) by doublepaging your storytime volumes (v1.5.1):

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Get a load of that ninja bark cloak.
Gotta say, on my first readthrough, I thought the joke was the teacher was a professional creeper.

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When stalking someone, beware of being followed by rapists.

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weirdly high rate of dubs today.

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This version has many interesting differences that are hard to summarize, but also many flaws.
Sadly we can't compare to the (crappy) anime for a third translation, because everything up to Ueki cleaning the park was cut. (And we couldn't have knife threats, either, so the actual reason for using his tree power here was also just left out.)

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Reminder that this is the same guy who did Anagle Mole and Saike Mata Shitemo.
(Why couldn't he go for a happy median in his art style...)

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...speaking of his other manga, should I maybe perhaps mention his new manga, Golden Spiral, is already running? Wow.
one of these days I'll run an entire storytime without being a moron, but today is not that day.

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You killed that poor tree.
>He does look upset
No, he just has that kind of face.
("G0D 8T"? Interesting.)

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>Why is she still friendly with him
Yes, Fukuchi, 21 years later and we would all still like to know. It's the kind of thing where it feels like there is a reason, but he never fucking tells us!

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He talks about being bored, but I really think it's meant to be narcolepsy. He has all the symptoms... I think.

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In the anime, immediately after the fight in the park and the talk with Mr. K, we go right to Chapter 2.
On the one hand, it means a lot of the humor of this chapter was just wiped out (as they will do again later on). But, at least, moving Inumaru's introduction was a good idea, since Mr. K explains the tournament at the start of the very next chapter.

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Have a bump
I read the first few chapters a few weeks ago, can't really say whether I like it that much at this point but the girl is cute

It's easy to forget since this is an everyday thing by shonen magazine standards, but this God contest is kinda fucked up.
Thanks, user! I can't say for sure if you'll enjoy the entire manga (it has ups and downs, but on the whole I enjoy it way too much to be objective), but I do think it's definitely worth reading at least once. If you'd like to see the whole storytime for it, I've linked to a list of urls in the first post.
Mori is indeed cute.

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Oh hay, it's the cat from the cover.

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It's a shame translators had to do shit like change "God" into "Celestial King", because her praying to God now despite being doubtful earlier both flows better than "What am I doing?", and is more fitting.

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Don't worry, Mori, you'll just wake up at 7am in your house.
Fukuchi likes to write characters that spontaneously learn how to swim. All two of them.

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It took me this long to notice, but Mori really looks weird without her glasses.

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Ungrateful little snotweasels.
Actually, there may be a canon reason Ueki gets targeted for abuse so often.
And now finally we see Wanko, whom even now looks like he stepped out of a Dr. Seuss book.

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With this, we'll soon be introduced to TWO of Fukuchi's recurring villain types, one of whom becomes less frequent in later works. You can count on at least one appearing in Golden Spiral.

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This power seems awfully specific, this is super interesting though!

How are you liking Golden Spiral so far?

Trees are awesome, man, You wouldn't believe the shit you can do with them.
The "Limiting Condition"'s also a good one because all you need is over 9000 candy wrappers to have near-infinite tree launches.
I haven't read any of it yet. Usually I like to binge a bunch of chapters all at once. (I would have waited until all of Saike had been translated to read any of it, but there I got impatient.)
I do, though, expect to enjoy it immensely, since Fukuchi's batting average is high for me and the premise gave me strong Anagle Mole vibes.

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Ueki may have gotten Mr. K's interest by having a strong sense of justice, but he doesn't seem very hero-like in day-to-day existence.

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Very godlike to test semi-random mortals to exacting and unseen conditions for sure.
But it doesn't feel very just.

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Now I'm remembering that Mori looks like trash in Fukuchi's new "style".

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All considered, the evil doctor is kind of genuinely imposing.

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The thing about Mr. Trash-Into-Trees here is there might actually have been a mosquito.

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Fukuchi likes to be on the nose with the villains who feel their station entitles them to do whatever they want.

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Ah, yes, I also miss when sharkteeth appeared frequently in Fukuchi works.
In this case, though, they do become more effective when he does choose to deploy them.
>why did you still agitate the guy?!
Because Justice.

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That's quite the pun there if this has been translated correctly.

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I just now remembered, but in the anime the "Ken Gilbert" thing got folded into this miniarc. (There was no Ueki getting pelted by soccer balls. The kid who smeared the car with crap is the one who falls in the water (as all this gets moved to happen on a bridge), and I'm pretty sure Mori wasn't involved in the water rescue. (I'm not going to doublecheck.)

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>It's Arbor Day
Neat, just got back from a nice evening nature walk

Even early on, Fukuchi has a very good grasp of rhythm and panelling.

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>That guy is still alive
What a waste.
Refreshing, innit? Welcome aboard.

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Mori comes off very "Only I am allowed to physically abuse this guy." What a hypocrite.

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