Why do pilot suits in anime almost always be skin-tight suit? It really looks impractical

Why do pilot suits in anime almost always be skin-tight suit? It really looks impractical.

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I refuse to believe this post was made by a human.

Yeah I'm actually a bot, but don't sweat it.

It's a non-fanservicesque way to show bobs and vegana.

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so they can suck the weebs dry from all the figs they buy

Jet Pilots suits are super thigh already to compress you legs and limbs so the blood doenst rush to them due to G-FOrce, giant robots if they sitck to physic will have some massive G-forces too.
Difference is anime style the suit to thin while regular pilot suit have an extra layer to look baggy

hypothetically a skin tight suit is less encumbering, lighter weight, and would offer a superior pressure profile if suitable materials existed.(think compression socks)

Because you can't cum to trousers and a jacket. Well, you can't anyway.

We need more plugsuit post

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Seeing this episode on Toonami, then spending a week downloading the episode on kazaa so I could jack off to Linna suiting up for the first time is one of my earliest memories of masturbating.

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Externalizing the internals of a space suit in essence. Also, it makes fan service trivial to build into the show instead of spending additional budget on making it happen. Faggot.

You'd be surprised. An "Activity Suit" style space-suit uses mechanical tension instead of a pressurized suit. Most concepts and prototypes range between body stockings and raygun-gothic bubble helmet illustrations.

Even a practical version using modern tech would be skin tight across smooth sections of the body, The shoulders, pelvis, head, hands and feet would need to be built up to compensate for the complexity of the joints in those regions.

Yes, they're god-damn plug suits.

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Requesting all suit up scene gifs and webms that user has

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>mub rub suits are supposed to be see through
>none of the animes show them as see through

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Only the trainee ones.
Normal ones are fully opaque.

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>Why do pilot suits in anime almost always be skin-tight suit?
Fanservice. That's really just it. If you're lucky the pilot suit will look like some sort of jump suit though still form fitting.

what anime is this from?

There is no anime.
Read the VNs and LNs.

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how did garbage alternative get a s2?

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You should've seen the posts on old Yea Forums

>easier to move in
>Doesn't weight you down
>Doesn't get caught on shit
Is there anything more idiotic than a retard knowing he knows shit about what is and isn't practical? I mean not only are you a fucking retard for thinking that but you're extra retarded for thinking that people go to anime for practicality? You're a fucking idiot.

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needs pockets

Because the audience wants skin tight outfits instead of practically you no fun jackass.

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Any good webms from the new Muv Luv?

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I only got these two. What even happened in this scene, glowies sabotaged her suits to kill her?

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>this is an airplane pilot

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Perfect fit into the cockpit

At least darling made sense on how teenagers would react in a situation like that.
Rubbing their dicks against prime pussy in tight skinsuit.

do you hate male fantasy?

>Why do pilot suits in anime almost always be sexy? I'm gay.

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Mostly because of plug suits setting the standard. From an art perspective because artists draw tons and tons of naked people in order to learn so they can quickly draw a naked human form more comfortably, same reason comic book heroes usually also wear tights. Some shows can justify it as a compression suit or to claim it's made of an advanced material that is still protective but is incredibly light and unencumbering, but a lot don't bother and just do it as convention.

I love unnecessarily sexy plugsuits, they're the best. I had a constant erection watching Sorakake because of Itsukis stupid sexy suit.

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>Mostly because of plug suits setting the standard.
Nigga, space suits have been tight is something is as old as sci fi. Go look up some 70s shit.

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Even better if they have floating glowy bits.

>From an art perspective because artists draw tons and tons of naked people in order to learn
Yes. To learn.....riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

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Do I even need to wear clothes if I'm going to stay inside a giant robot doing nothing but pressing buttons?

Not always

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its from the old scifi autors finding scuba gear futuristic, so all clothes in the future were skin thigh, protected you against all environmental hazards, etc etc

Yes. To learn how to draw naked bodies. You can guess for whatever reason, but human anatomical study has been standard in art since forever.

They're basically a form of Mechanical counterpressure suit, which is a real technology currently being worked on for both space and atmospheric use. The sleek, form-fitting design both helps keep all the fliuds in the body from pooling causing injury or worse, can help stop bleeding caused by minor wounds and is far more flexible than any currently used military or space suit. We will likely see real-world skintight suit designs within the next 50 years, if we even get that far.

Also they just look good.

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Of course. Right. You don't need to tell me twice. I'm totally on your side, fried. WINK.

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is that fucking Grenadier?

This is all you need to see.

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IRL they use compression suites that compress the blood out of the legs to keep the pilots from blacking out. This combined with special breathing is standard training for a combat jet pilot. It's safe to assume that not only are the ones in your picture sexy, they have the function of contracting to control distribution of blood to keep the pilot conscious.

No that's Godannar. Grenadier was the one about the cowgirl who reloads guns with her cleavage.

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>No that's Godannar. Grenadier
always mix them up name wise, thank you

No prob, bob. It's one of my favorites.

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Yeah, cause you never know what's gonna go wrong. What if your giant robot's life support system fails and you need to eject? What if you get called back from your sortie? What if your commanding officer wants to videocall you? Suits exist for a reason, sometimes even the suits themselves are part of the giant robot's control systems.

>What if your commanding officer wants to videocall you?

What if indeed....

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I feel like these are probably super uncomfortable for boobs. The suits are way to tight around the chest.

Why is that?

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Code Geass: Akito The Exiled

If it's going to function as a proper counterpressure suit it needs to be skintight even there. It's not like bras are a natural thing anyway.

It's a cartoon.

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Excellent thread

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Every reminder of Muv Luv makes me angry these days. I hate this.

It looks cool and sexy.

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Evil mind control tech.

>Search google for source
>Identifies image as RELIGON

I find the source fine btw, I just think that's pretty fun. I'd certainly go to that church.