Who's the Mickey Mouse of anime? A character who is synonymous with anime...

Who's the Mickey Mouse of anime? A character who is synonymous with anime, and known even by people who don't watch anime?

Maybe Goku?

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Pokemon, so Pikachu.

I dont know about that but superman is STRONGER than goku

Tetsuwan Atom, retard


>WHOwan atom
Goku? More iconic?

Walk up to a random white person and ask them about "Astro Boy" and they'll know.
Walk up to a random white person and ask them about "Goku" and you'll get the police called on you

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Japanese aren't white, just honorary aryans.

Don't know why a Mexican like you is deciding on those things

I see Dragon Ball? I enter. That's simple.

>Doesn't even understand English

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It used to be Doraemon but these days it's Pikachu.



Definitely Pikachu

Ursula from Ursala’s Kiss or maybe a Casey and Friends character.

Goku, you contrarian BITCH.

Pikachu is a video game character first and an anime character second. Pokemon is a video game based franchise first and an anime franchise second.

>"Mickey Mouse of anime"
>lists a video game character
Are people on this site this retarded?

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Who cares?

That's being retarded, that's like saying Goku doesn't count because he's a manga character first.

I feel like in Japan it would be different than worldwide. But you're probably talking about worldwide appeal.

In Japan, possibly Anpanman or Doraemon. These characters are used all over the place for tons of reasons.

But worldwide? Honestly... probably Goku. Or fucking Naruto, I dunno - No one is really as popular world wide as Mickey.

Sonic is more popular now. Eat shit

Cope. Manga/Anime are interchangeable. Pikachu isn't a anime character. He's a video game character.

Ehhhh. All animations are drawings first, Mickey included. But video games are an entirely different medium. I understand why it would be a different category.

But at the same time I don't know if it makes a difference. Some random mom seeing Pikachu will recognize it as "Pikachu, from that, cartoon thing or something!" and not necessarily "Pikachu from the video game"

>Manga/Anime are interchangeable
oh the irony

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>No one is really as popular world wide as Mickey.
Most people, the ones that count, associate Mickey with Zionism and trannyshit. Goku and Naruto absolutely do have a better reputation than him.

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Doraemon isn't just popular in Japan though, he's popular in most of Asia from China, India, Vietnam, etc...

meds faggot

Right fine I meant Southeast Asia / Asia in general, which may count to match the amount of territories where Mickey is popular

Pikachu became popular because of the anime, in fact if you went back to the 90s and asked who the most favourite non starter pokemon to someone who just played Red and Blue, they would probably name Pigeotto and Caterpie more popular answers than Pikachu.

Not him but it's Still true though
>but /po-

Who is the mascot of the top grossing franchise of all time, again?

>no argument
Oh the retardation.
>Pikachu became popular because of the anime,
And? He still originated from a completely different medium. He's a vidyashit character first and foremost.

It's not just the anime man, Pokemon has made more in merchandising than literally every other franchise ever made. Pikachu is not just an anime character like he's not just a video game character.

Pokemon became a worldwide phenomenon because of the anime

hello kitty is pretty big for girls right?


That doesn't matter. Since the medium he originated in was in video games.

*Pokemon GO

The truth is OP says 'synonymous with anime'

Pikachu is NOT 'synonymous with anime', even if it became wildly popular through it, he's still very well known from other media.

That said it's sort of an oxymoron to compare someone with Mickey whos synonymous with many things, to someone only synonymous with anime...

So do characters from anime adaptations of manga not count either or do you have a compelling argument as to how anime based on manga and anime based on video games are different?

He was barely relevant in the game, as relevant as Ralts was in Emerald(Weak stats, only available in a specific bunch of grass and that too rare) and only reason anyone know Ralts would be as the first form of the most fuckable pokemon ever(While Pikachu can't even have that status, while cute there are many other pokemon that are as cute or even cuter in the same game).

Mickey is synonymous with Animation though, unlike Pikachu who being honest comes from Videogames. Unless you bring up KH Mickey everyone knows him as the Animation character.

Does the average person on the street really know who Astro Boy is? I doubt it.

Hello Kitty? I dunno

Goku. The retards saying Pikachu, Doraemon or whatever are just trying to look smart for a answer that it's about popularity, making it obvious as FUCK. Never change Yea Forums.

SeeHis "popularity" doesn't matter. His origins do. And he originated in video games thus making him a video game character. It's not that hard to grasp retard.

Pikachu, doesn't matter what medium it's based off. The anime is a worldwide phenomena.

Obtuse BITCH.

And characters that originated in manga are manga characters, not anime characters

Oh yeah and the video game is not at all a worldwide phenomena. Nope, no one ever knew of Pokemon as a video game

It’s Goku. The people saying Pikachu, the video game character who everyone and their mother associates with video games , are just retarded.

Thats being disingenuous. Animes are typically 1:1 copies of their mangas. They go hand in hand, companions to each other.
Animes based on video games are completely different, taking certain designs and making a completely new story

Most people in the world recognize Pikachu but don't know Pokemon started as a video game

Goku. End of discussion

dude, idk if you're correct about that.

most random people will know Pikachu is some kind of Nintendo character. The type of people who think that Nintendo means "Video games".

I think you're all overestimating the anime. Sure it was crucial in bringing in the peak of Pokemania 25 years ago. But since then it died off while the video games and merch have remained strong.

There is no fucking way in 2022 people think of Pikachu as an "Anime" character. More people probably think of it as a Mobile App character.

In France it's pic related

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The problem here is relating Pokemon merchandise and the Pokemon Anime as the same. Yws, the merchandise is thanks to the Anime popularity, but Pikachu appears in so much other stuff that you would know him even if you don't know hid origin. Same thing with Superman or Batman, you know about both even if you don't know they are originally from comics.


>Sonic is more popular now
Sonic is a bastardized franchise. Sega has pretty much done everything they can to put it everywhere, but still, most people don't give a shit about it.

The only ones getting hyped over their games are the same fans from 15 years ago. But you wont see any kid getting worried about playing them, or begging their parents for it.

>But you wont see any kid getting worried about playing them

Why would a kid be "worried" about playing a video game?


Seriously OP, this question will differ between generations. For my parents, Mazinger Z & Heidi or Remi might be the most recognizable ones. For 90's kids, maybe Goku and Pikachu.

2000's kids will say Naruto, Bleach, etc

Eh, I still see many kids that become Sonic fans easily. The Franchise it's just way too popilar for it to die no matter how much Sega fucks up.

LOL. You faggots are delusional. Do you seriously think that people don't associate a Nintendo franchise with video games?