Machikado Mazoku

>Manual labor
>ultimate seasoning

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is this the ultimate shamilution!?

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Shadow Waitress Yuko, or Suwako... I mean Shawako.

The ultimate evolution for a demon is a landlord.

Would Ryoko have Shamiko horns or would she have her own style?

god i wish i could murder all landlords

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NEETs wouldn't get it

Mazoku punch

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mazoku squish

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rip lilith

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ito drew an awakened ryoko

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someone PLEASE post mikans stupid fucking orange ball henshin

Assuming a situation can be created where they both do actually fight, who would be stronger in a punch fight?
Shamiko, or Shirosawa?

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I get it. a job basically makes your life so miserable any kind of gratification,as a little as it may be, tastes like heaven

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100% Orange Juice

Fanta sponsored magical girls.

What does mikan juice taste like

Momo's transformation with the little timer on the corner might be one of my favorite gags of all time, i love it so much

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Like mikan

I think you might be one of the most autistic posters on this entire board.

ritual posting is as cancerous as avatarfagging which happens to be like the least enforced rule on the site

Visit a Jashin-chan thread if you wanna see that turned up to 10.

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How good is S2 compared to S1 so far, anons?

They seem pretty similar so far. Very much the same anime

shamiface is squishy

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too much mikan 0/10

why doesn't someone in shamikos life stop momo from being such an abusive girlfriend?

creepy book

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Obviously they don't want their ass beat.

Should I watch this? It looks cute and someone is voiced by akarin

You should! It's really good

lots of cute Momos during the transformation.

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Shame it's all dark

Just watched the preview for next episode and I'm glad that that place will look sinister and will have similar colors to what they used in Kirara Fantasia

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Why is he so based?

Real life Shamiko!

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kill it

the opening isn't as catchy this season

I want to see a Mikan kigu

man these are some fast shamithreads

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Shamiko has a powerful need to take care of people and it makes her strongly attracted to tall dark and brooding types with mysterious backstories and lots of trauma. She looks at a girl like Momo and immediately thinks "I can fix her"

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I don't get the barrier thing, it allows the light people to pass but they like get mindhacked into thinking it's not there or what?

The barrier works by manipulating fate such that timelines where members of the dark clan and members of the light clan meet don't happen. It's a very powerful probability warping effect

pretty much about the same thing. we should start seeing a bigger difference next episode when things start get a little more serious

Light clan will never run into dark clan in town, it alters probability and chance to make it so they never cross paths

Momo tried following shamiko home early on off screen, something always gets in the way. Stray dog, manhole, just any random thing, and she'd lose track of Shamiko on the way back home. She needed to get invited first. Normally it'd be impossible for Momo to run into shamiko at all.

this is what I wanted

Huh really who?

why her horns are black when Joshua's, shami's, and Lilith's aren't?

Shamisen !

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This guy gets the pun.

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It's too bad that Momo stopped calling Lilith as Shamisen.

she's so cute

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She's high level
Sharper, manlier, darker horns than her sister


Ito art!

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It's well known that horns are a euphemism for Dick
>"Your father had an impressive set of horns on him" says that line with heavy symbolism
>Ryokos are black
>Shamikos are curved
>Lilith's is broken

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>she's so cute

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