what do you think. Yujiro is the strongest or not in general?
without moe
Baki dou
Yujiro is the strongest overall. He punches and kicks the hardest out of anyone hands down and he is the fastest and most durable, BUT Sukune outclasses him in grip strength and Pickle outclasses him in functional pushing strength
What was up with Yujiro v Pickle? Was Pickle using some self made ancient anti-dino Aiki or was he copying the techniques of the fighters?
Mistranslation. Pickle was stronger and Yujiro instinctively used a trick
Damn Pickle is doorknob-tier
Kureha had just masturbated with talcum and Yujiro's palm was sweaty, please understand
Its pretty obvious, a slap from Yujiro sent Musashi flying but he didnt let go of his sword. Pickle's punch knocked Musashi tf out.
Pickle is not that strong, and seems to lack development potential. Musashi could match him in pushing strength, which makes me believe current Yujiro also could.
>Character learn lessons one arc only for those to be thrown out the next.
>Characters with similar styles of fighting or philosophies are treated entirely differently from each other depending on Itagaki's mood.
>Some important characters just vanish from the story entirely.
>The series entirely loses direction at several points and spends IRL years going no where. Or randomly changes direction mid way through an arc without any kind of tying off of the previous one.
How true is this?
Why is every fucking character in this manga the ugliest creature to ever live?
i like mio akiyama and baki!!
because it's a manga about serious fighters and most of them look like ogres irl
You simply haven't read it yet
These characters are only ugly to extremely close minded people who legitimately are afraid of artistic expression
The ugliness and rawness of baki becomes pure beauty and fire works once it clicks and there's no other Mangaka that will ever ever capture the same magic
It is the absolute peak of the fighting genre and every male that reads baki all the way through and doesn't enjoy it might legitimately be a woman
What I would give for a good arcsys 2d Baki fighting game
I just want to have Hanayamas haymaker on a charge input with insane super armor
It can't be an "anime fighter" or airdash fighter. A Baki FG should feel heavy and like fights can conclude in few hits.
You're right
A 3d style tekken fighter would be more appropriate
I believe baki was lightly rumored for tekken 7 a while ago with the director even saying they would look into it in a tweet. Would be really awesome to at least have that. I'd say it's possible for tekken 8
Musashi is much tankier than people give him credit for.
Reminder that he took a nut shot from demon back Yujiro and got back up in seconds. Also tanked Pickle's tackle much better than Jack.
Musashi really is insane
But hanayama being able to hit a beast like musashi with like 3 haymakers in a row is completely bonkers, this fight blew my mind the first time I read it
This "no moe" forced shit is so bad it made these threads go back to 2016-2017 levels of engagement in less than a week
Quite the accomplishment, really
>this summer
>hanma yujiro was living a normal life as the world's strongest creature
>until one morning, he woke up as... a dog!
>and he's about to find out, being the world's strongest dog is pretty RUFF!
Look how lean and cut Yujiro was during the Musashi arc, compared to his disgustingly chunky look now. I hate how huge he looks when he was known for his agility and power. Now he looks like a power only type.
Itagaki has completely fucked up the artstyle with everyone have balloon fat sausage like fingers.
I think the huge hands are a good choice. Those are superhuman fighting autists, their hands must looks like beastle gorilla paws. I don't like how forearms fuse onto the hand and nobody has wrists anymore. Seriously, look at Sukune's forearms on that pic.
How would Baki do against the cast of Lookism?
>It made the threads go back to being good
That's the goal
>every male that reads baki all the way through and doesn't enjoy it might legitimately be a woman
Good news for the transsexuals in the audience.
Can you stop bringing up moeshit all the time? You're only fostering more conversation on it in Bakithreads.
Yujiro is hot
Big hands to an extent make sense but this ridiculous proportion difference is my main issue. Look how huge Baki's hands are, this is dumb. Reminder that Doppo is 5'10 and yet looks like a mini giant with how wide and huge he looks. The average man should be somewhat the same size as the cast but no lets make them look insane in comparison.
Tell me if you think the stupidly sized hands look good on smaller characters like Baki. Honestly to me this new art style is hideous.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. How was the art so good last arc but so shit right now?
Retarded newfag
it's the /dbspics/
everyone else knows that baki always has been about the moe
Man we lost a lot of it with Retsu
I can’t really explain his new art style but itagaki draws random muscles on the face hat don’t exist. He does the same shit with forearm muscles as well. I’m not sure why
Utter bullshit. There has been very few few moe parts in the entirety of the manga and you know it. Most of these guys are fighting autists with serious faces and philosophies.
Retsu was the most moe of all. I miss him man.
>Reminder that Doppo is 5'10 and yet looks like a mini giant with how wide and huge he looks. The average man should be somewhat the same size as the cast but no lets make them look insane in comparison.
>Tell me if you think the stupidly sized hands look good on smaller characters like Baki. Honestly to me this new art style is hideous.
Baki comments how Doppo's retirement was bullshit and how "the size of his fists has been getting bigger". Easy in-universe explanation is that fighting autism makes you bigger than your initial adult size.
Gladestone can beat him.
I said before but Shibukawa should been the one to perish.
>Old respected master
>Seen enough Aiki to respect his fighting style
>Beaten some good fighters
>Was always a hot headed guy who liked to thrust himself into the fray of things
Retsu was needed to shore up the embarrassment of the Raitai tournament and take Chinese Martial Arts to a new level. Retsu gelled well with the cast and him being taken out was an idiotic decision to this day.
I think Doppo would have been a fitting choice, Katsumi is already destined to take over his legacy so why not engage in that story?
Funny you should mention that, days ago I was talking about how Doppo and Hanayama at this point are completely pointless characters. Why have Doppo when you can have a younger, nimble Katsumi? Why have Hanayama when you have a stronger Oliva or a stronger faster Jack? Seriously what does Hanayama do that both those character don't do better?
I get that they are popular but Retsu did not needed to die in the arc.
The weird thing is that Retsu has always been a super popular character as well, like usually top five in polls. I think Itagaki just wrote himself into a corner.
Englich. Can’t understand shit you’re saying
>When will chapter 124 be out? Break next week or what?
I agree. A lot of people love Hanayama but I don’t fucking get why. He looks cold, yes. He’s big and tall, yes. He is young, yes. He has a big pp, perhaps. But like you said, Doppo, Hanayama, Katsumi and Shibukawa are pointless characters. Same goes for Gaia by your logic, which I agre with btw
I had a premonition about this.
Oh Damn u righ
100% fucking fax
No break
You might as well say all the fucking characters are "pointless". I dont get what you want from them, they all want to fight and be strong, same as Baki and Jack really. Only Musashi, Oliva and Pickle really deviate from that out of the fighters.
Fuck yes
Fuck you if you are trolling
Not trolling, I get no joy out of disapointing fellow Bakichads.
Suck my cock?
You made me blush