Did anyone here actually like Death Note post-L?
Death Note
I like Near because he makes everyone seethe.
I never finished it, won’t ever bother
I hate Near because he makes me seethe.
I havent read or watched dn but I think I'll probably like/won't mind the second half when I do?
Near is honestly sexy and I wanna sodomize him, and imo Mello is genuinely cool just judging from a surface level
dropped immediately
I like Near but hate the rest of the arc.
That's a retarded reason to like something.
I'm a retard because it makes everyone seethe.
i didnt understand and don't remember much except the very end but yeah they could've made it a little less obvious that they didn't have a plan for the story after L's death tho
People think they didn't have a plan because they were suddenly told to continue the story as they finishing it. Obata and Obha took a two month break after the L death chapter because Shounen Jump probably didn't give them any warning. L was probably supposed to defeat Light in volume 7/episode 25 or 26
No. Most people either like L or Yagami, very few people like Near/Mello
Everyone loves Matt despite him having 10 seconds of screen time. I forget that he was a character along with the con man and thief
Explain why you hate Near/Mello without sounding butthurt over them not being L
The best part of the second half is Aizawa and Matsuda getting more screen time.
The 2nd arc was soulless and very dark. Near is a cheap imitation of L (it's true) who only ran on L's hard work and had barley any evidence, and Mello was a mafia member. Light was more likeable than both of them.
Also how did near even know what L looked like? They came from the same orphanage. L was 10 years older than Near its impossible for him to know what L looked like with extreme detail
same user here, especially when it said in the series "no one knows what L looks like"
yeah, really feels like that. no wonder there's such a conception of near being L2
I like Near because I want to rape him.
You got filtered speedwatcher
I've seen it 3 times. Cope retard
My biggest issue with the 2nd part of the anime is the scene where Near "figures out" X-kira is Mikami. Like, what the fuck was that.
I liked how pathetically Light died
I like how Near and Mello are literally like the individual parts of L. He is a composite of what they could both be and that's fantastic.
Near playing with toys and Mello eating candy. L plays with candy. It's cute. I don't think the series got much worse after L's death and in fact I think the ending was really good.
>swims internally
>There must be a 2nd Kira acting in the shadows, but who could it be ...
>*Looks at the TV and sees one random Kira follower*
>That's him, that's Kira Two!
>Explain why you hate Near/Mello
I can't. It's been so long I forgot. I remember light and I remember L but these losers came out of nowhere and were just forgettable
What really points to this theory being true is that Obha and Obata's next manga Bakuman (which is about the manga industry) had it's two main characters create a manga called Reversi and their editors forcing them to kill off the main character's adversary to keep milking the series. This is an obvious nod to Death Note. Also, the Death Note film series ended with L defeating Light by writing his own name in the Death Note to prevent Rem killing him.
I can complain about a lot of things in post-L Death Note but one obscure issue that always bothered me was its depiction of the Mafia. It's painfully obvious the author did zero research.
For 1, none of the members are actually Italian, just a weird mix random Whites and Blacks with the dumbest gaijin-sounding names Ohba could come up with.
2nd their status is incredibly inconsistent. They somehow have the political influence to infiltrate the CIA and FBI (see Ill Ratt), and the money to afford a fucking cruise missile that can’t be detected by radar. And yet their headquarters range from a trashy industrial warehouse and a pile of ruins in the outskirts of LA. These fuckers should be lounging inside a billion dollar mansion with state of the art security.
I love the second part, only retards who can't figure out why Near is the best character in the series hate it.
I mean, just look at him, he's definitely got the vibe.
The italian mafia is not the only mafia in the world. I'm pretty sure the Triads and Yakuza preceded the Italian mafia but whatever
Death Note is canon in Bakuman though, it's a dumb theory because why would they go on a 2 month break just to extend the story for another 5-6 volumes?
The reason Near looks like L is because Near and Mello were originally intended to be L's sons but they changed it because they couldn't imagine someone like L having sex
For the love of god I want them to stop making one shot chapters. The newest one was pozzed as fuck and I don't give a fuck about worst L
I thought the last third was overheated, at least it didn't go full retard like Code Geass
Did Ryuk watch Light while he was on the toilet and when he jerked off?
I don't think Ryuk would be into that.
I did, certainly not the worst I've seen and had a proper conclusion.
Yeah, I thought he was cool
Honestly don't understand the hate
>L's theme rips off Mike Oldfield
>Mello's theme rips off Slint
>Near's theme rips off Aphex Twin
stop posting this, no, no one did
when you really think about it there are only like 40 possible songs anyway
Checked also if Near couldn't beat Yagami without Mello, why does Near steal all the glory? Also Mello is a burn victim. Near was a sheltered little shit
Autism beats homosexuality I guess
I just found out that Obha wanted 108 chapters from the start because the number 108 is said to be the number of temptations that a human soul must face throughout the reincarnation cycle before reaching Nirvana and exiting the cycle.
Anyways, Takeshi is a hack and always has been. Just because he wrote 1 half better than the other doesn't mean he was forced to. It's obvious now that he's just a shit writer
I love all of Death Note. i rewatched the last two eps recently and the cast is sexy. Mikami especially, unf
Isn't that why FMA also had 108 chapters?
Death Note is good start to end, based user
probably, FMA had similar themes to the numbers meaning
Bakuman > Death Note
Not at that time but rewatching made me eir rivalry and how far they went having to start from near square 1
This. It's the only anime I've ever watched 3 times
Which character is more polarizing? Near, Misa or Mello?
Near. For all the wrong reasons too
No but Mikami was based even if he was retarded.
Yeah, it was nice. Double the cat and mouse shenanigans.
Tell that to the contrarian on Yea Forums
well near and mellow we're also way too old to be a collage graduate's son
Near and his croonies ruined it.
Wasnt even close to pre L, but it was still watchable for the Kira shenanigans