DAILY Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?

vol.1 Vol.2 Vol 3Vol. 4 Vol.5Vol.6
Chapter 47-48
Chapter 59GET OFF YOUR ASS Yea Forums ITS TIME TO WORK OUT with cute dumb girls doing FIT things!!!!!

This series is on the same universe as Kengan ashura / Omega by the hack writer Sandrovich.

Its time for Volume 7

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Why is the old lady best girl?

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what are you doing hibiki!

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Thanks for the dump.


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thanks OP

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I don't post a lot, but this is one of my favorite dailies. The thread came at the perfect time when I was looking to start more home gym exercises, and the art is really good. Recently the story has been getting crazier. So thanks as always OP.

The food disappears with Tadakatsu going by how Akemi couldn't see what he's holding. Hibiki could theoretically become invisible if Tadakatsu were to piggyback carry her.
Good thing Akemi isn't spiritually inclined then - imagine what she could do with that power.

thanks op

Is it just me or the drawing quality is getting worse?

thanks for dumping, op

>invisibility doujinshi where Akemi teams up with Tadakatsu to sexually assault buff men
So many fun ideas. Don't think the doujin authors will expand on the concepts, though. Even Kengan (as far as I know) has only ever had that R63 doujin of Gaolang, in spite of its fair share of female characters.



Hibiki is a fat slut

>tfw you'll never be /fit/ enough touch upon heaven through sheer muscular enlightenment and achieve such musculospiritual purity that you can serve as a locus for raw divine power upon earth

205 bench for reps by end of June

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I get tempted to get this shirt every time this pic is posted.

She's surprisingly normal in spite of having her own abnormal tendencies. Sensei is well-balanced, one could say.

Get pic related
The higher your bench is, the funnier the shirt becomes

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She's also surprisingly hot.



if you look at things a certain way, Terashi is the superior shapeshifter compared to Machio because he can warp his build and frame with his clothes on.

Hibiki bout to seal wall Rose.

Omfg those Zinas's mammaries mmmm hnnnnnnnnnngggg

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Could Machio exorcise the Demon Back?

Thanks for da dump. This is pretty much the only daily I've been following, and it's been great.

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always look forward to this after my morning gym visit, tyvm OP!

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Nice shot.

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