ITT: i can fix her
ITT: i can fix her
I'd rather damage her more
she....i would not mind it at all being with her.
fixing her... that's inpossible.
tfw not a table
>she puts a paper bag over your head so she can grind while pretending you're a table
omo onigaishimasu
I'll save you, Pukesy-chan!
no need to fix anything
How would she have reacted if she discovered Euphie spent the night with Lelouch?
I Can Fix Her: The Anime
>tfw no tablefucking genocidal gf
She doesn't need any fixing
that bitch ain't broken, bitch crazy
by weaponizing the sakuradite inside a mothballed Ganymede at her school
rape correction is necessery
meant for
With 12ga 00 buck
I CAN fix her...I will...
I don't know if there's anything to be fixed.
Love depends on the ability to see past faults anyways.
Lain has a lot to offer, and being into technology is a plus for most people here anyways.
First word in each sentence.
if it ain't broke, don't fix it
itt: you can't even fix yourself
why would i want to?
I will make them worse
Perfection does not need repair.
The only thing I would fix is her empty womb.
No way you're that retarded.
I can fix her and it would be easy as pie to do so.
Love is sustained by being able to see past a person’s fault, but a partnership is sustained by working to improve on those faults.
You can’t fix her, but she WILL break you.
cappy-chan is a beautiful maiden
thats hot
I like the theme.
self distruction is quite lovley isn't it :D
god i wish i was that cheese pizza
I want to see her have physical as well as emotional scars though...
Does this count as indirect cunnilingus?
Yes, they've caught the gay.
>fighting in the forest with Tayuya
>talk no jutsu into convincing her to defect
>village decides they want to kill her for being a Sound ninja
>go rogue to free her
>she takes me to the Sound
>become an unholy abomination serving Orochimaru as payment
>he removes my eyes so I can't see Tayuya, my nose so I can't smell Tayuya, my tastebuds so I can't taste Tayuya's pussy
>she gets trains run on her by other sound ninja
>can't even participate since Orochimaru replaced my dick with a snake
wtf dropped
You can't fix people, however you can help them fix themselves.
desu that's not a huge jump for Milly.
Those Kaguya bedroom eyes