ITT: most egregious cases of NTR in anime and manga

ITT: most egregious cases of NTR in anime and manga

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What kind of stupid name is Magister?

>orbit a girl and make zero advances, not even dating her
>some other guy makes advances before you do because you’re a pussy
>”why do I always get ntr’d”
This is bait

The most understandable case

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That’s an expired milk level bait, Kurosawa was a sperg and him growing past perceiving this moment as a "betrayal" is what made him a better person and his series a Yea Forums recommendation classic.

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Dont forget the mc is a bitter antisocial retard and the afro guy is actually a great guy.
Wonder if people would get less buttblasted over this if he was attractive.

I dropped the manga when her character was introduced lol

Oh it's this shit. He should have just gotten with the better girl anyways.

Chapter 2?

Just realized I've actually been in this scenario before.

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>>”why do I always get ntr’d”
NTR doesn't mean just cucking
How is this not NTR?


I was glad I didn't drop it. His confession and ending up with the first girl he cum bullied was kino

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what does it mean then?

>translation: Cúckhold
>"bro it doesn't mean just cucking"

>The entirely of Maken Ki

best girl always win

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It's not another man though, it's LITERALLY ME

Its just love being stolen.
Even if you never interacted with a girl and right in front of you she falls in love with someone else nips would call that NTR.
Its so fucking retarded how the dumbest westerners always go
>hurr they weren't married
It is so retarded
yes that is a wrong translation. It comes close and I guess it sort of conveys the meaning but when we say cuckolding we mean relationships that have already confirmed to be exclusive which is not a necessity for something to be NTR.

>The most understandable case
Lmao that little piece of brick only won because the author decided so on a whim due to her popularity.
Meanwhile the entire manga resolves around Aoi's feeling and her development. She connects to the MC on a way deeper level than this freaking genki girl who also likes comic books. And the story overall would have felt much more natural with someone accepting Aoi's feelings so she can finally let go of heir anxiety.

I like seeing anons seething over NTR because whenever I self-insert as the bull, not only do I get to cuck the pathetic MC but also all of you.

if you're beta faggot then you deserve to be NTRd into oblivion

This. He had more of a connection with Aoi.

Okay. If you like anime or manga in any way you are already a beta faggot to me so whatever.

yeah I won't deny it but I still like seeing chads get women in anime and manga instead of beta simps who drool over every single interaction with a female

Now that i think about it, it sounds like a great name.

Imagine getting cucked by Bob Ross

he got another girl in the end, and the girl the went out with broccoli dumped him later on if I remember correctly
the mc was chad enough to cum into clothing and footwear of different girls and then admitting to it along with getting his face smashed so in my books he was a chad

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Yeah watch soap operas
anime and manga is entirely cucked
The biggest chad in anime is still a cuck by western standards.

I rarely watch romances or harems unless they have a spin to it or pure misery added as a spice anything else I won't watch that shit

Also "chads" in anime manga that are not romance are dogshit and essentially cuckolds

Alternate timeline.

A timeless classic

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>Local blonde girl gets cucked into oblivion

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She lost to a retard

This situation is better and more complex than your regular NTR crap, so drop your formal approach.

can someone give me a summary? What's wrong with romance and a girl fighting for her love?

>the mc was chad enough to cum into clothing and footwear of different girls and then admitting to it along with getting his face smashed so in my books he was a chad
what in the goddamn

NTR has become a very broad term for a situation, where one character has feelings for someone (they can be anything from lust, to familial love), and someone else defiled said character with their dick. It even works in a mother-son scenario, as most sons are protective of their mothers, and while they normally accept a father fucking their mother, it's a different thing when some random asshole takes their sweet mama away from them. Emotions are complex, and jealousy doesn't always have to be sexual in nature.

>has become
That was what it always meant. The trend of people suggesting it is narrower is the newfag shit.

I self insert as the reader. I just enjoy the drama, suffering and misery of the cuck, and the girl being reduced to a slut.

I don't need to self insert at all, because I am a bull irl.

>seething dyke hands typed this post

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Holy shit why am I so angry at this has this fucking hack made another chapter of his latest shota manga

What, when? I thought he was dead. Literally zero new doujins for over a year.


well there's a bunch of claims around it
/h/ told me he's making a video game or some shit
i read from another post that he lost all his files and the motivation to do anything
and isn't he trying to get this made into an anime?

Sakiko was made into anime but Jin is a perfectionist so he rejected the sample due to low quality

Based. FUCK getting your IP ruined by Pink Pineapple or whatever. Worse when these faggots bring in an avant garde director like that nigga from Kangoku Senkan that just turns your kino into a fucking pulsing headache.

I legit heard everywhere that his website is down, his twitter has nothing new since early 2020, and that he is most likely dead. I just want a Tachibana Sequel. You know how most romance anime never deal with what comes after the first kiss, and then Clannad After Story covered all of that stuff that happens later in romance? I want that, but for doujin. I want to see the mc either freak out, or kill himself. The worst, and the only kind of ending NTR artists know, is the one where the mc gets super into being cucked. I guess you write what you known.

Go on?

The plot of Onani Master is literally cumming on girls' stuff as a means of revenge

I swapped girls with my brother.

He is the Masturbation Master.

Akane sensei cucked everyone and got away with it

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How does this one word manage to mind break people so hard?

what's s the context for this?

>girl takes basic interest loner coomer mc
>ends dating the mcs "friend" who he actually resents for being chummy when the mcs brooding

Nah this shit was on Kurosawa for never taking a chance with her, and was ultimately for the best as it made him grow some balls. The only people in the wrong in this manga are the bullies and the squirrel girl.


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that's not even the funny part

I love pity NTR so much.

what is then?

as revenge he cums inside her school bag and she vomits everywhere