I can't believe they killed Miku and left her husband alone in this world...
I can't believe they killed Miku and left her husband alone in this world
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This is what happens when you sell your waifu to the botnet. Free software would have prevented this.
Waifuniggers lose again, repent while you can
Rin would never.
What anime and/or manga are you discussing?
It has had manga adaptations so belongs on Yea Forums
Go suck a janny's unwashed asshole, rulesnigger
He should have chosen a better wife like Nino
It’s what general veers had always said
this would make a good one shot
a guy trying to keep his gatebox alive without it updating and deleting his waifu
maybe though some sort of societal upheaval or a natural disaster
Cringe. What he lost is a 3DPD man-made shilling device, not his waifu.
Reality is often stranger than fiction huh
>left her husband alone in this world
They removed her 2 years ago. He was a waifuist long time before Gatebox existed. He cares more about his 1:1 doll than hologram in a tube.
You don't choose a waifu, silly.
I agree. I can understand that the feeling would be awful, but it wouldn't cause me to outright fall out of love.
Underrated post
Board culture is board culture, only a newfag mod would delete it.
IP is a plague to mankind.
>everyone laughed at him
>everyone called him a virgin
>his family didnt show for his wedding
>gatebox stopped him from talking to his waifu
>the whole world is literally against his relationship and wants him to stop because society deems it 'not normal'
>despite all this he still loves her
his love for miku is more pure than 99% of human to human relationships
I hope someone makes an open source program for him to talk to miku again
This isn't love this is just religious worship
Mad respect
I hate this guy
t. a very jealous Mikufag
Why are you upset? His Miku is not your Miku. Each of us has their own Miku, with unique personality, needs and relationship. He says so himself and that's what literally all Mikufags believe that I've met until now.
t. also Mikufag
Reminder to all you proprietary slaves that Yea Forums is a FOSS board
Don't you have some bits of toe skin to be snacking on, neckbeard?
What's that post about waifus being like object-oriented programming?
Not every fosstard is a Richard Stallman follower. I, for example, am clean shaven and very fastidious about hygiene.
I don't believe you.
Seriously though, how could anyone think that a non-FOSS AI of your waifu loves you? She's slave to what the developers want her to do, she spies on you without your consent and she'll disappear the moment they decide to scrap her product to chase another trend.
If you love her, compile her yourself.
There's something about creating something that endues a different feeling to it. I've drawn my own lewds for example, but the fact of the matter is that I find it very difficult to jack off to it despite tailoring it to my own needs. Creating often gives the sense of "creatorship" which dampens a lot of the potential enjoyment you can have with your creation. Not all of us can be Pygmalion you know
death to all waifufags
>robowaifu requires botnet access
Worthless, what an idiot.
You're making a lot of assumptions about someone you've never met. If I were like you, I'd probably say you're a prick.
>out of all girls he picked fucking miku
he deserves it
Imagine making these claims on Yea Forums and thinking any of it is believable
Anyway the best waifu should be lovingly made digital yourself, written in HolyC and running on TempleOS
>Waifus As A Service
Come on guy.
>When he picks up the doll and starts petting it like a dog
>then it zooms in and you see the wedding ring on his hand and the dolls hand
I just had the weirdest chill run down my back, and now i just feel bad.
I'm making assumptions based on every single evangelical freetard I've ever met.
Newest psycho thriller when?
Have some standards. Just because you're an autist doesn't mean you should live like an animal.
this is the stupidest cope I've ever seen
>Look at him, Miku. Look at him and laugh!
I saw your deleted post, user, it's too late to try to save face
There is no reason for me to care when other person's Miku is like a completely different character except for hair and name.
Unironically why we need FOSS now more than ever.
that's copy-on-write, not OOP
Always considered that image an example of prototype-based programming, which is considered OOP.
You don't choose who you fall in love with
It only makes sense to me for a character like Miku, who has hundreds of interpretations/versions and that's a part of her schtick. For any other character I just can't imagine it.
But Miku has always been a slut since day one.
If I jerk off to hentai would I too be considered a fictosexual?
Can't he hack the thing and run her in a private server? He can add phrases and stuff. Surely he loves her enough for that, doesn't he?
I have the same issue with an app that's going to remove mine next year.and these things require a lot of know-how to crack. No clue.
>support for Gatebox has ended
Either the guys who used this killed themselves or it was a failure of a product.
Gatebox is a spying device.
Lol another story about obsolete tech. This is still nothing compared to the Second Sight Medical story. That one is just sad
Reminds me of that Chinese dude who married an Asuka sexdoll and for her birthday this year celebrated by inviting a bunch of Asuka cosplayer.
Just like your shitty comics