Would you dance with dorkness in isekai?.
Would you dance with dorkness in isekai?
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I can't dance.
Using this thread because it isn't shitpost bait.
I like Dorkness but Patrick is lame
>The otome isekai setting is an otome isekai setting
That just otome Isekai with extra steps
>those categories
Light Novel
So if war is neither a light novel nor a tutorial, does that mean the website offers you to make actual, physical war?
I think I'll press the isekai button instead though.
>You aren't the same timeline where Marie Antoinette told the common folk "just get /fit/ bruh"
So how long until evil lord shits the bed now that the author officially forgot to take his meds like it happened to otome mob?
The fuck happened did MC got Leon'd?
If you think Leon is the reason people say the author forgets to take his meds, then you clearly haven't read it and fell for the shitposting
Okay did the author has began his blue balling till yurishit faggotry again?
I fucking hate Magical Explorer.
I still don't get why all of the sudden this got shilled a lot then shat on so much.
Because this is Yea Forums, where everyone is contrarian, the more people shill something the bigger the pushback.
Yeah but nothing else recently has gotten such a turnaround of opinion so quick, not even otome mob.
Most of it was a single person seething about it nonstop for a few days.
It's literally mia-sama user, aka tearmoon
You have to be lying.
There are so many Marie Antoinette isekais.
You insult the integrity of Yea Forumsnon.
Nah it's Power-Antoinette
This angle was important.
>Hmm... Robespierre hasn't translated a Mia-sama chapter for a while now, I wonder what happened to that guy.
>Meanwhile, Marie Antoinette in another world
Robespierre is dead?
"No bread no gain" is her catch phrase?
>No bread
>no pan
Goddamnit, user.
So your bro has turned into a girl and is a bit too into it. What do you do?
How and why did he turned?
E-pimp her
Start planning for the funeral, it's only a matter of time until he offs himself.
Magic potion. Drank magic potion.
That case I say my condolences and tell him to bend over.
What does she originally look like?
But Mia is gay
How can someone with 8 kids be gay?
Antoinette isn't gay
She is also incestuous.
She was aiming for the perfect daughter.
Yes and I would let her step on my feet too
Her level 99 foot stomp would destroy your leg and kill you
Her level 99 grip would rip my arm off but it's worth it.
Post moar dorkness
It's fine she has level 99 healing magic so you won't die
Postmortum healing is referred to as necromancy.
The Japanese lowkey have an obsession with Paris. See paris syndrome and whatnot
There's no way that after all those years they still believe in the "City of Light" bullshit about Paris right?
Our Japanese admin literally lives in Paris.
Her reaction and casting speed is fast enough that it would be intramortem healing.
I wonder if the heroine girl is also gonna die in the manga, she's a lot different from the LN
In the wn she dies
In the ln she just gets arested
Since the manga probably follows the ln Alicia is probably going to be put in the slammer
>>In the wn she dies
>In the ln she just gets arested
Why the changes?
author probably thinking it was a bit much to have that much hatred piled onto such a passive main character
in the WN Alicia is actively hostile at every opportunity and in the LN and manga she's scared shitless of the dorkness instead
moar fit girls in isekai pls
Why are Otome Isekai are more often set in Victorian era than Medieval era like most Isekai?
Fancier dresses
Fancy music
>Medieval era like most Isekai?
Stop spreading this retarded meme, dumbass.