This is "worldbuilding" in anime
This is "worldbuilding" in anime
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now zoom out and post the map again
Yeah lol. Anime and Manga worldbuilding always tends to be dogshit. Even JRPGs never have really good worldbuilding, and the ones that do are explicitly influenced by western works.
Just something I noticed.
Is that the Donut?
>straya upside down
Is that Africa, South America, and Russia on the left?
Man I miss world maps in RPGs
>blocks your path
South America
North America
>Bottom middle
This is a "shounentard" metaphorically smearing shit all over the walls
Go have your autistic shounen console-war over on
new chapter when
That's North America, not Russia. Alaska is on the right and Mexico is on the left. And the big continent at right is Eurasia, you can clearly see Scandinavia and Southeast Asia. And don't forget upside-down Australia at the bottom with neighboring New Guinea and New Zealand.
This is so lazy i can't even think who would be the fire nation/britain and who will be third world.
You can also see Turkey and Spain. Italy as well.
Japanese world building is typically pretty weak when it comes to settings and cultures but they do that chuuni autism really well when they want to for what I'll broadly call magic systems. Literal magic matchups, how mecha stack up against one another in a fight, that sort of thing. They can write that shit till the cows come home.
>quickly communicates that this fictional world is comparable to our own in terms of geography and politics but rearranged
Is it though?
If Yea Forums is so good at worldbuilding, why don't we just make one? I'll start
>world map
nah it would be decent for an archipelago but for a world its too damn small
that's just the iberian peninsula
have you tried not watching shounen?
It's clearly an island. I don't know what you're talking about.
I think we should do it minecraft map painter instead. That way we'll have a playable map for the inevitable Yea Forums anime minecraft mod.
That's a pretty fucking retarded thing to say. Clearly, it's an Island, and not a peninsula. user would never do something so intellectually dishonest and lazy.
damn, my geography lessons failed me once again
No, HxH isn't about the word building
>warcraft islands
Actually, this is a map
I don't understand why you act outraged and offended by that. You're consuming simplified entertainment media meant for children. You're a fool for expecting something that the medium explicitly evolved to avoid. Truly you are the peak of the bell curve.
>conflating a map with the substance of any story
This is a shitpost on Yea Forums
I remember before I ever read SnK I someone uploaded the world map and I called it lazy for just turning the actual world map upside down and a couple people got pissed and one person actually said there was a good explanation for it (there wasn’t)
>It's clearly an island.
Nope. An island is surrounded by water by all sides.
That one is connected to the Earth crust from below.
It's a peninsula.
tranimebros..... we got to cookie
>upside down Australia
So, is it now the right ways up?
They're all earth continents
Why are Earthfags so fat they need the whole fucking continent?
I fucking hate tolkein for convincing everyone that worldbuilding is slinging around a fuckload of different bullshit names.
Absolutely based non-balkanized, non-mutted, pure race, ethno-states with total landmasses control. Can't wait to watch KKKorra for the continuation of the most non-pozzed cartoon out there.
Not that they need it, but there's a massive desert as well as some massive rivers that essentially cuts the continent in half with the city of Ba Sing Se technically governing the whole continent but a capital city of Omashu on the southern half that more or less self governs the bottom.
Based. Anime got nothing on Avatar.
The avatar series might be the best animated series ever produced on the west though.
This is "worldbuilding" in real life
Why is everything worst IRL than in anime?
yoshi stealing ideas from flat earthers, Sad!
>Just reverse the world map
>(possibly hollow)
That made me laugh out loud. Fucking great way to incorporate another alt-Earth theory.
Pic unrelated?
You posted a map.
"worldbuilding" doesn't mean the literal shape of the world you dumb fucking illiterate cunts.
Yeah, Tolkien has convinced a shitload of people to add conlangs and shit to their world when its not needed.
*blocks your path*
r8 my OC
Kino, comfyville looks comfy.
I'm sick and tired of maps where it's just big blobs of "ownership" as if you have the ability to have god-tier border patrol. But Comfyville did have got-tier border patrol, that's what Heirking was doing for many years.
Based map, so many memories.
>Naruto has the best map