Choujin X - Volume 3
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>gimp choujin
what is a gimp
Can't decide, if it's lazy, conceptual or both. Anyway, cool cover, catchy and matches mystique feel of the first one.
Why does he wear a mask
I can guarantee you that shading alone took him hours to draw. It's just a minimalist style
It’s really just Ishida’s style
He really likes his minimalist paintings
It’s symbolic for Azuma; his ability is to copy others, because he lacks an identity for himself, he’s quite literally THE choujin X, a choujin with no prameters, a variable
Are there other artists that do these painting style covers? Because I really like them
Yes. Ishida Sui.
@sotonami on twitter
azuma will lose once sword and bdsm raise
Its obviously conceptual user.
Why people keep saying it 'lazy' since vol1/2 covers thread lol.
Bdsm can raise my dick if you catch my drift
Because they are too used to covers being crowded with tons of characters and colors etc. so Ishida going for a monochrome background with just a highly detailed portrait of a character confuses them
I'm guessing it's because it's just one character and simple one-color background
I did see a nip mentioning that the Choujin covers might be Ishida making a reference to Rey Camoy
Thats too bad.
Well, i really like his new signature in "Choujin X" covers. It more artistic than his previous works cover.
Oh me too, it gives a unique touch.
Also rank the covers
For me it's
>ely’s succulent wet, fat ass that low
it reminded me of a crying nun. Really love this cover too, Ishida's on a roll
I'd put 3 and 1 on the same level honestly, all I wanted was Azuma's cover to be drawn in the same style as 1; so I'm happy
Me too. So I guess we're expecting a candid photo style for volume 4 like with Ely's?
>Enter the colors for V4 V5 and V6
the volume covers are so good
>That file name
>wanting butchered title and redrawn sfx
just order the jap tanks at this point. but to answer your question, viz will probably announce it in june
Probably after volume 3-4 are out at this point... God I'm dreading how they'll make the English title...
probably just go with "choujin x" since they have already been using it in the dialogue, would be weird otherwise
Nah nah nah, the font man. That's what I'm dreading
Just in case some uncultured people don't get it. It's a Rene Magritte reference.
Kino, nice to see a return to form after the second one. I like Ely butt, but it was a serious downgrade from the first cover
Based cultured user. I figured the cover was going to be a reference to another artist, but I wasn't sure who
Oh yeah, font will get fucked anyway. Just like sfx instead of just keeping them as they are
Boy can't wait for the "Azuma not only slashed Simon but the panel borders too!" SFX to get fucked!
I agree, but on the other hand, I feel like that style wouldn't fit with Ely's character. She gives off an innocent, cheerful vibe that directly contrasts with other two
Why does he love pointing at people? Kind of rude.
>Kind of rude.
You've answered your own question
What's the next color and character gonna be?
Kek choose between the three As for character I'm expecting Simon and/or Momoma
I think if purple is the next, then it's gotta be Hume. I'm expecting an antagonist for Vol 4
>Tfw Ume was completely right about Azuma here
For some reason, I'm expecting the order of the colors to be complementary to the primary
>V4 Green
>V5 Orange
>V6 Purple
But could go any way
Now this is how I cope Orange cover is Shiozaki
and now she's dead.
Wouldn't purple come first then since blue and red are the first covers? Either way, I also think Orange would fit Shiozaki. But more than that, I want the fucking next chapter!
Raise, nigga RAISE!
All the previous chapters felt like a build up for the last one. Was pretty impressive desu. Wonder what's gonna happen next. The be the become Tokyo Choujin X better not job now.
To me, I felt like that stuff was being built up to since Ch1, especially with that "X" spread. It's something Ishida would typically reference later in the story and Azuma is clearly being set up as an endgame antagonist
Leave it to the birdman, he will definitely NOT job.
Could be. But then what would V5 be? Orange (because Yellow + Red) or Green (Yellow + Blue)?
>But more than that, I want the fucking next chapter!
I want the volume with the extras since we get tidbits on info!
Also imagine
>Volume 3
>"Tokio. Fight me." is the cliffhanger
>Flip next page
>Shows extra of Birdkio and Cloakzuma in an Animal Rap Battle
X spread?
this one, it even got a panel in the last chapter i think.
>he forgot
Wonder how Tokio feels about this now?
>"I wonder how many luck points Azuma has right now?"