One Piece Thread

How do you feel about Yamato basically being confirmed to join the crew at this point?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>connected to ace
>oden "paralel"
>too much screen time
>wants to go to the sea
Also the last episode probably sold her to the anime-onlies, I don't care either way, but I feel like her not joining would be a big upset.

She'll ask Luffy and he'll probably just say "Sure, why not?".

I dont care. wano obliterated 99% of my emotional investment in one piece. The whole country could join the crew for all the fucks I give

shes forever tainted with pronounfaggotry just because Oda wanted to make a shitty gag

Saw this theory on Reddit:

>Kaido reveals he wanted to go to Marineford to save ace since he was Yamato’s only friend but Shanks stopped him cause the World Government needed him dead.

I still have a hard time imagining Shanks being a bad guy, but if Oda's going that route, this is the way to do it.

How does it feel to have shit taste?

Wano's been the high watermark of the series.

Wano is a top five arc for sure, a bit too long though.

Reddit is more retarded than late 2000s anime forums

Like Yea Forums might have that yamacarrot fagging and Twitter has zolo sanij fagging. Reddit is still the worst because Its a shizo asylum.

i want jewelry bonney to get more into the story for real i know shes going to be important as hell in the future.


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Here's what happened with Yamato's introduction:

Oda had her planned since Alabasta, Thriller Bark and Kaido's first mention (Ace's vivre Card, chapter 489, and Kaidu the mongol and his warrior daughter). However Naito prevented Oda from showing her earlier, convincing him that it would surprise people and that it would be great to reveal her face in chapter 984, the opposite of chapter 489 when Brook joined and Ace's vivre card became a plot point, due to number autism. Naito had ulterior motives, he was really trying to sabotage Yamato to favor Kekrot. Naito then went on to rig the poll for Carrot when his plan didn't work in hopes of changing Oda's mind, and when he realized it might have been too obvious he botted Nami twice as hard to deflect attention from his shit furry waifu. Rigging the poll had the opposite effect and Oda took it upon himself to delete Carrot from the manga in order to teach Naito a lesson.
Naito didn't learn his lesson and out of petty revenge he still pays Carrot shills to derail all anime forums that talk about One Piece. Be it in Japanese or in other languages. They coordinate through discord and other means.

Thankfully Megumi Ishitani, Ryota Nakamura and Tatsuya Nagamine are here to correct Naito's mess.

This is what Yamatofags actually believe

Honestly I didn't actually think Yamato was ever going to join but that episode convinced me that she's either joining or someone on the anime team is a MASSIVE yamatofag.

Ishitani, Nakamura and Nagamine are massive Yamatofags. Nami's, Robin's, Usopp's, Ace's VAs are Yamatofags too according to the Mugiwara Space section they have on twitter in which they comment the episodes.

Yamato is the best thing out of Wano.


Toei has thrown all subtlety out the fucking window with the 1015 when it comes to who the next straw hat is going to be.

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Wonder if this same kind of response happened when this woman animated the episode with all the gorgeous filler shots of the Warlords or if this is only cause this time Yamato was the one getting the filler animation the woman gives

I mean it’s also the adaptation of chapter 1000 it was kind of a milestone for the series

That's the combined titles of chapters 999 and 1000, we always knew Yamato was talking to Luffy through those milestone chapters. Oda did it first.

>The Sake I Brewed To Drink With You, Straw Hat Luffy

Episode 957 blew everyone away, it came out of nowhere with how good it was and nobody knew what the fuck just happened to the anime. 982 was hyped because of the impact 957 had and it delivered. 1015 simply far surpassed everyone's expectations even if you were hyped as fuck about it and your standards were incredibly high.

Yeah I’ve got a couple anime only friends and they went from “oh hey she might just join” to “oh she’s in” overnight

take your meds

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Yeah manga ch999-1000 is what really confirmed Yamato as the last nakama for me. Like literal confirmation.

Nothing's confirmed.

>Makes the best anime episode of OP ever
How the fuck does she do it?

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Bahi JD, he animated Yamato watching Ace's vivre card fading away.

can meds even help with this level of delusion?

/dbs/ shitposters still at it.
It's /dbs/

We are talking about ch1000, not 999.

She is the replacement for Kaido. She will be an ally who goes to see on her own. Being in Luffys crew would be weird. It is as if Katakuri joined the SHs.

I admittedly haven’t watched all that much anime so my opinion here might not mean much but I legitimately think it might have been the best animated episode of a show I’ve seen

It was confirmed to be a combination of both titles

Is his ultimate goal to be King of The World like Xebec?

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he just wants a good time

She is [headcanon] She will [headcanon] Being in Luffys crew would be [delusion] It is as if [retarded shit]

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any spoilers for this week's manga chapter?

Eh, this was more or less the same when chapter 999 and 1000 dropped. Yamato's hype was an all around high during these chapters.

I wonder how the anime only fags will feel when she spends the entirely of the raid either alone or glued to Momo's side

She says that in the manga too before 1000. They're not connected.

Spoiler provider got caught.

luffy punches kaido really hard

What was your first impression of this character?

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what? seriously?

I fucking hate /dbs/.

Suck Redon's cock and maybe he'll actually drop them instead of leaving his retarded hints.

why did Yamato wear that outfit and mask for one chapter and never wear it again since or in any flashbacks


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Like all big-tits waifu of the arc, that she would be the next reason these threads would be garbage

>She is [joining] She will [join] Being in Luffys crew would be [awesome] It is as if []
Congratulations. You played yourself

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And she said so before in the anime too, episode 1015 simply hammered into everyone that the titles of chapters 999 and 1000 were really connected and a reference to Yamato waiting for Luffy. If you want to live in denial and argue about it out of knee jerk reaction fine with me.

She probably gets a lot more time and budget to do her things compared to more mundanes episodes.

At any rate I guess we can expect her around Gear 5, maybe with another episode in-between.

Really, that’s what you have a hard time imagining? Not Kaido being a good dad?

She’s also wearing the mask when she’s watching Oden’s death to be fair
But honestly the reason was probably just to have a surprise reveal about her gender

>or in any flashbacks
She was wearing it while watching Oden boil

This. Basically repeating history. We're going to get a massive shitstorm of anime Carrot losing and then, by 1025 adaptation, Wano will probably be over and we can see if Yamato's quote to Kaido on going out to sea with Luffy aged well or not.

Next nakama

Predict the gag.

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She gets 6 months to make her episodes. It's the same budget but more time and a stellar staff, starting with Mori.

Nakama. Then the fatigue fated away.

No gag, basically Roger but evil.

Oh look, another namiface

>basically luffy, but evil



>Kaido actually PAID for these smiles
What a retard.