[Sad News] Hunter x Hunter has passed 1250 days on hiatus, with no sign of ever returning

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You ever hear of the story of the boy who cried wolf?

No, how is that relevant.

Togashi is dead isnt he?

It's not sad news anymore.

ToGODshi is alive and will be releasing 50 chapters in one go soon.

He's really gonna go 4 years, huh? I wasn't expecting Hunterfags to be dealt such a bad hand, christ. Obnoxious faggots sure but I thought three was the definite limit

why did he give so many fucks for some guy he knew for less than a week, some guy who he completely forgot about since their only other, several minute encounter years ago, in his childhood

Correct. I saw it in a vision


It's going to come back when OP ends after Jump begs him to continue since they won't have anything of note left.

Hunterqueers... How are we dilating?

He'll come back. He's just working on the story. Good writing takes time.

jjk will be the king after that

jjk will end before one piece

Good news: Genthru is still handsome.

[Good News] After years a recent photo of Toagshi surfaced!

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There was no way he was gonna follow up on this anyway.

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Why are they eating Togashi? Those fucked nips

he also could have run away from hisoka.
gon is a psychopath who hate losing.

and losing his hand in greed islend against genthru

Because the anime fucked up and changed his encounter with Kaito, in the manga Kaito is the one who tells him about the hunters, about his dad, he is literally the sole reason why Gon is travelling, he even gives Gon his double hunter license, gon mentions him sometimes in the manga during the course of the story until they reunite

Stop complaining, since the end of its first anime adaptation, HxH had at least multiple arcs start and end, that's not the case with Black Lagoon where only a single arc started and ended in 16 years.

It wil never be continued just like berserk

Who cares, Hunter x Hunter is crap.


>Boat already made it to the DC years ago
>this trip’s disaster is infinite hiatus

it's a coping mechanism

Quality > Quantity pissfags

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It takes like 70 chapter for the only decent arc to start, you have no right to say that.

Rent free

I don't read his stuff but has there not even been a thing from him? No interviews, statements, nothing at all showing that he is at least alive and active with people?

Q-quality >> Q-Q-Quantity pissfags

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Funny, i just started the 2011 anime, watched it and now am at chimera ant arc.

Why are gon and killua still underpowered?
Like every arc they aren't strong enough, then they train and become "strong" but then, new arc and they can't hope to fight low level baddies in new area.

I just wanna know how silent majority works... is that so much to ask for?

This shit will never get finished.

It is coming back next year for the 25th anniversary

Starting to get tired now. Same thing happened with Spice & Wolf for me that when the new anime was announced I had already lost interest. Although I do remember experience the same feeling when waiting for AoT season 2 but when I actually watched it again I regained all my hype and excitement again so hopefully that's the case here.

I have accepted the fact HxH will never finish
I suggest you do the same

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togashi is either:
A. taking his time plotting out the chain of events to follow the absolute clusterfuck of different characters and motivations he has set up in the succession arc
B. too lazy and/or lost interest and is procrastinating from doing A

It's crazy that you even considered adding A

And right now HxH has neither

Togashi is having backbreaking, bullbusting, soul entrapping sex with his wife. And yes, when he cums she keeps sucking.

>fucks her husband so hard he becomes a cripple has to retire from his extremely successful mangaka career

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I watched HxH for the first time 1 month ago and honestly it was mid. Solid 7/10 don't know why everyone goes crazy for it

>A. taking his time plotting out the chain of events to follow the absolute clusterfuck of different characters and motivations he has set up in the succession arc
No comment necessary.

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Lucky Togashi

Read the manga.

This is most certainly 【sad news】

A'ight huntertrannies, it's not even funny to kick you guys anymore. Lemme tell you fags one thing:
>you only do two days, the day you go in and the day you come out

You should focus only on the last chapter released and on the next one. It doesnt matter how long it takes.

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HxH bros....
We actually won.

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take your meds

Welp. "ts a damn shame. Hunter x Hunter has oodles of potential waiting to be untapped(or what's left of it). Of course, since the author is MIA (AFAIK), no story progression will be made, and is likely in danger of getting Berserk'd.

Get fucked Hunterfags, it was always a painfully slow and stupid series in the first place. The idiot couldn't even write fight scenes without attaching essays to explain them.

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and then they fucked

I'm wondering how someone can become so obsessed with this series they need to make several bait threads every day about it

the writing is pretty good

Y'all need this youtube.com/watch?v=jZzuVIjpBRg