And we thought 00s romcoms had terrible writing

And we thought 00s romcoms had terrible writing...

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Nagatoro is kino and I'm tired of pretending that it isn't

Naoto > Nishikata > Gojou > Izumi >>> Kazuya

How the fuck do you have the niggertoro guy above anyone? He'd literally not a character. Gojou is easily the best.

The niggertoro mob is watching me, I have to be careful

Get Gojou out of there, he is miles better than the others.

why do they all look so fucking plain

what would you define as not plain?

they are just Nobita from Doraemon

They’re not as insufferable as Keitato, believe me.

the last batch of literally me's were cooler, also 50% man solos everyone on ops pic

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is this the greatest scene in anime history?

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This and based

Well, this one goes in my backlog too, FUCK

Takagi is pure kino

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Numbers 2 and 3 are fine though. 4 is worst by far

Bottom right literally has a girlfriend, just saying

forgot the worst romcom

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Ayanokoji is a sociopath so he shouldn’t be grouped with all the romcom protags

I mean for better or worse in this kind of shows, the main girls recieve all the focus as they are expected to carry the show, the mc is just a complement or contrast for them, in the worst cases they exist to fail and be cringe so the main girl can shine and look cool (like izumi or kazuya), its all about gushing over waifus, with the plot being an afterthough that is loosely gonna be put together as the show goes on

Where's my Adam Sandler anime?

Those are LN literally me's. They've always been pretty based and still are. Manga ones range from turbochads to faggots. Sometimes it's the same character.

takagi had great writing in S3. Nagatoro is going fucking nowhere right now but at least the latest chapter finally forced them to move the story along

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birdie wing is basically happy gilmore

I don't wanna derail this into an SnK thread but I am still reeling from just how TERRIBLE that ending was, I really don't think I could've tanked the manga harder if I tried.

Shut the fuck up Mori.

I don't know how you can complain about these so called self-inserts while ignoring shit like Tawawa or Douki.

I think they started to nail my self insert finally

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those are based unlike the faggots in OP pic

Why is her forehead so big?

>drinks beer by the pint
>bullies lolis
Is he /our guy/?

What's wrong with Gojou? He seems pretty chill.

Because japanese highschool dresscode, duh.

Big brain for planning tricks on nishikata

>Niggertoro MC becoming a chad over the course of his series
>Sonar biscuit MC is apparently a (shy) chad from the start, over 6'2", muscular, rape hands
>cuck beret manga mc becomes a bigger and bigger cuck over the course of the series
I know nothing of the other two

She stores her love for you in there

Shikimori isn't really a romcom it plays out like a SoL centered around a couple.

Nagatoro manga is a solid B, it just had a shit anime adaptation. Bisque Doll is fun because as much as people meme about any given romcom lead having autism, go you has actual autism. Prostitute girlfriend sucks. The other two are fine C tier filler for when you generally want to watch "an anime"

They are literal nothings

>looks plain
>no friends
>no confidence
>beautiful women (without boyfriends, that's important, also virgins) just fall into his life and are easily impressed by whatever he does
same cookie cutter MC as everyone else. Though average harem MCs occasionally have a sense of humor.

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Can we ever have a romcom with a cool MC character design?

People really exaggerate romcom MCs, most of them are shy guys with lots of potential, they're never actual losers

Nishikata gets a pass, he's a 10 year old dumb kid, the rest of them should know better.


The real rating :
Gojou > Naoto > Nishikata > Izumi > Kazuma
However as Nishikata is way younger than the others he gets a pass for most of the retardedness, in fact he probably shouldn't be in the rating

Why are they all twink faggots besides the Marin one

Where's Keima?

Go back

Nishikata can't even say "I love you" to his own wife lmao

The purple guy is already on a relationship, he is not like the others

That isn’t anime, it’s a video of me.

that's because he has his daughter.


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Behold the ultimate literally me

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>no hotaru

The ultimate literally me is the ugly bastard with the mop but I don't have the picture on hand.

>Literally me > Literally me > Literally me > Heh. What a pussy > WTF I CAN'T SELF INSERT AS THIS GUY

Except Gojo.

>senpai already asked nagatoro out on a date 2 times

Anyone not having a mid-short black/brown hair?

Absolutely mogs any other MC

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