Why do people hate Index so much ?

Why do people hate Index so much ?

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I actually hated the guy more but it was garbage in general

Is her being stupid and annoying not enough of a reason?

Why don't you try sitting next to her on a non-stop flight while she calls everybody poop and complains about how hungry she is while she saps all your money away.

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Not saying I like Index or am okay with her biting Touma but I find her far less irritating than Mikoto. That’s really only because Index has more of a reason to feel as though she should be be getting Touma’s attention/loyalty. She’d be nearly as annoying as Mikoto if she had gone back to Necessarius, Touma saw them kinda regularly, and she bit him/demanded food when he hadn’t agreed to take her in. Index is still a brat but Mikoto is a brat with unwarranted entitlement, and is more deadly with her “comedy”

because railgun is better

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Every other character was more interesting then the title character

Why can't she wear panties like normal girl?

I think the biting is cute and kinky, it just needed some retaliation with a good old fashioned rape.

Can't even get some hot action with my fling because that little gremlin is always around me.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 09 (BS11 1920x1080 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_18.29_[2021.02.21_17.46.46].jpg (1920x1080, 224.53K)

Technobabble: the series

Index is secretly best girl. Only real niggas understand

does she even get screen time anymore ?

largely irrelevant and has nothing to do in her own show

She's a annoying gremlin.

the correct term is headcrab

Railgun had been literal unreadable trash since the sports festival dragons and wasnt much better before

Did she ever?

We need a spin off with Accelerator as the MC


Wow. What a wonderful idea, user. Please tell us more about this spin off that we need.

We had two, but one wasn’t all that great. The first arc was fun but the second was an incoherent mess

imagine not liking this

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They hate the fact that she's mainly comedic relief and a vehicle for exposition, and the head-biting bit but she's so irrelevant after the first series it's really pointless to do that.
Railgun the series, character, and move are all severely overrated.

Index is love, Index is life

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my wife

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I am personally not a fan of this pre-series story they are covering while the LNs and anime are significantly far ahead.

more index for me, I'll take it .

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wall of text dialogue that was more lengthy than monogatari series

She's a heretic and deserves to be bopped!

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Because the first episode gave her an interesting role and then took it away when equal rights got memory loss'd

How was GT6? Haven't gotten around to reading it yet. Was it as good as GT3/5?

Butthurt mikotofags seething in advance over Index victory

If we got a part 2/revival of Accelerator’s manga I would really hope they set it in NT. There’s still quite a bit to reveal about his character. When the jail plot was first revealed, I was thinking Kamachi would use the investigation/trial as a way to lead into Accelerator’s mysterious past, but that didn’t happen. The clones being settled into the world could I suppose lead to some sort of problem that could also lead into Accelerator’s past being revealed (especially if something aa kooky as “Accelerator is a test tube baby and has Misaka DNA/was a test to see cloning was even possible before they even tried to mess with Misaka’s DNA” but I’m not too sure that will happen either

*DNA” is true) but I

It's a mystery

>tfw Index sits next you on the plane

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 10 (BS11 1920x1080 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_11.19_[2021.02.21_18.05.54].jpg (1920x1080, 227.66K)

Imagine fucking her while and she bites you everytime you fuck up or randomly commenting sex related magic shit.

last time I liked this franchise was the index movie

Why are you here

R/a/ildex liked it more

She doesn't make good NTR material

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To dunk on this shitty franchise

So to be an obnoxious shitposter that has nothing of value to say? Ok

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Flopdex is garbage

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Making Mikoto cry and masturbate in the corner watching me fuck all her friends, sisters and dorm mistress!

>her friends, sisters and dorm mistress!
for me its Index

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she's the best

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Halloween dex-chan

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I refuse to believe Indexfags actually exist. There's not enough character there to be a fag about.

who cares about character when she looks so cute

you seriously doubt that every single anime girl doesn't have at least SOME fans? you severely underestimate otaku


I could say the same about Fukiyose and Oriana but they have retards panting after them so

Love Index, always get a laugh out of the headbite and general banter she has with Touma, 'ate Science side bitches, simple as

Index is best girl. Last Order is second best. If you disagree you’re gay.

>girls only anime
No sorry, i'm not a transbian.