I just finished reading it and I've seen threads around here before. What's your favorite chapter? Favorite moment? Cutest panels?
Soremachi Thread
Time travel sweet shop chapter is my kino.
My favorite Shizuka chapter is the second part of Novel Between Dream and Reality. I forgot the exact name but the "fictional experience" diary idea and Shizuka-nee-san's relationship with Hotori reminded me of Synecdoche New York. I like how the entire chapter's wrapped around the cute interaction of her thinking that Hotori has been smoking with a boyfriend and being handed a draft of Hotori's story.
I really enjoyed the chapters with Hotori sneaking out at night
I love the artstyle from this series, I’m not sure what about it seems so familiar to me but the expressiveness of the characters seems kind of Peanuts-esque
The 'epilogue'
Sanda and Hotori skipping school.
Hotori getting a buzz cut.
The more you think about it the more you realize every character is a peanuts expy.
Abandoned village.
The interaction between those three is fun.
and Akira-esque
My favorite chapter was Arashiyama Treasure hunters. It had the whole gang solving a mystery. Perfection.
Ah, fuck off. I don't want to do a reread so soon.
sex with kon-senpai
hey i made that
Nice nice
Hard to pick a favorite but the one where sanada gets locked in the closet at the Ryokan is pretty good. I think it's the first chapter in v2
Hotori thinks shes a genius because she remembers random shit like kon's music collection
Kon sleeps with hotori (ch41)
Josephine chapters are always good
shizuka reminds me of the faces in heavenly delusion more so than any other characters
I love the Arashiyama family's bad sleeping habits.
oh nice, i started reading it earlier this week and im on chapter 93. always had it on the list but i finally decided to give it a go
the whole manga is very good so far so i cant pick favorites but i like the time traveling candy chapter and the shopping district group chapters
That’s so damn cute, thanks user
I went in thinking Kon was best girl but ended up falling for Hotori. I have a fondness for genki dumbasses
Kon is great and I like her a lot, she would be best girl if she were from any other series but Hotori is just too damn endearing
Stop samefagging, Sanada!
Tatsuno is best girl, especially as the series progresses and she's progressively revealed to be more and more unhinged and avid of otaku hobbies. I love the chapter where Suzu-chin goes to Seaside and within minutes, immediately knows how to push her buttons and send her into a frenzy.
I liked the part where Sanada jumped out of the window and beat the shit out of the crazy teacher to protect Hotori. He truly was based.
>I love the chapter where Suzu-chin goes to Seaside and within minutes, immediately knows how to push her buttons and send her into a frenzy.
That was hilarious, I wish she got more screen time
Was this the only time that Hotori would truly see Sanada as a man?
Tatsuno is great. I love those moments of her rotten personality peeking through her proper exterior.
funny, thats when i realized she had a poor attitude and was an irredeemable bitchy person.
plus her glasses are fugly.
Calling her a bitch is one thing but saying her glasses are ugly is unforgivable.
it's weird how much she seemed to mature by the time her hair got short
bitchy attitude and god awful ugly disgusting glasses aside, her design was stolen from sanjin sadou.
funnily enough, she also had a bad attitude.
She would have when he confessed to her at the pool except that fucking ghost ruined everything. I hate that ghost.
How brave of you to come out of the closet like that.
i may be an idiot, but ishiguro has written a comic about his experiences as a young manga man, and was introduced to mizukami at some sort of party. he introduces him as the creator of sanjin sadou. the signs are there and i will jokingly believe it until i have enough proof to sincerely believe it.
I always liked the "detective" parts. Hotori's Jelly Island story was actually pretty clever.
In that very same comic, it was Ishiguro's editor who suggested the glasses, before he met Mizukami.
this further boldens my claim that editors are the spawn of satan.
>all those rejected Hinamatsuri Mami chapters
Maybe you have point.
by the law of the transitive property, i am also right about glasses and tatsunos stolen design.
we make a great team, wattson.
Who are you calling Watson? You've clearly the Moriarty to my Holmes.
That chapter made me think less of a Sanada-Hotori pairing. At the pool he's just a horny retard who isn't on the same wavelength as Hotori's angst. I liked her being pushed in the pool as a way of breaking the tension, both with her worries about life moving on and Sanada's impending confession.
>Favorite moment? Cutest panels?
this was really cute and bittersweet
>poster count hasn't changed for the past 20 posts
At least there are a handful of people who really like this series, since it doesn't seem to be that popular.
He wasn't being a horny retard, he was dealing with his own angst over his hidden love. And confessing to her would have made them both happy. It was going to be perfect.
Its pretty old. Its must be finsihed at least 5 years ago and was running for 10.
Great series though.
sanada hands wrote this post
thats where you're wrong you see. moriarty was the bad guy, where i am spreading the word of god and informing the unenlightened about the terrors of girls with glasses.
I should probably reread the whole series
>spawn of satan
I feel like doing that as well, but I only finished it a few months ago and I have other stuff on my backlog
Yes! YES!
One of my favorite panels.