REcycle of the Penguindrum

Screenings start today. Spoiler/Impressions/whatever thread. just dont let it die.

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Waiting warmly.

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Was kinda expecting this, but damn


I'm completely OK with this, but if you rewatched it do you think it would be better to just watch the original or this?

>but if you rewatched it
*but if you wanted to rewatch it

The new stuff will probably be in part 2 but yeah they should include more so people will be more excited for the next movie.

Part 2 KV, coming out July 22nd
would be nice if all the recap was in part one and the second movie is where all the real good shit is

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how long do you think it will take for rips to come out?

where can I watch the strem

wow I expected far more new stuff considering how they have been advertising Momoka

Original for sure. 20+ episodes in a movie has got to feel a little funny.

we won't know until the whole movie is out but I'm under the impression the movie is specifically targeted to people who watched the original and not to general audiences like let's say Utena movie so the answer is probably gonna be "watch both"

the sure followed through the title.
any new/remixed ost though?

the entire ost’s been remixed + new ARB covers

Release when?

So how many eps are in this recap?

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If I feel up to it, I'll go and see them tomorrow.

I have my tickets for tomorrow. I'll also be visiting the exhibition while I'm there and spending 10k yen on goods.

lucky man

That doesn't look that warm.

At least it's not far off

Oh, user, you card.

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I'd love to see your haul user.

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Will be going to the showing tonight, to see my waifu's big screen debut

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If the second movie is coming so soon I'm assuming it's just reused scenes and not made from the ground up like Adolescence was, that's a shame

I miss those times, fuck.

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take pics for me, lad. I wish I could see this even despite

the original story was a fucking mess and I had no idea what the fuck I was watching. How will they save this pile of shit?

Please let us know what the new scenes are about, user.

Thanks for the thread, OP. Anyone knows if the movie covers the end of the series? Or are they saving that for P2 so they can tie the new stuff directly to it?

I missed those threads.


>actually it's a really deep metaphor for tokyo earthquake blah blah
it was shit and why I don't trust Yea Forums when it comes to anime, although it's been shit since the split

The goods look really cool this time around. Make sure you grab the pingu mug and Ringo's diary!

First Ikuhara joint?

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Just got back, it was good, but obviously feels like a rush to go through half the series in one movie.

Nothing new in the first film?

Any significant new scenes?



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Any new Ringo, Shouma or Masako scenes? How much of the original series does it cover?

final bump from me

What do you like the most about Ikuhara works? did Penguindrum change your life? seizon senryaku hajimashoka?

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>did Penguindrum change your life?
Unironically yes, but in bad way. All this cages and frozen world stuff hits too close home. Yes, I know that I am retard

>user apparently saw the film
>goes MIA

>What do you like the most about Ikuhara works?
Unironically the >symboleesum, I think he directs his "messages" it in a neat way that clicks just right with me. Just his style as a whole too, really.
>did Penguindrum change your life?
No but it did make me realize how impossible the message is when humans are inherently selfish cunts

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it made me get up off my ass and get a job, I know that's not really the message but for some reason it inspired me to do it

I like his works because most people agree you can see a lot of Ikuhara in them. I've never really cared for how good something is, the most interesting thing to me is getting a direct line of sight into the innermost esoteric and purely individual shape of the creator. Ikuhara's pretty good at unfiltering himself, and luckily he's allowed to do it

No longer a neet? How is it treating you?

only slightly better

I agree, when the pandemic hit, we went full frozen world, boxes, you will never amount to anything and you will love it. The flashbacks scenes with Yuri and Tabuki hit close to home too.

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holy BASED

Thanks to Ikuhara we got rad shit like Star Driver.

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Do we know anything about staff listings? Are Shouko Nakamura and Furukawa back to work on this?

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I remember watching this when it aired but all I remember is IMAGIIIIINNEEEE apples and penguins

I remember not liking the first episode back when I watched it, but since I've worked through all the other Ikuhara-adjacent shows I could find I should probably go back and give it another chance.